The David Spoon Experience 3-22-23 Part 2
1) I remember when I first said “yes” to Jesus. At the beginning of the journey, I thought that Jesus was the best fire insurance ever. I did NOT disrespect or disbelieve Him or in Him. I just concluded that eternal life was a gift. A gift is a gift. Most of the time, a gift is just cool to receive. Yep, in my mind, I was part of the greatest deal ever. Repent, believe, and follow Jesus. Totally cool. How could this ever be questioned by anyone? I didn’t think much of the earthly journey, having already seen money, fame, and power up close. But an awesome eternity?
2) Guess what? The moment we say yes to Jesus and take the RED PILL and say YES to Jesus, from the human perspective, things start to get in motion. As we travel into the depths of the journey, we begin to know the draw of the Lord to get closer to Him. At some point, we even pray this prayer: “Lord Jesus, whatever it takes, whatever You want, and I want to follow You.” Yep, that is our decision to go full heart commitment to the Lord and His kingdom.
3) And then, it happens. The heavens feel like they become a little tighter. The enemy appears to get more aggressive. And we start clawing through certain trials with a little less of a smile. It is here that we should remember the words of Jesus to His disciples. John 6:67 states, Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, “Are you also going to leave? Well…when it gets hard and harder, do we want to go?