The David Spoon Experience 3-23-23 Part 1
A) The Lord is the Spirit. Here is another of a plethora of passages that make it clear that the Holy Spirit is the Lord and that the Holy Spirit IS Go. To deny this is to deny the absolute basic tenets of the Christian faith, as established by Jesus. In being God, he is God through the Holy Spirit and man through the virgin Mary. So, let’s get it straight.
B) So, a key indicator is you are on the right track is this; Where the Holy Spirit is, there is freedom. This means several things, not the least of which is that where there is legalism, there is not much of God around. This is true for an individual as well as a church. If there is no Holy Spirit, there is no freedom, there is no presence of God, and all that is left is religion.
C) With unveiled faces, nothing stands between God and us in a relationship, vision, and seeing Him, while others see us. Then we can truly reflect the glory of Jesus Christi in our lives.
D) With intensifying glory, or glory by glory, or step by step, or inch by inch, or here a little, there a little. As we GROW (sometimes in inches) to reflect Jesus Christ on the inside and on the outside, more and more.