The David Spoon Experience 9-19-23 Part 1
A) We now examine the full explanations that Jesus gave regarding where the four seeds fell in people’s lives. The first seed that Jesus makes reference to is the seed that fell on the hard path. He clearly states that those people represent the people who hear the good news about the Kingdom of God, but they don’t really understand it. From the other gospels, we understand that they don’t care about understanding it either. And when people have that type of operation in their hearts and minds, the enemy is able just to come and snatch the word away from them.
B) Jesus then explains regarding the people who hear the message, but it is on rocky soil. Here’s a definitive problem: they receive it with joy and think it’s great. Then he connects these people to young plants that have no roots no depth. They are surface people who go with the flow on anything that sounds cool. Everything seems fantastic in the beginning, but the moment there’s a problem, out they go. Can’t we all just get along? No, Jesus said.
C) The third group is one of the most interesting groups to me. These are the people who have the seed thrown on thorny ground. They accept the message, love it, and believe it. But soon, the message is crowded out by the cares of this life and the lure of money and riches. So, to that effect, there’s no room for the seed to grow, and therefore, no fruit ever comes out of the seeds.
D) And, of course, the last group is what all Christians claim to operate in good soil. Good soil means it’s prepped and ready to receive, which would be a good idea when we start reading our Bible. The reception for those seeds is powerful and represents the people whose hearts truly accept God’s message and use it in their lives. It produces fruit, sometimes 30-fold, at other times 60-fold, and yet at other times 100-fold. It might be fascinating to understand this in light of individual experiences with individual seeds: sometimes we get a good amount of it and use it; sometimes we get a great amount of it and use it; and sometimes we just fully get it and fully use it.