The David Spoon Experience 6-7-23 Part 1
A) Psalm 36 starts off with an interesting twist: David says he is writing an oracle (usually connected to thinking about the future) concerning the transgressions of the wicked. David lists seven things that the wicked operate with. They are all bad. David thinks of these things because he is going to contrast them with what the godly receive from God. B) There are mercy, faithfulness, righteousness, preservation, favorable judgment, and lovingkindness, which is the New Testament equivalent of grace. All of these produce abundant SATISFACTION.
C) With You is the fountain of life: Oh my! Is God trying to tell us through His word that HE is the answer that we are all looking for? Is He the fountain that brings peace, healing, and grace that sustains us during our lifetimes? Do I really need to answer any of these questions? You know the truth.
D) We see light in Your light: This is the key. Jesus is the light of the World. John 1:4-5 states, In him, was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome (understood) it. The hardest element is that the closer to the light we get, the more we see ourselves.