The David Spoon Experience 3-1-23 Part 2
A) Let's try and understand something as the people of God. There is no normal Church simply because God is not normal. An equally important truth is that there is no normal Christianity. Why? Because God's engagement with people always produces different forms of results.
B) The Holy Spirit was involved in the creation of the Earth, the birth of Jesus Christ, the creation of the Church, the writing of The Scriptures, and our salvation. It doesn't start in the Holy Spirit and end up somewhere else. It doesn't start in the Holy Spirit and ends up with letters. That is exactly contrary to the word of God.
C) So, with the Holy Spirit, I want to explain the difference between being led and being driven. With leading, sensitivity, softness, and kindness are inherent in the word. Being driven has more of a ferociousness, a pounding, of pushing that goes past kindness.
D) There is another significant element to understanding the power of walking with the Holy Spirit on a day-by-day basis. When we walk with the Holy Spirit, we are glorifying Jesus Christ, which is a key part of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We need to get in step with the Spirit.