The David Spoon Experience 3-22-23 Part 1
A) We enter Psalm 33. And we understand that the word of the Lord is right. This is a super nice way of saying everybody else is wrong and God is right. As much as the world thinks they understand everything, one minor event can take place to throw everybody into a tizzy. The word of the Lord made the Heavens and the Earth. And the word of the (by the breath of his mouth 2 Timothy 3:16), made all the hosts of Heaven and Earth.
B) It’s difficult for us to think that our brilliant plans will not always come to pass. The reason is simple. If our plans are in opposition to God, and in his overriding framework, then like the Tower of Babel, He will send confusion. Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that take it on.
C) Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Not blessed is the nation whose God was the Lord, but then becomes mankind’s sin, pride, green new deal, wokeness, progressive, earth-first, politically correct insanity. If America continues down the pathway of not having the Lord at the forefront of the thoughts of our leaders and people, then we can count on the same thing happening to us that has happened to everyone else who abandons Him. That will not look pretty.