
Published on:

27th Feb 2025

02-27-2025 part 1: Engaging with the Divine: A Call to Remember and Repent

This podcast episode delves into the profound question of faith, specifically regarding our capacity to trust in the Lord as we navigate the challenges of life, particularly looking towards the year 2025. A key point discussed is the importance of maintaining a steadfast belief in God's ability to guide us through adversity, as exemplified by the inquiry posed by Jesus: "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" This introspective dialogue serves as a reminder that our faith must not only be acknowledged but actively cultivated. The episode further emphasizes the necessity for reflection on our spiritual journey, urging listeners to recall their initial experiences of faith and the fervor that accompanied their spiritual awakening. Ultimately, we are encouraged to engage with our beliefs earnestly, as the dialogue intertwines personal anecdotes and scriptural references, reinforcing the notion that faith is both a personal journey and a communal experience.

The discourse presented within the latest episode delves deeply into the essence of faith, particularly as it pertains to the question of thriving in the forthcoming year of 2025. The host, Dr. David Spoon, initiates a profound exploration of the question posed by Jesus: "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" This inquiry serves as the cornerstone of the discussion, compelling listeners to reflect on their own faith in the Lord as they navigate the complexities of life. The conversation further elucidates the importance of remembrance in the Christian journey, urging individuals to revisit the initial fervor of their faith and to hold steadfastly to the principles that anchor their beliefs. Through a rich tapestry of theological insights, Dr. Spoon effectively underscores the necessity of maintaining a vibrant connection with God, inviting listeners to engage actively with their spirituality and to prepare for the blessings that await those who remain faithful.

Moreover, the episode addresses the broader cultural and spiritual climate, suggesting that while challenges may abound, there exists a divine assurance that great things are forthcoming for those who trust in the Lord. By intertwining personal anecdotes with scriptural references, Dr. Spoon crafts a narrative that resonates with the listener's experience, fostering a sense of communal faith and collective anticipation for the future. The episode ultimately serves as both a call to introspection and a rallying cry for believers to reaffirm their commitment to their faith journey, thus empowering them to embrace the uncertainties of the future with confidence.

In addition to the thematic exploration of faith, the episode also incorporates elements of engagement with the audience, as listeners are encouraged to participate through calls and comments. This interactive component not only enriches the experience but also fosters a sense of belonging within the community of listeners. The host's candid and relatable approach demystifies the often complex nature of faith, making it accessible and inviting for all. Ultimately, this episode is a testament to the enduring power of faith and the transformative potential it holds for individuals and communities alike.


  • The podcast emphasizes the importance of faith in God to thrive in uncertain times, such as approaching 2025.
  • Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their initial experiences of faith and the joy of receiving it.
  • The conversation suggests that maintaining a simple and sincere relationship with God is crucial for spiritual growth.
  • The significance of community engagement through sharing prayer requests and praise reports is highlighted throughout the discussion.
  • Faith in God is presented as the foundation for overcoming life's challenges and complexities.
  • Listeners are reminded that even amid struggles, there exists a remnant of faithful individuals committed to their beliefs.
Speaker A:

The views expressed on the following program are designed to amplify those of the speaker and not necessarily those of kaam.

Speaker A:

DJRD Broadcasting are its sponsors.

Speaker A:

Hello, everybody.

Speaker A:

When it's cold outside.

Speaker B:

I've got.

Speaker A:

Here's what's coming up on today's experience.

Speaker A:

It's Dr.

Speaker A:

Dave's devotional Diamonds of the Day, also known as DDDDDS, where my daily devotions become some of our spiritual reflections.

Speaker A:

Sound effects placed throughout the show, which have nothing to do with life.

Speaker A:

But the Bible teaches there's a time to laugh.

Speaker A:

In Ecclesiastes 3, 4, the review of the goofy news which proves Jesus is coming back sooner than you think.

Speaker A:

Have you watched things going on around you?

Speaker A:

Yeah, you know, it's closer.

Speaker A:

Life lessons for our faith that we could actually use.

Speaker A:

Probably won't.

Speaker A:

If we sit on our blessed assurance.

Speaker A:

Don't do that.

Speaker A:

Humor that will force you to think, why does this guy have a radio show?

Speaker A:

Because radio rent isn't due until tomorrow.

Speaker A:

That's why.

Speaker A:

Also, Bible trivia for fake and yet somehow real cool prizes, your phone calls and more.

Speaker A:

Living this life, not always easy running in.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Welcome to the David Spoon Experience, Local, national and heavenly talk.

Speaker A:

My name is David.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

You know, I can stretch that out a really long time.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

David Spoon, and I will be your host for the next 5,400,000 milliseconds.

Speaker A:

Get ready for one of the more bizarre experiences on live radio.

Speaker A:

Here is the key to the show.

Speaker A:

We don't know what we're doing.

Speaker A:

Good night.

Speaker A:

Oh, wait.

Speaker A:

We don't know what we're doing.

Speaker A:

We have no idea what's gonna happen, and we don't care.

Speaker A:

But for the next few minutes, I want to talk biblical love with you.

Speaker A:

So here we go.

Speaker A:

Or asking questions about living life as a Christian.

Speaker A:

That thing right there.

Speaker A:

And we're on Thursday, and we love Thursdays because Thursday is the challenge.

Speaker A:

Thursday is the question that makes you think.

Speaker A:

Thursday is the moment that you have to say, am I there?

Speaker A:

Here is your question.

Speaker A:

Do you?

Speaker A:

Do I?

Speaker A:

aith in the Lord to thrive in:

Speaker A:

Do you have the faith?

Speaker A:

Jesus said, do you believe that I am able to do this?

Speaker A:

Do you believe that he is able to do this?

Speaker A:

That is the question.

Speaker A:

He asked it.

Speaker A:

We're just repeating it.

Speaker A:

Do you believe that I am able to do this?

Speaker A:

That's what Jesus asked.

Speaker A:

That's what we're saying.

Speaker A:

aith in the Lord to thrive in:

Speaker A:

Not faith in ourselves.

Speaker A:

Faith in the Lord.

Speaker A:

Are we ready to Receive.

Speaker A:

That's the question.

Speaker A:

Are we ready to receive?

Speaker A:

Because great things are coming.

Speaker A:

Because he's great, that's why.

Speaker A:

Pretty straightforward.

Speaker A:

If you have a response to that, if you have an opinion, a comment, a thought, or your own question, please don't let it die of loneliness.

Speaker A:

Just reach out and give us a holla.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

That's like spending time relaxing and chillaxing.

Speaker A:

Thank you, David.

Speaker A:

Happy Thursday.

Speaker A:

Happy Thursday to you, my friend.

Speaker A:

How are things going here in the starship Kaam?

Speaker A:

Are things going well?

Speaker A:

Things are going well in the starship today, David.

Speaker A:

How's your day going?

Speaker A:

It's going really well.

Speaker A:

It's going, you know, God has given me grace.

Speaker A:

I had to get some things done, and I was like, lord, I don't know if I can get this done in time.

Speaker A:

And I just want to try and do my best.

Speaker A:

And it got done within 30 seconds before I wanted it to accomplish it.

Speaker A:

It was done 30 seconds prior.

Speaker A:

And I was just like, see, that's the grace of God.

Speaker A:

That's what I'm talking about.

Speaker A:

That's just the bracelet.

Speaker A:

I mean, how cool is that?

Speaker A:

All right, let's keep it simple, folks.

Speaker A:

If you want to reach out and call us, you know, you can do that.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

You can also text us.

Speaker A:

Now, the reason I stop that is because when I say you can text us, people say, I'm already in Texas.

Speaker A:

Okay, slow down.

Speaker A:

You can text us.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I'll do the text again for those that need it to go really fast.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

You want to hear it again?

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker A:

So for those that needed to go slower.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

That's the text.

Speaker A:

The call number is the 972.

Speaker A:

By the way, you can also send an email.

Speaker A:

Davidemustincrease.org David, that's my name.

Speaker A:

A with a circle.

Speaker A:

He must increase from John.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

He must increase.

Speaker A:

I must decrease.org because we're a nonprofit corporation.

Speaker A:

That's why.

Speaker A:

So you can call us, you can text us, you can email us.

Speaker A:

Why would you do that?

Speaker A:

It can be for a praise report.

Speaker A:

Praise reports are cool.

Speaker A:

And I always tell people, you don't have to say it.

Speaker A:

Well, that part doesn't matter.

Speaker A:

Let the Lord take care of that.

Speaker A:

You just have to say it.

Speaker A:

It's the Lord that takes it from the mouth into the ears and transforms it into something.

Speaker A:

You know, that's the same thing that takes place when you share the gospel.

Speaker A:

It's not how you present the gospel.

Speaker A:

That's not it.

Speaker A:

Oh, my goodness, that's so weird.

Speaker A:

It's God touching his truth in the heart and mind of people and it becoming something powerful.

Speaker A:

That's what we're talking about.

Speaker A:

So when you share, it's like, I really can't speak.

Speaker A:

Well, nobody cares.

Speaker A:

God will do something with it.

Speaker A:

That's what's cool.

Speaker A:

You know, it can be for a praise report or a testimony.

Speaker A:

Depends on what side of the country you live on.

Speaker A:

I don't think that matters much.

Speaker A:

Additionally, it can be for a prayer request.

Speaker A:

And you're thinking, what do you mean?

Speaker A:

Well, we're weird.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we believe that God answers prayers.

Speaker A:

If you didn't believe God answers prayers, you wouldn't be a Christian because he wouldn't have answered that prayer that you initially prayed.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Additionally, we're those weird people that do believe he answers prayers and we have faith for it.

Speaker A:

Because the people that believe that God doesn't answer prayers, well, he doesn't.

Speaker A:

Because according to your faith, so be it.

Speaker A:

So we stand with the Lord.

Speaker A:

He can do it.

Speaker A:

Additionally, you might have something you just wanna share, something that's come along in your life, real important to you.

Speaker A:

Just something you've kinda, oh, this is cool.

Speaker A:

I just wanna kinda share it.

Speaker A:

Not a problem.

Speaker A:

We love it.

Speaker A:

Because what we wanna do is engage.

Speaker A:

Now, for those that don't know me, it's simple.

Speaker A:

I was born and raised Jewish and became a Christian many, many moons ago.

Speaker A:

I have a BA degree in ministry.

Speaker A:

I have a master's in theological studies and a degree, doctorate in Christian Strategic Ministry.

Speaker A:

All of that to say is, I'm just like everybody else, going, I want more.

Speaker A:

I want more of you.

Speaker A:

Jesus, help me.

Speaker A:

That's what we're all doing.

Speaker A:

And so in doing that, we do it together.

Speaker A:

I don't care what your denominational background is.

Speaker A:

Just so you can know I'm Baptistal, if that'll help you, Kalmanian, if that'll help you.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker A:

I'm a manifold millennialist.

Speaker A:

You don't know what that is.

Speaker A:

Don't pretend you do.

Speaker A:

And it's like, yeah, who cares?

Speaker A:

You know?

Speaker A:

What we want Jesus, that's our hero.

Speaker A:

We want more of him.

Speaker A:

All right, so if you got a prayer request, a praise report, something you wanna share.

Speaker A:

Totally awesome.

Speaker A:

Totally cool.

Speaker A:

Don't forget about FEB Buddies.

Speaker A:

Now, I know it's the end of February, but I don't care.

Speaker A:

Here's how I feel about that.

Speaker A:

If you hear somebody us talk about somebody or somebody calls in somebody that we mentioned that's part of the radio family, and you think, oh, oh, oh, we're asking you to take it on.

Speaker A:

It's only for a couple more days that you would bring them in prayer before the Lord.

Speaker A:

You become their February buddy.

Speaker A:

And Paul said it best.

Speaker A:

He said, I mention you before the Lord, you don't have to build an orchestra and a pit and everything else to lift up a prayer.

Speaker A:

You can mention somebody.

Speaker A:

If somebody kind of comes across that just go, yeah, I'm there.

Speaker A:

Totally awesome.

Speaker A:

We love it.

Speaker A:

All right, so we give you that opportunity.

Speaker A:

Don't forget FEB Buddies.

Speaker A:

Later on, we're gonna be praying for my wife, Sicky Poo.

Speaker A:

She's sicky.

Speaker A:

And then Rob's wife, Cindy, my best friend, his wife Cindy, she's also Sicky Poo.

Speaker A:

So we're gonna pray for her in a little while.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

But first, hold on.

Speaker A:

We're going into the book of Revelation.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And here we go.

Speaker A:

We are in chapter three.

Speaker A:

So we're still in the church part of it.

Speaker A:

And we are at the church of Sardis.

Speaker A:

And I want to pick it up because there's something I didn't quite catch that I caught today.

Speaker A:

And so we're kind of picking this up.

Speaker A:

We'll probably just start it from the beginning.

Speaker A:

We talked about this last week, but I'm going to really launch out of verse three more than anything else.

Speaker A:

It says this in Revelation 3, Revelation singular, chapter three, verse one.

Speaker A:

And to the angel of the church in Sardis, write these things, says he who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars.

Speaker A:

I know your works and that you have a name, that you are alive, but you are dead.

Speaker A:

Be watchful and strengthen the things that remain that are ready to die.

Speaker A:

For I have not found your works perfect before God.

Speaker A:

Verse 3.

Speaker A:

Remember therefore, how you have received and heard.

Speaker A:

Hold fast and repent.

Speaker A:

Therefore, if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

This is Jesus talking to the church.

Speaker A:

We talked about this last week, and what I want to pick up on, that I didn't catch before is in verse three, Jesus says, remember, therefore, how you have received and heard.

Speaker A:

Hold fast and repent.

Speaker A:

That is very similar to Revelation 2:1, 2, 3, 4, where he talks to the church at Ephesus telling them to remember the height they were in.

Speaker A:

Repent and do the things you did.

Speaker A:

At first, I didn't catch that before, but in this church there's a very similar call.

Speaker A:

Jesus says, remember, therefore, how you have received.

Speaker A:

And what you have to think about is, remember when you first came into the faith?

Speaker A:

How cool was it that you were a Christian?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

You were like, oh, right, sins are forgiven.

Speaker A:

I'm just totally blessed.

Speaker A:

I have eternal life with me.

Speaker A:

And then what happens is you start living your Christian walk and you start growing.

Speaker A:

I guess that's why they call it growing pains.

Speaker A:

And so then you start growing and you start getting caught up in this, that whatever, and different teachings over here and different teachings over there.

Speaker A:

And you try and assimilate all the information, whether you're into the denomination or multi denominations, it doesn't matter.

Speaker A:

What Jesus is telling them is to remember how you received it.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Remember when you said yes and amen.

Speaker A:

Remember that.

Speaker A:

Remember how cool that was.

Speaker A:

Remember how awesome it was when you first connected with the Lord.

Speaker A:

He says that now that I'm realizing he says this to two different churches, which probably means this happens quite a bit.

Speaker A:

Remember, therefore, how you have received and how you heard it.

Speaker A:

And you heard it and you were like, going, all right, wait a minute.

Speaker A:

Somebody died for me.

Speaker A:

Wait a minute.

Speaker A:

If I believe in Jesus, I believe that he died and was buried, and then three days later, he rose again.

Speaker A:

He died for my sins.

Speaker A:

If I repent, tell him I'm sorry.

Speaker A:

Acknowledge it all.

Speaker A:

Come before him.

Speaker A:

Yield my life.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Get baptized.

Speaker A:

Do all the things that he wants me to do.

Speaker A:

I'm in.

Speaker A:

Like that.

Speaker A:

That's it.

Speaker A:

I'm there.

Speaker A:

Remember that.

Speaker A:

Remember how cool that was?

Speaker A:

Well, that's what Jesus tells us to do.

Speaker A:

Remember that.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Remember that.

Speaker A:

Hold to that and repent.

Speaker A:

Repent for what?

Speaker A:

That you're not still there.

Speaker A:

If your Christianity is complex, I just want to say this real fast.

Speaker A:

If your Christianity is complex, it ain't God's fault.

Speaker A:

God's not the one that muddies the waters.

Speaker A:

We are the one that muddy the water.

Speaker A:

Do you understand?

Speaker A:

If there's a block between heaven and earth, it's not on heaven's side.

Speaker A:

We're the ones that throw mud into the pipe.

Speaker A:

So Jesus is like, look, remember, therefore, how you received it and how you heard it.

Speaker A:

Hold fast to that and repent.

Speaker A:

And then Jesus doesn't play.

Speaker A:

I mean, he's talking, by the way, to a church.

Speaker A:

He's not talking to unbelievers, talking to believers.

Speaker A:

It's like, cause they received it, right?

Speaker A:

So there's this.

Speaker A:

And by the way, people that say, well, you don't receive it.

Speaker A:

Okay, well then Jesus is wrong.

Speaker A:

That's dumb.

Speaker A:

Okay, of course you receive it, but it's how you respond to it, that's the key.

Speaker A:

And so in receiving it, he's like, look, you gotta go back to that.

Speaker A:

You gotta do what you gotta do.

Speaker A:

But Jesus says, if you don't do that, it ain't gonna go well for you.

Speaker A:

It ain't gonna be pretty.

Speaker A:

That's what he tells em.

Speaker A:

If you don't, you know, if you don't, therefore you better do that.

Speaker A:

You better repent.

Speaker A:

Because if you will not watch, if you're not going to be on top of it, Jesus is going to come before you know it and he's going to bring about his judgment that he's not pleased.

Speaker A:

Well, as great as Jesus is a savior, he's also an excellent discipliner.

Speaker A:

So let's watch that.

Speaker A:

But look at what he says in verse four.

Speaker A:

Now, you know, this is fun.

Speaker A:

He says this, you have a few names, even in Sardis, who have not denied or defiled their garments, and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Jesus goes, there's a few people there in Sardis.

Speaker A:

Not a lot, but a few.

Speaker A:

And there's a few of you.

Speaker A:

And Wowzer, you know what, you guys kind of cool.

Speaker A:

I love it.

Speaker A:

So he's telling them, we've already covered these harsh things that Jesus said to the unfaithful.

Speaker A:

But in every church, in every land, in every group, there's always a few people that are truly committed and devoted to the Lord.

Speaker A:

This is what Revelation is talking about in Revelation 7, 9, where it says, it's people out of every tribe, every nation, every tongue, every people group.

Speaker A:

God always has a remnant everywhere.

Speaker A:

Even when Elijah was like, nobody likes me and everybody hates me, and everybody hates everything and everybody hates you and this isn't working out.

Speaker A:

God said, I have 10,000 men who have not bowed to the knee of Baal.

Speaker A:

God always has a remnant.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

So even in Sardis, it's like, look, there's a few of you.

Speaker A:

You guys are holding firm, and I love that you're holding firm.

Speaker A:

I love that you're standing in there and I don't know if you've Ever met a person like this?

Speaker A:

I have.

Speaker A:

In my 47 years of being a Christian, I have met a person like this where they go to a church and they don't particularly think it's the greatest church in the world, but they believe God wants them there.

Speaker A:

To me, it just means that God has agencies everywhere, people everywhere, doing things in all these different churches that people have no idea about.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Because he's in charge.

Speaker A:

We're not in charge.

Speaker A:

The Lord's in charge.

Speaker A:

That's what's good about it.

Speaker A:

And so he tells them, look, a few names and Sardis have not denied the faith, have not defiled their garments, and they're going to walk with me in white, for they're worthy.

Speaker A:

In verse five, he says this.

Speaker A:

He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments.

Speaker A:

And I will not blot out his name from the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Well, after we do the trivia question, we're going to get back and look at that.

Speaker A:

Because that is serious stuff right there.

Speaker A:

Jesus bragging about his believers to the Father.

Speaker A:

Are we one of those?

Speaker A:

Ooh, there's a good question.

Speaker A:

Here's your first trivia question.

Speaker A:

We'll keep it simple.

Speaker A:

Is the book of First John in the Old Testament?

Speaker A:

The New Testament, Both or neither?

Speaker A:

Is the book of First John in the Old Testament, the New Testament, both or neither?

Speaker A:

If you think you know the answer to that, you're welcome to give us a call.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Nobody will bite you, I promise.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Or you can send an email.

Speaker A:

Davidemusincrease.org that's David, because that's my name.

Speaker A:

Hemustincrease.org is the book of First John in the Old Testament, the New Testament, both or neither.

Speaker A:

There is your opportunity to respond.

Speaker A:

In the meantime, I'm gonna send you up to the website.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Because we have radio rent due.

Speaker A:

What they don't tell you in some of the bigger groupings is that there is a radio rent due if you pay for your own time.

Speaker A:

That's what we do.

Speaker A:

And all of us exist in this ministry by the donations of our listeners.

Speaker A:

So in order for us to keep going, we need to pay radio rent.

Speaker A:

So we need your help.

Speaker A:

It is that simple.

Speaker A:

We ask you to check out the website Cause on the website's the information not just about the ministry, but a place for prayer and praise reports.

Speaker A:

A place for.

Speaker A:

There's videos, there's audios, there's 5,000 hours of encouraging material that is designed just to help you draw closer to the Lord.

Speaker A:

Plus there's some goofy stuff I put on there because I'm goofy, that's why.

Speaker A:

Also, there's just things in there that I think you'll appreciate.

Speaker A:

Check it out.

Speaker A:

As well as a place to donate on the website.

Speaker A:

Hemustincrease.org Prayer request hemosincrease.org Praise report.

Speaker A:

He mustincrease.org Looking to give to this ministry.

Speaker A:

He must increase.org Confused by what's happening right now.

Speaker A:

He must increase.org he must increase.org that'll do, Donkey.

Speaker A:

That'll do.

Speaker A:

That's right.

Speaker A:

That will do.

Speaker A:

That will do, donkey.

Speaker A:

That's right.

Speaker A:

Just wonder if that donkey could have been the donkey that rebuked Balaam.

Speaker A:

I was just curious.

Speaker A:

Okay, we do have somebody that is ready to answer the trivia question.

Speaker A:

Is that correct?

Speaker A:

Well, then let's send them on through.

Speaker A:

Knock, knock.

Speaker A:

This is David.

Speaker A:

Who am I talking to?

Speaker A:

This is Gary.

Speaker A:

Hi, Gary.

Speaker A:

How are you, brother?

Speaker A:

Well, about the same, but just keep praying.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker A:

How's your situation?

Speaker A:

Has that changed at all, the things you were doing?

Speaker A:

Well, there's been a little bit of movement there.

Speaker A:

I think we're going to get all that straightened out.

Speaker A:

That's good.

Speaker A:

Concentrate on my health.

Speaker A:

Okay, we'll get that straightened out.

Speaker A:

All right, well, let's get to it.

Speaker A:

Let's do the trivia question and then we'll pray for both your health and when I'm praying for you, I'm also going to pray for my wife and my best friend's wife because they're having some struggle as well.

Speaker A:

And then we'll pray for your situation.

Speaker A:

But let's deal with this first.

Speaker A:

Is the book of 1 John in the Old Testament, The New Testament?

Speaker A:

Both or neither?

Speaker A:

The book of first John is in the New Testament.

Speaker A:

That is correct, Amanda.

Speaker A:

That is right.

Speaker A:

In fact, that's one of the devotional books I'm going through right now.

Speaker A:

So I go through all these different.

Speaker A:

I got like six, six books that I go through devotionally, and that's one of them I'm going through right now.

Speaker A:

So John, he not only did he write a gospel, okay, which is pretty good.

Speaker A:

Then you got one John, second John, three John, and then the book of Revelation.

Speaker A:

So the guy wrote an enormous amount of the New Testament, Not a question about that.

Speaker A:

All right, my brother, let me pray for you on your health and on your circumstance.

Speaker A:

Okay, let's do it.

Speaker A:

Father, we come before you right now.

Speaker A:

We thank you and we praise you first.

Speaker A:

We thank our God and we thank you for everything.

Speaker A:

Lord, there's so many things you do for us, we don't even recognize them, Lord.

Speaker A:

Sometimes we miss them.

Speaker A:

We're sorry about that.

Speaker A:

We want to do a better job of acknowledging.

Speaker A:

And we have our brother Gary right here before you, Lord, as we take our faith and combine it with his.

Speaker A:

And we simply ask you, Lord, in his situation, he's getting some movement and that's good.

Speaker A:

We need that to finish off.

Speaker A:

We need that to finalize.

Speaker A:

Can't leave it halfway, Lord.

Speaker A:

We can.

Speaker A:

Gotta get it all the way.

Speaker A:

Take it all the way over and get it resolved for him.

Speaker A:

But, Lord, in regards to his health, we need your miraculous power from heaven to reach into his body.

Speaker A:

We need you to touch him from top to bottom, every part of him.

Speaker A:

Only by your authority, only by your anointing, only through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ, only through the grace and the mercy that comes through you, are we going to see a change.

Speaker A:

And we're asking to see that change in Gary's body.

Speaker A:

Bring your healing power to bear on our brother Gary.

Speaker A:

Change his life.

Speaker A:

He'll testify.

Speaker A:

You know he will.

Speaker A:

Just bless him, heal him, encourage him and protect him.

Speaker A:

And at the same time, Lord, I lift up my wife as well as Cindy, both struggling with their health.

Speaker A:

Just raise them up because they need a touch from you.

Speaker A:

They're both on the downside.

Speaker A:

They need to be lifted up by your grace and power.

Speaker A:

We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Speaker A:

Amen and amen.

Speaker A:

Amen, and thank you very much, and God bless you.

Speaker A:

Thank you, brother.

Speaker A:

God bless you as well.

Speaker A:

Okay, bye bye.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker A:

Love brother Gary.

Speaker A:

So that's a good person to pray for.

Speaker A:

We mentioned that to you, right?

Speaker A:

We just want you to kind of be aware of that.

Speaker A:

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please.

Speaker A:

We ask you to do that.

Speaker A:

And keeping it super, super, super simple.

Speaker A:

Additionally, that's gonna probably carry on into March.

Speaker A:

For those that are not aware of it, I wanna go back to this text because we're kind of at the end of this revelation, this particular church, Sardis, where Jesus says this to him who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments.

Speaker A:

And I will not blot out his name from the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father and Before his angels.

Speaker A:

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the church, not said to the church, says to the church.

Speaker A:

So he's talking about this overcoming.

Speaker A:

And just so you can know, that word to him that overcomes, that's the Greek word nikao, nika.

Speaker A:

It's N I K A O.

Speaker A:

It means to gain victory or to get beyond.

Speaker A:

So Jesus uses this word six other times, once with each of the churches.

Speaker A:

Yet it's closely connected to the word Nike, remember, which means victory.

Speaker A:

So to get beyond means to go past, not to get stuck, but to keep moving forward.

Speaker A:

That's the victory in Jesus.

Speaker A:

People that overcome, keep going.

Speaker A:

Part of understanding what overcoming is is the keep going part.

Speaker A:

That's where the victory comes in.

Speaker A:

And so this imagery that Jesus presents, at first, he's saying that our stained garments are going to be clothed as white, which is like, okay, how cool is that, right?

Speaker A:

All of our stains gone, gone, gone.

Speaker A:

We love it, right?

Speaker A:

So for those keeping score, when a woman got married, she often wears white if she kept herself.

Speaker A:

Jesus is not only unashamed of these believers, but.

Speaker A:

But will protect their names in the book of life.

Speaker A:

But then he does this one other wild thing.

Speaker A:

He brags, like, what?

Speaker A:

He's not ashamed of you if you're an overcomer.

Speaker A:

If you keep going, if you keep moving forward.

Speaker A:

He says, I'll confess his name before my Father and before his angels.

Speaker A:

Jesus is not ashamed of you.

Speaker A:

We talk about this in our DNA, about not being ashamed of the Lord in anything.

Speaker A:

Well, the Lord is wanting to be boastful, in a good way of you.

Speaker A:

You're thinking, really?

Speaker A:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker A:

He loves you.

Speaker A:

He wants to spend eternity with you.

Speaker A:

He doesn't spend eternity with people he doesn't like.

Speaker A:

That's dumb.

Speaker A:

Nobody does that.

Speaker A:

And so when it's all said and done, we're going to be wearing these white garments that symbolizes this pure in the heart and in the mind of God for who we are with him.

Speaker A:

But he wants to make a proclamation to the Father and to the angels.

Speaker A:

Hey, look, this is my son Jam and Jacob.

Speaker A:

Isn't he great?

Speaker A:

Now, isn't that cool?

Speaker A:

All the things that we get accused of by the enemy.

Speaker A:

How about a few things that are spoken about us that are on the cool side of things?

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's totally awesome.

Speaker A:

Jesus telling the father, I love this kid.

Speaker A:

Oh, come on, right?

Speaker A:

That's great stuff.

Speaker A:

All right, folks, we're going to take our break and then come back.

Speaker A:

You're listening to the David Spoon Experience right here on Kaam 770, the truth station here in Texas.

Speaker A:

Short break, we'll be back.

Speaker A:

Don't go anywhere.

Speaker A:

Hey there.

Speaker B:

It's Amazing Jennifer.

Speaker B:

And I am helping out the David Spoon Experience.

Speaker B:

As you may know, I.

Speaker B:

I basically run the KAAM radio station.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And Dr.

Speaker B:

Dave is looking for a few good people to join and become representatives, ambassadors and stewards of this here radio ministry.

Speaker B:

Now, you may be thinking, well, I'd love to get involved, but I'm not very qualified for ministerial positions.

Speaker B:

Well, the truth is that because you are a child of our Heavenly Father, that you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and you seek to live by the power of the Holy Spirit, you have all you need to be a part of this ministry.

Speaker B:

But Jennifer, don't I need to be perfect?

Speaker B:

No, just go to hemustincrease.org that's hemustincrease.org click on the three lines at the top right of the website and then click on the Ambassador's Initiative link.

Speaker B:

Just fill out the form and we will reach out to you.

Speaker B:

But sorry, no parking tickets will be paid for you as an ambassador through this position.

Speaker B:

You are on your own with that.

Speaker A:

What is the David Spoon Experience?

Speaker A:

Hey, Jingity Jing.

Speaker A:

It's Dominic the Donkey.

Speaker A:

Jingity the Italian Christmas donkey, that is.

Speaker A:

You asked for zany, my friend.

Speaker A:

Welcome back to the David Smoon Experience.

Speaker A:

So we being not completely unlike, you know, Christmas vacation in Chevy Chase and so on and so forth, we got a really big tree, slapped it up on the car.

Speaker A:

Of course, it scratched the car to no end.

Speaker A:

Remember, I'm Jewish and I'm trying to follow the Christmas holiday.

Speaker A:

It's got nothing to do with my Christianity.

Speaker A:

I like Christmas.

Speaker A:

I like the season and so on and so forth.

Speaker A:

I have no problem celebrating any specific time, picking a time.

Speaker A:

And we're as close as we can be celebrating the birth of Christ.

Speaker A:

It's awesome.

Speaker A:

It's a great time of year.

Speaker A:

But you're talking about me fighting a tree and I'm fighting the tree and I'm fighting the tree and I hack off a few branches and unfortunately, what I hacked off with the.

Speaker A:

With the axe wasn't enough because I was right there again holding the Christmas tree with my feet on the door, trying to pull it in.

Speaker A:

Hey, you know what?

Speaker A:

The Christmas tree was not coming in.

Speaker A:

So you know what I did?

Speaker A:

I hacked off a few more pieces, but then instead of just trying to pull the tree in, I hacked off a few more pieces.

Speaker A:

By this point, I have decided that Christmas is a pagan holiday that only people who are supporting Christmas presents have created.

Speaker A:

And Jewish people who believe in Jesus should not be celebrating Christmas.

Speaker A:

And I'm crashing, and I've got the act up, and I'm crushing it, and I'm gonna get this tree in.

Speaker A:

And you would not believe it, but after doing that for 15 minutes, I still could not get the tree in the house.

Show artwork for The David Spoon Experience

About the Podcast

The David Spoon Experience
The David Spoon Experience Podcast. Local, National, AND Heavenly Talk. It's a cross between Steve Martin, Sean Hannity, and Focus on the Family!
The David Spoon Experience Podcast. Local, National, AND Heavenly Talk. It's a cross between Steve Martin, Sean Hannity, and Focus on the Family!
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Profile picture for David Spoon

David Spoon

David Spoon was born and raised in a Jewish home in Detroit, Michigan. He attended a private Hebrew school called Hillel Hebrew Academy. David was bar mitzvah-ed at the age of thirteen. Not long after, he was involved in drug abuse and trafficking. After hearing the Gospel for the first time at age seventeen, David accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. A few months later, David had a dramatic experience with God. Immediately set free from years of excessive drug use, he committed himself to ministry and to furthering the Kingdom of God.

He attended Arizona Bible College, Northern Arizona University, and Life Pacific College, graduating summa-cum-laude in their Ministry and Leadership program. He also graduated with honors from Regent University with a master’s degree in Theological Studies and earned his Doctor of Ministry degree in Strategic Christian Ministry at Liberty University.

He is one of a few individuals holding ministerial ordinations from three separate denominations: Heritage Free Baptist Organization, 1981; Independent Pentecostal Ministers Association, 1985; and Vineyard Valley Association, 1988. He was also the Chaplain for the Flagstaff Police Department. In addition, David was the senior pastor of Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Flagstaff.

In addition, David started and co-hosted two different live Christian call-in radio talk shows. He hosted the very popular radio show “The David Spoon Experience” on KPRZ 1210 and a show called “To Know Him,” which aired on 88.9 on the F.M. dial-in Temecula, California at 1:00 p.m., Monday through Fridays. He was also the Director of Local Ministry for Salem Media Group in San Diego, California.

David is married to his best friend, Noelle. He has three children and seven grandchildren, plus their two dogs named Levi and Bert. On March 18th, 2019, he started “The David Spoon Experience” in Texas and is growing with his audience of awesome believers and non-believers alike.

He is the President of He Must Increase Ministry, a 501c3 ministry, and is hosting (again) the live daily radio show “The David Spoon Experience” with DJR Broadcasting in KAAM, on the 770 A.M. radio dial. The show is also on various apps and the Internet.

David is a Jewish-Christian, Bapti-Costal, Cal-Minian, Manifold Millennialist.

Just ask him.