The David Spoon Experience 4-17-24 part 2
1) As you may know, our teachings on The David Spoon Experience don't always follow a conventional pattern. Sometimes we delve into exegetical studies, sometimes we explore topical themes, and sometimes we just go with the flow. Today's teaching will be a blend of all three. Do you remember the television show "Cheers"? As Christians, we're not supposed to endorse it because it's set in a bar, as if no Christian has ever set foot in one. It's quite amusing. This raises the question: How is Jesus a friend of drunkards?
2) In that show, the theme song was the key element. The characters were decent, and some lines were memorable. But the essence of the show was about going to a place where everybody knows your name. There are three principles that could connect a true Christian to the concept of the sitcom "Cheers". First, to know others. Second, to be known by others. And third, to not be alone.
3) The problem is simple. We won't find the solution in a bar, a sitcom, or any other worldly element that promises wonderful results but delivers less than stellar mercies and grace. We need to understand the truth of God to comprehend our standing with Him. Our feelings can't determine our standing with God. A single bout of stomach illness might make us feel as if God has abandoned us forever, while one great meal might convince us that God is with us forever. Feelings are genuine, but they shouldn't dictate our faith.
4) It's crucial to understand that Jesus knows us far beyond our capacity to know ourselves. He is God, and God knows everything and everyone. That's why Jesus is called The Shepherd. What's most amazing is how much God knows us, both individually and still decides to spend eternity with us. We examine John 16:32, when Jesus teaches that He was never alone, and neither are we. We live in Psalm 68:6 which states, God makes a home for the lonely.
5) David closes the show with extensive prayer for those who are struggling with loneliness.