The David Spoon Experience 9-19-23 Part 2
1) Paul continues to emphasize that everything is by the grace of God. He mentions that most of the Gentiles have found God but then quips that actually, they were found by God. The concepts of free will and predestination can be difficult to reconcile. But it doesn’t have to be. From our perspective, it seems like free will, but from God’s perspective, it’s predestination. Paul concludes this portion by asking if we are trying to win favor with God through our actions. He reminds us that we cannot. Not gonna happen.
2) Paul then expresses deep concern for his audience. He fears that all his work with them will go to waste. He wants them to live in freedom, as he does - freedom from the law, legalism, and performance orientation. He wants them to live in the grace and mercy that comes from Jesus Christ.
3) Paul makes an emotional plea, reminding his audience of when he first came to them. Despite being physically unwell, they saw him as an angel from God and thought of him in spiritual terms, in terms of kingdom ministry. And his physical lacking did not deter them.
4) The apostle concludes this thought by reminiscing about the joy they all shared in the early days. In the beginning, it was great. What happened? They tried to take over that which God Himself started, so they lost their joy. He then asks a simple question: “Have I become your enemy because I am telling you the truth?” Before, when Paul told them the truth, they received it and became Christians. Now he challenges them again and wonders if the truth he tells them is making him their enemy. It should not be that way.