The David Spoon Experience 6-7-23 Part 2 (Transcribed)
The David Spoon Experience
David Spoon
June 7, 2023
– Part 2
18:17, 31-33; Hebrews 10:19-22; 2 Chronicles 15:10-15
David Spoon: Here's what's
coming up this hour on today's Experience. It's wild and wonderful. What's going
to happen? We have no idea. Let's sit back and enjoy the ride. Can I get a
"Wowser Bowser Wednesday," because God is in charge of this crazy bus
called the Christian journey.
First, wow! You guys are in for a treat…maybe. We're going to review a
sermon I preached over 32 years ago…32 years, 11 months, and 2 days ago. It is
as pertinent as it was then for today, and probably even more so. Before we get
into this very unique teaching, I am giving you a soft encouragement and
warning. This does not, this should not, and this will not be for any form of
legalism in your life. This is a message that is to challenge you. The purpose
is to take this information and draw one step closer to the Lord.
Next, we're going to cover the sin of prayerlessness. That's right. I did
not say, "The lack of the habit of prayerlessness," and I did not
say, "The lack of discipline of prayerlessness." I want to talk about
the sin of prayerlessness. We're going to discover that prayerlessness
is not just a weakness but an actual sin. Could this be one of the greater
hidden sins that's not dealt with? What?
What we'll do is we'll define prayer. We'll look at its various
aspects and process. Then we'll understand that this message is not to
disregard, in any fashion, the Holy Word God has given us. The purpose of this message
is to fire up our engines so we spend more time with God. I'm going to
emphasize it because it's emphasized by God.
Introduction: David Spoon's
life has been an experience. While growing up in a Jewish family, he made a
wrong turn toward drug abuse. Then David Spoon found Jesus Christ, and his life
completely changed. The more he studied the gospel, the more he wanted to share
his experiences with others. After 35 years of ministry, David discovered a new
path of service. He joined KAAM, and this radio program began. You're about to
hear The David Spoon Experience.
David: Welcome to The
David Spoon Experience, local, national, and heavenly talk. Here's what else
we're looking at during the show: lessons for surviving, living, and prevailing;
politics, entertainment, and current events; personal revelations; spiritual
observations; my life's insanities (a lot of those); and, oy vey, so much more.
Beige. I think we'll paint the ceilings beige.
Okay. Here it is. You have this opportunity to reach out to us while
we're doing the show. You don't have to. You just can if you want to. You can
email us at
You can text us live during the show at 214-210-8483, or you can call us at
972-445-0770. When you make that call, you'll end up talking to Dynamite D. Talking
to Dynamite D is like talking to somebody who gets excited about heavenly
Dynamite D: Very true.
David: You do. You get
Dynamite D: I do. I love
that stuff.
David: Isn't it just like
saying, "Ahh, I love it." Okay. Here's the whole thing. Ready? Maybe
you have a prayer request. Call. Text. Email. Maybe you have a praise report.
Call. Text. Email. One way or another, up and down, good and bad, let's share
it together, moving closer together with the Lord.
See, the goal here is for everybody to move closer to the Lord. Right? But
you don't just move closer to the Lord with your hands at your side. You put your
arms out and help everybody, as everybody is helping everybody, and everybody draws
in and gets closer. That's powerful. That's the powerful stuff, the closer we
Now, you might want to just call and share something. That's totally
awesome. If you're like, "I'd really like to share" or "I'd
really like prayer," but you don't want to let people know, you can do
that on the website. We've told you that before. You can do praise reports on the
website. But if you want to, you are welcome to join in in the community in any
capacity you can. Okay?
So, I'm going to do the trivia question, and then we're going to do our
DNA, because we didn't get to do our DNA because we were having a little bit of
fun in the teaching and stuff. So, we're going to do our trivia question. This
is an easy one. Even if you call in, we're going to put you on hold for a
minute or two, because I want to make sure we get our DNA in.
Here you go. Again, all of these trivia questions are on the Good
Samaritan. How many people passed by without helping the person before the
Good Samaritan came along in the story Jesus told? If you think you know the
answer, you can reach out to us and call 972-445-0770. You can also text
214-210-8483, or you can send an email to
So, how many people passed by before the Good Samaritan in the story Jesus
told? I will take this moment to say that all of the pastors who say this is a
very dangerous road… The only problem is that Jesus is telling the story, and in
the story there are people traveling on the road. So it's like, "Okay,
sure." Let's do our DNA. D stands for draw closer to the Lord…
Dynamite D: Daily.
David: Oh, if you think
that has applied to you in the past, wait till you hear what we're going to teach
today. I'm just going to let that go. You'll get it. N…never be ashamed
of Jesus or his words. Never be ashamed of what Jesus had to say. People
are like, "Well, are you talking about what's in the gospel?" Nope. Genesis
1:1 to Revelation 22:21.
Jesus Christ is Lord. Jesus Christ is God, and he is from the very beginning.
Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning…" John 1:1: "In the beginning…"
You should understand, "Oh, yeah. That's the connection. Got it. I get it
now." That's why Jesus is the Word. King of Kings, Lord of Lords…just all
of it. Don't get me going. Then A…always be ready…
Dynamite D: To serve.
David: To serve. OPM
(other people matter). Putting other people on your radar takes a lot of
pressure off of you stressing about your own stuff. Additionally, it helps them.
Additionally, what a person sows, they shall also reap. Additionally, you get
to rejoice with them and help them and be blessed with them, and that's your
brother or sister anyway. You might as well get used to hanging out, because you're
going to be doing that for, oh, a gazillion, trillion, bazillion, zillion
years. Okay?
All right, great. That's our DNA. We love it. One more time on the trivia
question, and then we're going to jump into it and see where it goes. How many people
passed by without helping him (the person who was in the story of the good Samaritan)
before the Good Samaritan came by? How many people passed by? You should be looking
at Luke, chapter 10. If you think you know the answer, 972-445-0770, or
214-210-8483 is the text, or email
Ready? Okay.
Martin Luther said that prayer is greater than the Devil himself. Interesting.
Fascinating statement. Andrew Murray, who wrote multiple books on prayer, said by
prayer we are clothed with power from on high. So, as we go through this
message, we're going to find out that there is power in prayer, then there is a
weakness in prayer (we're not going to cover that quite as much), and then
there is a sinfulness in not praying.
So, let's start off with the most simplistic elements. What do we know
about prayer? What can we say about prayer that would be accurate? Well, prayer
has been defined as talking to God, praising God, crying, calling, knocking,
requesting, and so on and so forth. A working definition for prayer (it's
going to blow your mind) is any act of communion with God. Listen to that…any
act of communion with God.
Prayer by its very nature is our pathway to intimacy with God. So, let's
take a look on the powerful, positive side of things at how absolutely incredible
prayer is. We'll just start with our favorite guy that we can in the Old
Testament, Abraham, who didn't have a Bible. Wait, what? See, I'm in right now the
Genesis part. I could tell you something that would blow your mind like we did
last week. I'm not doing it. Not going to do it.
Dynamite D: I'm not going
to tempt you, but it's interesting.
David: Abraham didn't have
a Bible. He didn't have a church, but look at how close he was to God. Genesis
18:17: "Then the Lord said, 'Shall I hide from Abraham
what I am about to do?'"
God was so close to Abraham he wasn't even going to hide what was going to take
place. How close was he?
I think most of you know, and we don't have to go through the whole story
right now… Abraham had found out what the Lord was going to do. Abraham, then,
gets into this connection, or this relationship, with God. The Lord and Abraham
are talking, and Abraham goes, "If there are 50 righteous people, you're not
going to wipe out the city." God goes, "No. No, no, no." He
takes him all the way down to 10. Here's what he says. Let me do a couple here.
"Abraham said, 'Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the
Lord, what if only twenty can be found there?' He said, 'For the sake of
twenty, I will not destroy it.' Then he said, 'May the Lord not be angry, but
let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?' He answered,
'For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.' When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and
Abraham returned home."
This is like a relationship on top of a relationship. This is the
engagement God has with his people. How do you think this took place? Listen to
this. James 2:23: "And the
scripture was fulfilled that says, 'Abraham believed God, and it was credited
to him as righteousness,' and he was called God's friend." What? I want that.
I mean, do you think Abraham had faith? He was the father of faith. Noah
acted righteously, but Abraham is considered the father of faith. How did he
get so close? Through communion of prayer, for talking to God, for communicating
with God. He got so close to God, God wouldn't even hold something back from
I have to show you this. You've had a friend who has said that to you, and
the reason they've said that to you is because you're their friend. Look at
this. You're going to be like, "Oh, wow! That happens all the time in relationships."
It sure does, so it should be happening with us to some degree. Right?
You know where we're going to go with this. You know it's just going to
go on and on. I'm not going to spend the entire time just talking about the
positive things, because the fact of the matter is the power that is released
in our lives by communing with the Lord… Again, does that communion have to be
a specified amount or does it have to be at a specified time?
Well, Israel was so committed to the principle they established times of prayer
to help people do that. They weren't trying to be legalistic, but they kind of ended
up being legalistic, because once you overdo a rule, you kind of lose your mind
on it. There were multiple times of prayer, multiple times to call in. They
still do this in the East. In the Muslim countries, they have the call to prayer.
Same thing. There's no difference…except for when we pray, it's supposed to
follow this guy and this model.
The way Jesus put it out in the manner of prayer… Prayer and faith are the
two big issues that Jesus… Jesus taught more about faith and prayer than he did
about love. You might as well just pull it back and go, "Ooh." He taught
almost as much about sin as he did about love, but nobody wants to talk about
that, because that also is important. But that's not the point. I want you to understand
the power these people had was because of the time they put in.
Dynamite D: Dave, do you
know what's so fascinating with that? I was studying Genesis earlier this
morning in my personal devotion, and you really see that communion with Abraham
and God. It was counted to him as righteousness because he believed. So literally,
faith and prayer right from the beginning.
David: Absolutely. If you
just go into Genesis 12… Just look at it. We'll take a break and come back.
There's so much to cover, and we hope we can get it done in this show. In the
meantime, I do have to give the answer to the trivia. How many people came
along before the Samaritan came along? Two. There was a priest and a Levite in the
story. Then the Samaritan came. All right. We'll take a break. You're listening
to The David Spoon Experience right here on KAAM 770, The Truth Station,
here in Texas. Short break. We'll be back. Don't go anywhere.
This is really important stuff, so I don't want to, by any means, fail to
communicate it. I'm going to kind of run it back through so you can follow it
and just pick up on a point or two.
"As they rode along, they came to some water, and the eunuch
said, 'Look! There's some water! Why can't I be baptized?' 'You can,' Philip
answered, 'if you believe with all your heart.' And the eunuch replied, 'I
believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.' He ordered the carriage to stop,
and they went down into the water, and Philip baptized him. When they came up
out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away. The eunuch never
saw him again but went on his way rejoicing."
I have one more point. That's why I have to split it up this way. Here's the
thing. I know it's ridiculous to say, but I'm going to say it to you, and it's important
for you to recognize. There are a lot of trials going on right now…in the world,
in your life, in your family, in different people's lives. I understand. It happens
for me too.
I have a daughter who's going through the mill. I have a son who's recovering
from COVID. We have all of these things going on and people we love having a hard
time, going through the up and the down. You know there's a lot of that stuff
going on. I understand. But there is another part of me that also understands
this text. "The eunuch
never saw him again but went on his way rejoicing." Why was he rejoicing? Because he's saved.
That's why.
All the stuff we go through… It's a drag. But there is coming this moment
where the fullness of the redemption of the salvation that has been granted to
us by grace, received by faith from the Father through the Son and by the Holy
Spirit… We're going to get the fullness of that. We'll be dancing on streets of
gold. There won't be any more pain. There won't be any more sorrow. There won't
be any more memory of all of the ridiculousness, and it will be awesome. If
that's not a reason to rejoice, then we have lost our minds.
We're going through a difficult spot. Not every spot is difficult. Let's at
least be honest. But if you're going through it for 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100
years, it has its moments. But there is a salvation that is eternal that
doesn't have a limit to the number. I still say that what Rick Warren wrote in The
Purpose Driven Life… That first page is the best page in the entire book.
Your life is like 1/16th or 1/32nd of an inch on a 100-mile-long piece of tape.
That's what this life is. It's important for us to understand that we have a
cause for rejoicing, and for all of the pain and the sorrow, there is nobody
who ought to rejoice more than us.
Welcome back to The David Spoon Experience. Thank you for joining
us here at KAAM 770, The Truth Station, here in Texas. Getting ready for our
next trivia question. I did say these were harder. I did say that in the beginning
of the show. I'm just telling people right off the bat. Here is yet one that
might not be too easy, which is why if you can look it up, you may want to.
Remember, this is a story Jesus is telling. This isn't an actual event;
it's a parable. It's the parable of the good Samaritan. Right? Got it? Okay. A parable
is a story used for illustrating to make a point to teach a lesson. Before
moving the man in the story, what did the Good Samaritan do for him?...