The David Spoon Experience 9-18-23 Part 2
1) Job 36 starts off with a bang in verse two. Elihu says, "I am not finished defending God.” Let’s set the record straight for all those people in the media who are not too bright or the other people who get in front of cameras and say, 'I’m not here to speak for God.' It seems like that’s appropriate since those people don’t know who God is and have no relationship with Him. But those of us whom He has called to advance His kingdom are, in truth, supposed to speak for Him to other people. That’s what we’re called to do.
2) As few people will want to hear this, Elihu supports Job's initial contentions that the Lord allows both good and evil. "Should we not accept both from the Lord? God doesn’t make the evil, but He allows it. People don’t like that, but it’s too bad," In verse 9, it states, "He shows people their sin and that they must turn away from their evil. And He does that because He’s merciful. If they listen and obey, then God blesses them. Don’t forget that sticky thing called Repentance."
3) Then, an observation comes regarding those who are godless. They are defined as people that are full of resentment. "Yes, they don’t say that out loud initially, but deep in their spirit, deep in their heart, deep in their mind, they are resentful because they know that everything they’re doing has no lasting value and they have no hope to help them extend past bitterness."
4) And here we go as Elihu drops another hammer, especially for those who are positive gospel oriented. Verse 15 says that "by means of suffering, God rescues those who suffer, and He allows it to get their attention through adversity." So, before everybody complains about what God is doing, even in allowing suffering and adversity, there is a Divine purpose. It’s all designed to draw people closer to HIM.