The David Spoon Experience 9-18-23 Part 1
A) In 1st Timothy, 5:17, the Apostle Paul addresses the Elders who serve well. It should be noted that not every elder “does” serve well. But most do. This is not Elders and Deacons en-mass, but Elders who are fully devoted to the ministry with their time, talent, and treasure. And there is a specific nod to those who teach truth and doctrines. This does indicate that the teachers should make an honorable salary. Yes, a salary. A workman is worthy of his wage.
B) The scriptures teach that you can’t muzzle an ox while it’s working. How much more is this true for those who help their brothers and sisters in their Kingdom faith? A workman is worthy of his wage. A pastoral position of helping 100 people $150,000-ish would be for all positions and would be just north of $200,000 when factoring in motivational speeches, counseling, management, public relations, governmental liaison, and several other factors, including all common societal (Marriage/Funeral) services
C) Do not “receive” an accusation against an elder. Just because someone says it doesn’t make it true. This applies more to government and media than it does to church people. It must be two or three witnesses. Under normal Jewish law, the same people from one family would not be enough because of conspiracy opportunities. For a biblical reference, please see Ananias and Saphira. Public rebuke for this who are, indeed, guilty is for the sake of the rest of the body; take heed.
D) Do everything without prejudice or partiality. The church cannot operate with this spirit, even though governments and media do this with a vengeance. Even though those around us are operating with prejudice or partiality, we are NOT ALLOWED to be in the same spirit. That does not mean you and I are unaware of these worldly and demonic attributes. But it does mean that for a Christian, there should be a distinction. If there is no difference between the church and the world, we got a huge problem.