02-25-2025 part 1: The Parable of the Two Sons: A Lesson in Obedience
Dr. David Spoon elucidates the profound implications of obedience and repentance through the parable of the two sons in this enlightening discourse. The central theme revolves around the notion that true obedience to God is not merely about initial resistance but rather the ultimate willingness to act in accordance with divine instruction. Through a meticulous analysis of the interaction between the father and his sons, Dr. Spoon emphasizes that it is the actions taken, irrespective of initial reluctance, that hold significance in the eyes of God. Furthermore, he contrasts the responses of different individuals to divine calling, illustrating that those perceived as morally questionable may, in fact, respond more favorably to God's message than the ostensibly righteous. This examination invites us to reflect on our own responses to God's directives and the importance of aligning our actions with His will.
Dr. David Spoon engages in a profound exploration of Christian faith through the lens of personal introspection and biblical teachings. In this enlightening discourse, he poses a seemingly simple yet deeply thought-provoking question: If you could only consume one food for the remainder of your life, what would it be? This inquiry serves as a springboard for a broader discussion about obedience, repentance, and the nature of faith, particularly as illustrated in the parable of the two sons found in Matthew 21:28-32. Dr. Spoon emphasizes the significance of genuine action over mere verbal affirmation, challenging listeners to reflect on their own responses to divine instruction. The narrative unfolds with a detailed examination of the two sons' contrasting behaviors, highlighting the transformative power of repentance and the importance of aligning one's actions with God's will. This episode is a rich tapestry of spiritual insight that encourages believers to look beyond superficial obedience and strive for authentic engagement with their faith.
- Dr. David Spoon emphasizes the importance of genuine repentance, which includes a change of heart and mind.
- The parable of the two sons illustrates the value of actions over mere verbal commitments in one's faith journey.
- Throughout the episode, there is a strong message about the necessity of loving one another as Christ loves us.
- Listeners are encouraged to engage in prayer for others as a vital aspect of Christian community.
- The podcast highlights the distinction between outward appearances of faith and true obedience to God’s calling.
- The discussion revolves around the idea that societal judgments often overlook the authentic transformations that occur in individuals.
The views expressed on the following program are designed to amplify those of the speaker and not necessarily those of kaam.
Speaker A:DJRD Broadcasting are its sponsors.
Speaker A:Hello, everybody.
Speaker A:When it's cold outside, I've got.
Speaker A:Here's what's coming up on today's experience.
Speaker A:It's Dr.
Speaker A:Dave's.
Speaker A:You know, sometimes I am just amazed that there is a doctor in front of my name.
Speaker A:Dr.
Speaker A:Dave's devotional Diamonds of the Day, also known as DDDDDDS, where my daily devotions become some of our spiritual reflections.
Speaker A:Sound effects placed throughout the show which have nothing to do with life, but we spared no expense downloading them free from the Internet.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:The review of the goofiness which proves Jesus is coming back sooner than you think.
Speaker A:We hope before this show's over, life lessons for our faith that we could actually use probably won't if we sit on our blessed assurance.
Speaker A:Don't do that humor that will force you to think, why does this guy have a radio show?
Speaker A:Because every once in a while the Lord says, there you go, Dave.
Speaker A:There you go.
Speaker A:Also, Bible trivia for fake and yet somehow real cool prizes, your phone calls and more.
Speaker A:Living this life.
Speaker A:Welcome to the David Spoon Experience, local, national and heavenly talk.
Speaker A:My name is Dr.
Speaker A:David Spoon.
Speaker A:I'll be your host for the next 5,400,000 milliseconds.
Speaker A:Get ready for one of the more bizarre experiences on live radio.
Speaker A:Here is the key to the show.
Speaker A:We don't know what we're doing.
Speaker A:We have no idea what's gonna happen.
Speaker A:We don't really care that much as long as it's the Lord.
Speaker A:But for the next few minutes, I want to talk hope with you.
Speaker A:So here we go.
Speaker A:We're asking questions about living life as a Christian.
Speaker A:And as you know, many times we ask questions that are very thoroughly probing, spiritual in nature, and today it will not be that way.
Speaker A:No, I'm going to ask you a very personal question.
Speaker A:No, I'm not going to ask your waist size.
Speaker A:I'm going to ask you this simple question.
Speaker A:If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Speaker A:If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Speaker A:Now, I know many people want to say, I'll take the goss pills, get it?
Speaker A:But no, what kind of food?
Speaker A:If you can only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Speaker A:If you have a response to that, if you have an opinion, a comment, a thought or a question about anything, really don't Let it die in loneliness.
Speaker A:Just reach out and give us a call.
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Talking to Jam and Jacob is like talking to a person that you can count on.
Speaker A:Hello.
Speaker A:Thank you, David.
Speaker A:Happy Tuesday.
Speaker A:Happy Tuesday to you, my friend.
Speaker A:People do not know this, but it is our very own Jamming Jacob himself.
Speaker A:In fact, the see Secret Squirrel from yesterday is running the entire ship as our very wonderful Jennifer.
Speaker A:Amazing.
Speaker A:Jen is taking a personal date, getting things done.
Speaker A:And so you are in charge of everything.
Speaker A:And I want to say it's still on the air, so good job.
Speaker A:Thank you, David.
Speaker A:Yes, we are still on the air.
Speaker A:The ship is still going strong.
Speaker A:The starship is still moving at stellar pace.
Speaker A:Nice work to you.
Speaker A:It's been going pretty smooth.
Speaker A:Any real problems?
Speaker A:No, not today.
Speaker A:Yeah, it's going smooth so far.
Speaker A:See, normally you do that and then something happens and.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:I gotta cross my fingers when I say that.
Speaker A:Yeah, it's so funny.
Speaker A:All right, so anyway, we do want you to keep our very own Jamming Jacob in prayer.
Speaker A:That would be a good thing.
Speaker A:I do want you to be aware you can reach out to us by the telephone.
Speaker A:I know many of you have been around for a long time, but yet even you have used a telephone.
Speaker A:You are welcome to call us if you would like to.
Speaker A:You're also welcome to text us.
Speaker A:We think it's really cool that you can text during the show.
Speaker A:It's not as deep or as involved, but, you know, it's fun for people to be able to access.
Speaker A:Our text number is different.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Additionally.
Speaker A:Because on top of that means additionally.
Speaker A:And additionally means on top of that, you can send us an email.
Speaker A:What?
Speaker A:An email?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Davidemustincrease.org that's my name.
Speaker A: circlehemustincrease from john: Speaker A:You can send us an email.
Speaker A:You can text, you can call us.
Speaker A:Why would you do that?
Speaker A:Maybe you've got a praise report.
Speaker A:Okay, cool.
Speaker A:Awesome.
Speaker A:Bring it.
Speaker A:Here's a venue for you to share it.
Speaker A:Don't say.
Speaker A:Well, I never really had an opportunity to share.
Speaker A:No, that's not true and you know it.
Speaker A:And it's open to you.
Speaker A:Maybe you've got a prayer request.
Speaker A:We'll have that prayer request and turn it into a praise report.
Speaker A:Because God answers prayers.
Speaker A:And again, for people that don't believe that God answers prayers, he doesn't.
Speaker A:According to your faith, so be it.
Speaker A:Got it.
Speaker A:That works perfectly.
Speaker A:And then in addition to that, maybe you've just got something you want to share.
Speaker A:Maybe you saw something or came across something and said, wow, it just really dawned on me.
Speaker A:This really helped me.
Speaker A:This really helped me understand this little thing.
Speaker A:I saw this one thing.
Speaker A:I saw a bumper sticker.
Speaker A:Whatever.
Speaker A:Whatever it is you want to share, we are open to that.
Speaker A:And we want it to be a blessing for you.
Speaker A:So let's keep that in mind.
Speaker A:A couple things to remind you of as we head into our teachings today.
Speaker A:We are still doing February Buddies.
Speaker A:Because guess what?
Speaker A:It is still February.
Speaker A:Still several days, four days left.
Speaker A:If you hear somebody's name, we are asking you to take a few moments in your prayer time on your daily basis.
Speaker A:Prayer time.
Speaker A:And lift that person up before the Lord.
Speaker A:Because that's what the Lord wants from you and I.
Speaker A:He wants us to join each other in carrying one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Speaker A:He wants us to be loving one another carefully.
Speaker A:A new commandment Jesus said, I give you.
Speaker A:Now, everybody's really committed to Matthew 22, where Jesus gives the summation of the law, but in John 13, 34 and 35, he gives a new commandment.
Speaker A:What?
Speaker A:That we're supposed to love one another as Christ loves us.
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker A:That's more than us loving somebody.
Speaker A:Like we love ourselves, loving our brothers and sisters in Christ, like Jesus loves them.
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker A:And by this shall all men know you're my disciples.
Speaker A:It's a testimony unto the Lord.
Speaker A:So we want to fulfill that honor.
Speaker A:God, obey Jesus as he sets it forth before us.
Speaker A:So if you hear about somebody, pray for them.
Speaker A:Join them in their struggle.
Speaker A:It could be joining them.
Speaker A:Not necessarily in a struggle.
Speaker A:It could be joining them just in a cause.
Speaker A:Doesn't matter.
Speaker A:It's all good.
Speaker A:You don't have to be overly legalistic.
Speaker A:We have many legalistic people in the church today.
Speaker A:Even you don't need to be one of them.
Speaker A:It's not necessary.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:All right, cool.
Speaker A:So we want you to be aware of that.
Speaker A:We are gonna jump into our teaching.
Speaker A:But you're welcome to reach out to us during the show.
Speaker A:Cause we like that.
Speaker A:It's just interaction.
Speaker A:Just.
Speaker A:I don't know how you're doing.
Speaker A:Where we are is a fascinating place in the Gospel of Matthew.
Speaker A:In fact, we are in Matthew chapter 21, and we're picking it up basically at verse 28.
Speaker A:And here's what it says.
Speaker A:Says and wow, this is cool.
Speaker A:Jesus had just got done talking to the religious teachers, the leading priests and the other leaders, and they were trying to pin him down on authority.
Speaker A:And we talked about this last week.
Speaker A:Last week they were trying to pin him down, by whose authority?
Speaker A:And then Jesus, what did he do?
Speaker A:He answered a question with a question.
Speaker A:So your English teacher was wrong.
Speaker A:It's not rude.
Speaker A:And Jesus simply said, what authority?
Speaker A:And then they lied in their answer because they didn't believe that John the Baptist was from heaven.
Speaker A:But they just lied, saying, we don't know, we can't answer.
Speaker A:So they just dodged, so to speak, the situation.
Speaker A:So now Jesus says after that, he says, well, I'm not going to answer you either.
Speaker A:But it's in verse 28.
Speaker A:He's not done.
Speaker A:Jesus always leading in there somewhere, isn't he?
Speaker A:But what do you think about this?
Speaker A:A man with two sons told.
Speaker A:A man with two sons told the older boy, son, go out and work in the vineyard.
Speaker A:The son answered, no, no, no, no, I'm not getting out of bed.
Speaker A:No, I won't do it.
Speaker A:But later he changed his mind and went anyway.
Speaker A:Then the father told the other son, you go.
Speaker A:And he said, yes, sir, I will.
Speaker A:But he didn't go.
Speaker A:Which of these two was obeying his father?
Speaker A:Okay, let's jump into this because this is an amazing little conversation started for those that you are involved in any kind of witnessing class, or if you're involved in any kind of engagement with people or you're trying to learn how can you help people.
Speaker A:How can you get involved in sharing the Lord with people without feeling really weird about it?
Speaker A:It is a phenomenal entry point to be simply say to somebody as Joanne was talking about yesterday on the phone, you know, is there anything I can pray for you about?
Speaker A:I mean, that's just a nice thing.
Speaker A:Very few people reject that.
Speaker A:Fewer people would be mad about it.
Speaker A:I mean, what's wrong with that?
Speaker A:Yeah, pray for me.
Speaker A:I need this.
Speaker A:I need a new job.
Speaker A:I need finances.
Speaker A:I need this.
Speaker A:I need this.
Speaker A:That's a great open door.
Speaker A:Jesus drops in another one right here.
Speaker A:He says this.
Speaker A:He goes, what do you think about this now?
Speaker A:What do you mean, what do you think about this?
Speaker A:It's like, I'm just interested in what you have to say.
Speaker A:About this.
Speaker A:People like that, too.
Speaker A:What's your opinion about this?
Speaker A:What do you think about the Philadelphia Eagles?
Speaker A:They said they weren't going to go to the White House.
Speaker A:Now they are going to go to the White House.
Speaker A:What do you think of that?
Speaker A:It's like simple, simple kind of stuff.
Speaker A: picking it back up in Matthew: Speaker A:And it's a fascinating story.
Speaker A:And Jesus is teaching people what really counts to God at this beginning.
Speaker A:At this beginning, he goes, what do you think about this?
Speaker A:So what Jesus is saying, kind of not in code, but saying it this way, is, I want you to consider what I'm saying and apply it.
Speaker A:How would you approach this?
Speaker A:What do you think of this?
Speaker A:How would you receive this?
Speaker A:How do you respond to this?
Speaker A:What?
Speaker A:Checks the box for you.
Speaker A:So he tells the story of two sons.
Speaker A:One is older and the other is younger.
Speaker A:Now, we could guess that perhaps in the teachings of Jesus over his three and a half years of ministry, there's this close association between this story and the prodigal son.
Speaker A:It's not an entirely deeply connected one, but there is a similarity, that there's the father and then the older son and the younger son.
Speaker A:So that's kind of cool.
Speaker A:All right, that's not a big deal.
Speaker A:Fascinating to think about.
Speaker A:So the father tells the boys, hey, boys, it's time to go out and do your work.
Speaker A:In other words, I want to say this really carefully, but I don't want to be political.
Speaker A:In other words, go to work, do your job.
Speaker A:I'm not sure which government agency has a hard time having people go to work, but whatever it is, it doesn't seem like we need it.
Speaker A:Because if they're not willing to go to work, they're then what are they doing?
Speaker A:They're supposed to be going to work, right?
Speaker A:It's not that complex.
Speaker A:Do what you're supposed to do.
Speaker A:So he gives his instructions, and he gives it first to the elder of the two boys.
Speaker A:So he says to his older son, son, go out and work in the vineyard today.
Speaker A:And the son answered, no, I won't go.
Speaker A:So I just want you to be aware.
Speaker A:And then the rest of the verse goes, but later he changed his mind.
Speaker A:Sometimes we're engaging with the Lord, and you can tell me how perfect you are some other time, because I know that none of us are perfect before the Lord.
Speaker A:And that's what the righteousness of Jesus Christ is all about.
Speaker A:But sometimes we get engaged with the Lord and we might even Start off with a no, I want you to go here.
Speaker A:No.
Speaker A:And so just before you say anything, many people have said pastors, teachers and otherwise, that we eventually get into the kingdom, even though sometimes it seems like we're kicking, screaming and yelling.
Speaker A:Yelling while the Lord is bringing us in.
Speaker A:That's kind of like what that is.
Speaker A:Situation starts off with a big fat no.
Speaker A:What?
Speaker A:No, no, no, no.
Speaker A:Not going to do it.
Speaker A:Not going to do it.
Speaker A:Not prudent.
Speaker A:Not doing it.
Speaker A:Verse 30.
Speaker A:The Father, he's telling his son, and then the kid goes, anyway, so what happens?
Speaker A:Well, here's what happens.
Speaker A:The scripture says he changes his mind.
Speaker A:Do you know that that is, in fact, repentance?
Speaker A:I know.
Speaker A:We always think of repentance, and I still do, too.
Speaker A:The guy's out in the sandwich board.
Speaker A:He's not wearing anything but shorts and some kind of weird shoes and he's got long hair.
Speaker A:And on one side recess of his board it says, repent.
Speaker A:And on the backside of his sandwich board it says, the end is near.
Speaker A:So that's what we think of when we think of repentance.
Speaker A:Like that guy doing that.
Speaker A:It's like, no, that's not what it is.
Speaker A:To change your direction of thought is what repentance is.
Speaker A:Is there sorrow attached to it?
Speaker A:Most of the time, but not all of the time.
Speaker A:Sometimes it's just okay.
Speaker A:It's not even feeling bad.
Speaker A:It's just like, all right, I got to do the right thing.
Speaker A:Fine, I'll just do it.
Speaker A:And so the attitude in that has a lot to do with it.
Speaker A:And so the Bible says that in this story, he changed his mind.
Speaker A:That was, in essence, repentance.
Speaker A:People are like, well, you got to have repentance.
Speaker A:That doesn't mean you have to take a piece of wood and bang your head against it 15 times to prove you're repentant.
Speaker A:That's from the Monty Python movie.
Speaker A:You're thinking, what?
Speaker A:The Monty Python movie?
Speaker A:What Monty Python?
Speaker A:The Holy Grail movie.
Speaker A:When they went around and they kept going and they bang their heads against the wood to show that they're repentant.
Speaker A:That's not what the Lord always requires.
Speaker A:Sometimes he just requires you and I to have a change of mind or even a change of heart.
Speaker A:And he goes out and he goes and does the work.
Speaker A:In the story Jesus is telling, verse 30, the Father told the other son, you go.
Speaker A:Which means that he knew what happened to the first son.
Speaker A:He's not even saying the same.
Speaker A:You go.
Speaker A:And he said, yes, sir, I will.
Speaker A:But he didn't go.
Speaker A:So Jesus says, which of these two is obeying his father?
Speaker A:Well, the second son is doing lip service, a people pleaser, wanting to come off like a I will do whatever my father tells me.
Speaker A:And he doesn't do it.
Speaker A:The point in this is that it's not how you initially respond.
Speaker A:It's when the Lord tells you to do something, do you get it done?
Speaker A:It takes a little while for me to get there, but.
Speaker A:And this is the story that Jesus is connecting to these people.
Speaker A:Now I want to say this because it's too much fun not to.
Speaker A:Okay?
Speaker A:So just bear with me.
Speaker A:So he's telling the sons, go do your job.
Speaker A:Go do what you're supposed to do.
Speaker A:In typical young, defiant fashion, the older boy goes, no.
Speaker A:Now was he a teenager?
Speaker A:I don't know, but the scripture is pretty clear.
Speaker A:So from 0 to 20 is a child, from 20 to 40 is a young person, 40 to 60 is a person.
Speaker A:60 and older is an elder.
Speaker A:Okay, got that.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:So he was probably in his 20s, 30s or 40s.
Speaker A:I don't think a 10 year old is going to go out and do stuff in the field, but that doesn't really matter.
Speaker A:He had this attitude that just didn't partake.
Speaker A:And so he just said, I'm not doing it.
Speaker A:And then he changed his mind and he did it.
Speaker A:Then the father tells the other kid the same thing.
Speaker A:This is a people pursing person, people pleasing person.
Speaker A:Absolutely.
Speaker A:I'm going to do it.
Speaker A:He didn't do it at all.
Speaker A:So he asked the Pharisees and the which one obeyed his father?
Speaker A:So this is kind of an easy one to lay up, right?
Speaker A:And Jesus says, which one?
Speaker A:And they replied the first, of course, like, oh, we know the answer to this.
Speaker A:This isn't complex.
Speaker A:But Jesus then pulls them into reality and says, I assure you corrupt tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the kingdom of God.
Speaker A:Before you taking this back to the earlier lesson, he's talking about Johnny B.
Speaker A:Johnny Baptist.
Speaker A:Did you believe his message was from heaven or was it from man?
Speaker A:And the answer was from heaven in the truth.
Speaker A:But those Pharisees thought it was from man and that's why they didn't obey it.
Speaker A:And then Jesus says this, these tax collectors, which people hated tax collectors?
Speaker A:You think it's bad now if the IRS doesn't audit?
Speaker A:Back then you couldn't get food if you didn't pay the tax collector.
Speaker A:It was a different world altogether.
Speaker A:That's the one knock on the door you didn't want and he's like those guys that everybody despises and the prostitutes, they're getting into the kingdom of God before you religious people.
Speaker A:Verse 32, for John the Baptist came and showed you the way of life and you didn't believe him while tax collectors and prostitutes did.
Speaker A:Now, just pause for a moment and I want you to think about this.
Speaker A:I really want you to think about this.
Speaker A:These are the religious people of the day.
Speaker A:These are the people that are known as the religious ones.
Speaker A:And Jesus is like the most dirty, defiled, despised people are going to get there before you because you didn't believe in the prophet of God.
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker A:We come back, I want you to think about how deep that is.
Speaker A:He's like, you're not even going to make it before the prostitutes and before the tax collectors because you wouldn't believe.
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker A:Right?
Speaker A:Could you imagine that moment hearing that?
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker A:All right, here's your first trivia question.
Speaker A:Who was Belshazzar better known as?
Speaker A:Who was Belshazzar, better known as Satan, Daniel, James or Goliath?
Speaker A:Daniel, chapter one, verse seven.
Speaker A:Who was Belshazzar, Just the book of Daniel doesn't mean it's Daniel.
Speaker A:Who was Belshazzar better known as Satan, Daniel, James or Goliath?
Speaker A:Belshazzar, who was better known as Satan, Daniel, James or Goliath?
Speaker A:If you think you know, you can reach out to us.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Or you can send an email, david@hemustincrease.org who was Belshazzar, better known as Daniel, chapter one, verse seven.
Speaker A:Is it Satan, Daniel, James or Goliath?
Speaker A:That's the trivia question.
Speaker A:Ooh, hope you get this one right.
Speaker A:I really do.
Speaker A:In the meantime, I'm going to send you up to the website and keep it really simple and very, very, very, very straightforward.
Speaker A:Let's just make sure you hear what I'm saying.
Speaker A:We have Radio Rent Friday.
Speaker A:We don't have it.
Speaker A:We need your help to get it, period.
Speaker A:There it is.
Speaker A:I don't say anything else.
Speaker A:We live off the donations of the audience looking to you guys to help us out.
Speaker A:That would be awesome.
Speaker A:We love you.
Speaker A:We hope it works.
Speaker A:Fantastic.
Speaker A:Check it out.
Speaker A:Go to the website hemustincrease.org Prayer request hemostincreased.org Praise report.
Speaker A:Hemostincreased.org Looking to give to this ministry.
Speaker A:Hemustincrease.org Confused by what's happening right now?
Speaker A:Hemustincrease.org hemustincrease.org Abominable.
Speaker A:Can you believe that?
Speaker A:Do I look abominable to you?
Speaker A:Why can't they call me the Adorable Snowman or the Agreeable Snowman, for crying out loud?
Speaker A:I'm a nice guy.
Speaker A:That's a snowman with identity crisis right there, isn't it?
Speaker A:He's just having a moment, right?
Speaker A:What's wrong with me?
Speaker A:Okay, all right.
Speaker A:Your question, keeping it simple, who was Belshazzar better known as.
Speaker A:Is that Satan, Daniel, James, or Goliath?
Speaker A:Your reference point, Daniel 1:7?
Speaker A:If you think you know, you need to respond in a hurry.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Because it is amazing.
Speaker A:Jesus calling the religious people out on the carpet.
Speaker A:And you're thinking, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Speaker A:What do you mean, the religious people?
Speaker A:There are a great deal of people who do leadership in churches that don't know Jesus from a brown paper bag.
Speaker A:Sorry, you're like, you can't say that.
Speaker A:I didn't.
Speaker A:Jesus did.
Speaker A:I just want to point that out so I want to make sure you don't think I'm coming up with this.
Speaker A:Jesus is the one who said this.
Speaker A:Jesus said In Matthew, chapter 7, verse 21, not everyone who says to me, lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven, verse 22, many will say to me, in that day, lord, have we not prophesied in your name and cast out demons and done many wonders in your name?
Speaker A:These are people doing things in the name of Christ.
Speaker A:And then Jesus said, I will declare to them, I never knew you depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.
Speaker A:That sounds like a lot of leaders who do things in the name of Jesus that don't know the difference between Jesus and a brown paper bag.
Speaker A:And that's what Jesus is telling these guys.
Speaker A:Tax collectors and prostitutes responded.
Speaker A:You didn't.
Speaker A:Even when you saw that Jesus said, you refused to turn from your sins and believe in him.
Speaker A:Even when they were confronted with it, they didn't respond to God.
Speaker A:Ouch.
Speaker A:That's a tough lesson.
Speaker A:We have somebody on the line ready to answer a trivia question.
Speaker A:Let's send him on through.
Speaker A:Knock, knock.
Speaker A:This is David.
Speaker A:Who am I talking to.
Speaker B:Hello, David.
Speaker B:Happy Tuesday, brother.
Speaker B:This is Curtis.
Speaker A:Hi, brother Curtis.
Speaker A:How are you, man?
Speaker B:Man, I'm doing great.
Speaker B:My friend told Jake about driving about town, enjoying this beautiful weather.
Speaker A:Oh, it's beautiful.
Speaker A:Just beautiful.
Speaker A:It's so nice, isn't it?
Speaker B:Listening to my favorite show.
Speaker A:Thank you, brother.
Speaker A:Thank you so much.
Speaker A:I appreciate that.
Speaker A:All right, let me set you up on this, and we'll let you close it down.
Speaker A:Here we go.
Speaker A:Who was Belshazzar, better known as Satan, Daniel James or Goliath?
Speaker B:I believe it was Daniel.
Speaker A:That is correct.
Speaker A:Delicious.
Speaker B:I wonder, David, after that was all.
Speaker B:After it was all said and done, I wonder if he went like, wow, Daniel's a lot easier to spell.
Speaker A:No kidding, right?
Speaker A:He's like, look at.
Speaker A:Just call me D.
Speaker A:It's simple.
Speaker A:I mean, that's easy.
Speaker A:Excellent comment there, my brother.
Speaker A:That was really good.
Speaker A:Really, really good.
Speaker B:Thank you, David.
Speaker B:Have a blessed day, my friend.
Speaker B:I'm going to sit back and enjoy the rest of your message, bro.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:God bless you, bro.
Speaker A:Bye Bye.
Speaker B:You too, David.
Speaker B:Thank you.
Speaker B:Bye.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:Excellent job by Curtis.
Speaker A:All right, so here's the thing that I'm trying to say.
Speaker A:You guys are like, well, where are you going with those?
Speaker A:It's really simple.
Speaker A:You know, the Lord will tell you to do things in your life.
Speaker A:He'll tell you through his word, he'll tell you through circumstance, he'll tell you through prayer.
Speaker A:He'll tell you through people.
Speaker A:And, you know, it's the Lord.
Speaker A:And sometimes we go, now, I don't want to.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:I just want to say this.
Speaker A:Let me just make this.
Speaker A:You get this real fast.
Speaker A:It's okay if you initially do that.
Speaker A:It's not okay if you stay in that.
Speaker A:In other words, you shouldn't do that.
Speaker A:You should just say, yes, Lord.
Speaker A:That would just make your life easier and better.
Speaker A:But if you're going to have to kick and scream to get in, I get it.
Speaker A:Some people need to have a gong moment where it goes, ding.
Speaker A:I got it.
Speaker A:I got it.
Speaker A:But at some point, you have to change your mind and say, yes, Lord.
Speaker A:So whatever that area is that you seem to be fighting with or fighting in, stop.
Speaker A:You're not going to win anyway.
Speaker A:Just follow the Lord.
Speaker A:Do it in partnership with him through Jesus.
Speaker A:You can do all things, remember, you can get it done.
Speaker A:All right, we'll take our break here and then come back.
Speaker A:You're listening to the David Spoon Experience right here on Kaam 770, the truth station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Short break, don't go anywhere.
Speaker A:What the whole teaching has to do with is the dissatisfaction that people have who are worldly when the divine is involved.
Speaker A:I want you to hear that line.
Speaker A:That's the big line.
Speaker A:That's the big connector between all of this.
Speaker A:The worldly are never satisfied if divinity is involved.
Speaker A:So the example Jesus says is, you know, we played the flute for you, right?
Speaker A:And the flute, you know, woo the flute.
Speaker A:Yay, happy sounds, right?
Speaker A:And the people are like, no.
Speaker A:It's like, okay, well we sang a dirge for you, right?
Speaker A:When you sing at a funeral, right?
Speaker A:And the people were like, no.
Speaker A:And then John the Baptist, he says, comes and John the Baptist is as straight as you can get.
Speaker A:We would call him, you know, a massive teetotaler, might be fair enough to say.
Speaker A:And he says, he does.
Speaker A:He's not eating bread, he's not drinking any wine.
Speaker A:And you people, the way you respond, you go, he's got a demon.
Speaker A:And then Jesus, he says, I come, Son of man comes, I'm eating and drinking.
Speaker A:And then what do the people do?
Speaker A:They extreme it out.
Speaker A:And they say, he's a glutton because he's eating, not eating more than he should.
Speaker A:He's just eating.
Speaker A:And he's a drunkard because he had wine.
Speaker A:You see, this is the thing.
Speaker A:The thing is that the world and the worldly are never satisfied.
Speaker A:That's why I said that connection to the song.
Speaker A:And don't get mad at me that I used a Rolling Stone song.
Speaker A:It's not my fault they wrote a song called I Can't get no Satisfaction.
Speaker A:This is the Lord trying to reach people at different levels and people keep going, no, no, no, no.
Speaker A:And it's non stop, and there's just no satisfying them.
Speaker A:And even the one thing that I would say, and I've said this before, in the beginning of this, of this broadcast, and I don't really care about your political affiliations, but when, when, when people get going in a certain direction, you can't move them one way or another.
Speaker A:And when the media was all over Donald Trump, it's fair to say that had he helped cure cancer with research, they would have accused Donald Trump of putting people out of business who were in the cancer business.
Speaker A:It's just like that's exactly what they would have done.
Speaker A:Everybody knows that.
Speaker A:And it's because that's how the mentality is.
Speaker A:If somebody comes along and does something that's good and it's not appreciative to the world or they don't like it, they will rip it to shreds.
Speaker A:You can't play the flute.
Speaker A:You can't sing a dirge.
Speaker A:You can't be Johnny the Baptist.
Speaker A:And you can't be Jesus Christ, because none of those things satisfy.
Speaker A:We want exactly what we want.
Speaker A:Which, by the way, they don't even know what they want.
Speaker A:That's the irony.
Speaker A:It's God that's giving the opportunity for people to get the answers.
Speaker A:And people are so inwardly confused because of Satan, they wouldn't know a good thing if it split them in the eyeballs.
Speaker A:That's the problem.
Speaker A:The David Spoon experience.