The David Spoon Experience 6-6-23 Part 1
A) Jesus waits until John’s disciples are gone. Then He brags about John. That portion, being in Holy Writ, is not accidental. Who is John the Baptist? Jesus states, “Did you find him weak as a reed?” Okie doke, let’s understand that a weak reed is a brittle reed that can break in seconds without much pressure. John was many things. He was even a bit goofy to many folks. But he wasn’t brittle about his faith or calling.
B) Jesus then asks, “Was he moved by every breath of wind?” Was John unstable and changing positions regarding morality with every shifting wind? Was he willing to compromise his faith in order to please people or even his family? The answer is a resounding NO WAY, JOSE. If anybody would appreciate our favorite word on this show, “tough,” it would be John. He is the tagline of this ministry and this non-profit corporation. He Must Increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30).
C) Do people go out to see John because of his fancy clothes? Because he put on a great show? Because the common local news did a heartwarming story about him? No, No, and not a chance. Jesus told people, “If you are looking for fancy, go to where the royalty lives.” John was the forerunner of the Messiah. John cleared the sticks and stones so the king would be more easily visible and accessible. That is the highest honor that any person could ever receive.