The David Spoon Experience 4-16-24 part 2
1) In Romans Chapter 3, halfway through verse 25, the scripture poses an ironic question: "Was God being entirely fair and just when He did not punish those who sinned in former times?" This question is ironic because God, being the only one who can truly judge sin, determines when and how to punish sin, the duration and impact of the punishment.
2) Paul then asserts that God is entirely fair in judging or declaring people to be sinful or not, as He is in charge of that judgment. He also clarifies that God declares those who believe in Jesus to be right in His sight. However, he poses another question: "Can we boast about this?" The answer is no, as acceptance by God is not due to our actions. Therefore, boasting is not permitted.
3) Dave explains that our acquittal is not based on good deeds. He emphasizes that the average person sins between 320 and 750,000 times in an 80-year lifetime. He humorously adds that he himself is at the one million plus mark. The bottom line is that no amount of good deeds can ever equal, let alone outweigh, the bad deeds to qualify us before God.
4) Our righteousness is not based on our good deeds, our good looks, or anything else. It's based on faith. As stated in Romans 3:28, we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law. Any attempt to add another element to this equation is futile. Faith is the vehicle God has chosen, and without faith, it is impossible to please God.