The David Spoon Experience 4-17-24 part 1
A) Drawing from Psalm 50:17, the Lord refers to the wicked who despise His instruction and disregard His words. As we recall from our previous discussion, God expresses His displeasure with those who misuse His word without having a genuine connection with Him. This is particularly true for certain political figures and false teachers who exploit God's word for their own nefarious ends.
B) The Lord further notes that these individuals use their speech for evil and deceit. They even betray their own family members in their pursuit of wealth and success. This is a reference to those who would go to the extent of betraying their own mother for a deal. Such people lack integrity.
C) The Lord responds powerfully. He explains that His silence should not be mistaken for approval. They are mistaken if they believe that God is on their side. Ironically, they have distorted the image of God into something perverse and assumed that this distorted image supports them. However, the Lord refutes this, stating that He will rebuke them and they will face the consequences.
D) In no uncertain terms, God warns that He will tear them apart and rip them to shreds for their forgetfulness and contempt towards Him.
E) In contrast, the Lord states that those who offer praise glorify Him. For those who haven't yet realized the importance of gratitude, praising the Lord brings glory to His name. We were created to glorify His name, hence the need to praise the Lord. His promise is to provide them with ongoing salvation, encompassing not just eternal salvation, but also salvation in their current situations.