The David Spoon Experience 9-15-23 Part 2
1) I love Friday’s DDDs. They could be called DDDDD: Dr. Dave’s Devotional Diamonds of the Day. We can blame that on Don. Our first one looks at 1 John chapter 2, where it makes reference to us not being ashamed before Jesus when He returns. There is an understanding that the Lord is returning, either for us corporately or for us individually. But when He does come, the one thing we don’t want to happen is for us to be ashamed of where we are as his children and as kingdom builders.
2) Next, we examine death - the good, the bad, and the indifferent. There are many people we have encountered that we think, “I certainly don’t want them to go to hell, but I certainly don’t want to hang out with them in heaven either.” Yeah, I get that. But here’s the reality: because God is who He is, He takes great pleasure in the death of the Saints. You may be thinking, “Why is that?” The answer is simple: because there is no more separation between God and those He loves. But He also has great sadness in the death of the wicked. You may be thinking, “Why is that?” And we will examine that very thing.
3) In 2 Timothy chapter 4, Paul is closing out his last letter written in the New Testament. He talks about standing firm in the faith and how when he did that, nobody stood with him. That’s a very frustrating feeling when you take a stand on something, and nobody is with you, even those who are supposed to be. And what do you have left? The irony is that the answer to what you have left is the answer to how we should be living anyway.