The David Spoon Experience 6-6-23 Part 2
1) Today, we dive into two extraordinary texts from Isaiah. The first one we jump into. It’s from Chapter 50. What do we find out? That the Lord helps us in so many ways. He enables us not to hide our faces from others regarding our confidence in Him. He enables us to make determinations that will be accomplished. And by His grace, He enables us to be separated from worldly shame and worldly sorrow.
2) Have you ever started with an art project, something along the lines of clay What does it look like when you start? Are better yet when you do a painting? What does it look like before the design and color are added? The clay is just a lump. For the canvas, there’s nothing there. It is no different with us. As the object of His artistry, we are nothing when we start with. But in the hands of the greatest Artist, we become something altogether different. God takes what looks like no value and, through His grace, creates eternal treasure.
3) From two wonderful portions in Isaiah, we jump into the unbelievable in the book of Jeremiah. He told the people what they needed to do. He’s told them how to go about finding stability, safety, strength, and soundness in life. But the people have a response that is not unlike the response of the world when Jesus calls out to them. The response from the people is defiance. The response from the people is that we will do as we have done before we will. We will not follow your ways. We find out from the text that the people are in their situation because of their prior defiance. Their solution is continued defiance. Doesn’t that sound crazy? Same now as then.