02-24-2024 part 2: Overcoming Fear: God's Promise to Protect and Reward
The primary assertion of this podcast revolves around the divine assurance that God extends to His followers, specifically the exhortation to refrain from fear, as articulated in the narrative of Abraham. The episode delves into the profound implications of God's promise to protect and bless His people, positing that, despite the inevitable trials and adversities of life, faith remains a bastion of hope and security. We explore the significance of Abraham's covenant with God, underscoring the necessity of recognizing divine provision and the importance of sharing blessings with others. Additionally, the discussion emphasizes the transformative journey of Dr. David Spoon, highlighting his personal evolution from a troubled youth to a devoted servant of God, thereby illustrating the overarching theme of redemption and divine favor. Ultimately, the episode serves as a clarion call for listeners to embrace faith in God's protective and rewarding nature, encouraging them to cultivate a spirit of generosity and gratitude.
An exploration of the intricate relationship between God and Abraham is presented, highlighting the covenant reaffirmation that occurs in Genesis 15. As God assures Abraham with the words, 'Do not be afraid,' the discussion emphasizes the significance of divine reassurance in the face of uncertainty and fear. This encounter marks a critical juncture in Abraham's journey, as he grapples with doubts about his future and the fulfillment of God's promises. The episode draws parallels between Abraham's experiences and contemporary Christian life, urging listeners to embrace faith over fear, particularly in times of trial. The host articulates a profound understanding of God's protective nature and his commitment to reward those who remain steadfast in faith. This assurance resonates with the audience, conveying that despite life's challenges, believers can find solace and strength in the unwavering presence of God, who is dedicated to guiding them through adversities and rewarding their fidelity to His covenant.
- Abraham's refusal to accept gifts from the king of Sodom demonstrates his commitment to God as his sole source of success.
- The act of sharing in the Christian faith is paramount, as illustrated by Abraham's decision to share spoils with his allies.
- In Genesis 15, God reassures Abraham, emphasizing the importance of trust and divine protection in times of fear.
- The concept of giving to God first, before others, is highlighted as a foundational principle of faith and generosity.
- Abraham's example serves as a reminder that true wealth is found not in material possessions, but in spiritual rewards from God.
- The podcast emphasizes the significance of maintaining a close relationship with God, which brings peace and assurance amidst life's challenges.
And now for something completely different.
Speaker A:Here's what's coming up this hour on today's Experience.
Speaker A:It's marvelous, monumental, most fascinating, massively mind bending Monday as we join our hearts and minds as one, drawing closer to the king of Kings and glorifying his name first, picking it up again at Genesis 14.
Speaker A:We're closing out the chapter roughly about verse 24ish, where Abraham makes it clear to the king of Sodom that he will not give any gracious gifts to him.
Speaker A:In other words, the king of Sodom, Abraham would not receive any of the gifts from the king of Sodom.
Speaker A:And you might be thinking, well, why is that?
Speaker A:And the reason is this because the king could later claim to to have been connected to making Abraham successful.
Speaker A:So Abraham declared that he only wants what the young men have already eaten as part of the bill for saving everybody.
Speaker A:But he also makes an interesting secondary statement.
Speaker A:He gives also give a share of the goods to my allies.
Speaker A:Now I want you to think about this.
Speaker A:It's extremely important for Christians to understand this concept of true sharing.
Speaker A:Abraham could have kept all the produce and bounty for himself, but he was fully aware that others helped him reach that point, specifically starting with God and also the people that God helped him with.
Speaker A:The first thing he does is gives to God by offering to Melchizedek.
Speaker A:The next thing he does is shares with those around him.
Speaker A:That's how it should be.
Speaker A:And finally, as we open into chapter 15, we encounter another pivotal moment between God and Abraham.
Speaker A:The reaffirmation and deeper declaration of the covenant that God has established with him.
Speaker A:The first thing that God says to Abraham is simply, do not be afraid.
Speaker A:God makes it clear that he is with Abraham and reassures him not to fear, just like he does for you and me.
Speaker A:David Spoon's life has been an experience.
Speaker A:While growing up in a Jewish family, he made a wrong turn toward drug abuse.
Speaker A:Then David Spoon found Jesus Christ and his life completely changed.
Speaker A:The more he studied the gospel, the more he wanted to share his experiences with others.
Speaker A:After 35 years of ministry, David discovered a new path of service.
Speaker A:He joined KAAM and this radio program began.
Speaker A:You're about to hear the David Spoon Experience.
Speaker A:Welcome to the David Spoon Experience.
Speaker A:Local, national and heavenly talk.
Speaker A:Here's what else we're looking at during the show.
Speaker A:Lessons for surviving living and prevailing politics, entertainment and current events, personal revelations, spiritual observations, my life's insanities and oy vey, so much more.
Speaker A:Now remember, it's not professional radio.
Speaker A:And to prove it's not professional radio, we will talk to the Secret Squirrel of professional radio.
Speaker A:That's right, folks, if you remember that you are old, the Secret Squirrel of professional radio, our very own Jammin Jacob.
Speaker A:Jammin Jacob as the Secret Squirrel.
Speaker A:Is this the David Spoon experience professional radio?
Speaker A:No, it is not, David.
Speaker A:There you go.
Speaker A:And I don't know if you know.
Speaker A:There you go.
Speaker A:But Secret Squirrel, he has a hat and he has a trench coat.
Speaker A:I'm just letting you know.
Speaker A:So you have to get a hat and a trench coat.
Speaker A:Yeah, I was going to say I have neither today.
Speaker A:All right, well, we're just going to give you the thought that you're wearing a hat and a trench coat.
Speaker A:Let's just leave that there.
Speaker A:He's our Secret Squirrel.
Speaker A:If you guys know that cartoon, you really are old.
Speaker A:I'm just being honest.
Speaker A:All right, here it is in a nutshell.
Speaker A:We're really trying to find out how you doing?
Speaker A:Look, it's not professional radio.
Speaker A:I can't.
Speaker A:I've already made 15 mistakes and we've only been on the show 30 minutes.
Speaker A:I mean, come on.
Speaker A:Here it is.
Speaker A:We want to know how you're doing.
Speaker A:What can we do to be a blessing?
Speaker A:How can we help?
Speaker A:What can we.
Speaker A:You know, what, what's going on?
Speaker A:We'll do the best we can.
Speaker A:If we can do something, we will.
Speaker A:Most of the time, we bring it to the Lord, who can do anything.
Speaker A:That's what you want.
Speaker A:You want the Lord working on you for you, with you, towards you, in you.
Speaker A:That's what we want, more of him.
Speaker A:And so we encourage you to email us.
Speaker A:You can email davidemustincreased.org during the show live.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:When you call that number, just so you can know, maybe the universe shakes.
Speaker A:I don't know.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Talking to Jim and Jacob is like knowing your spiritual radio family has your back.
Speaker A:Thank you, David.
Speaker A:Happy Monday.
Speaker A:Happy Monday to you.
Speaker A:Monday fun day so far.
Speaker A:Monday, fun day so far.
Speaker A:Just rolling around, keeping things going.
Speaker A:We do want you to be able to reach out to us if you've got a prayer request.
Speaker A:We do want you to reach out to us if you have a praise report.
Speaker A:We do want you to reach out to us if you have something you want to share.
Speaker A:Now, we're not as geared politically as some shows.
Speaker A:We have nothing against that.
Speaker A:We think they're phenomenal.
Speaker A:We're just a little bit more geared toward more of God in your life will make your life better.
Speaker A:And there is just no arguing that.
Speaker A:Doesn't matter what the little G says.
Speaker A:Doesn't matter what the media says.
Speaker A:Media making everything darker in America, not to the media.
Speaker A:Doesn't matter what Hollywood says or academics.
Speaker A:Doesn't matter what politicians say.
Speaker A:If you want a better life, have more of God in your life through Jesus Christ, period.
Speaker A:There you go.
Speaker A:In the meantime, we'll also ask you this because it's just too much fun to ask.
Speaker A:Is the book of Euphrates in the Old Testament, New Testament, both or neither?
Speaker A:The book of Euphrates in the Old Testament, New Testament, both or neither?
Speaker A:If you think you know well, then I encourage you to reach out to us.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Additionally, you can send an email.
Speaker A:Davidemustincrease.org is the book of Euphrates in the Old Testament, the New Testament, both or neither?
Speaker A:If you think you know, you can reach out to us.
Speaker A:Like I said.
Speaker A:In the meantime, we will do our DNA.
Speaker A:D stands for draw closer to the Lord daily.
Speaker A:All right, so I'm just gonna check with Jacob.
Speaker A:I'm gonna put him on the spot.
Speaker A:Just a little bit of frustration maybe for him in this one second.
Speaker A:But as best I can.
Speaker A:Jacob, daily.
Speaker A:When you think of daily, what comes to your mind every day, David.
Speaker A:Okay, now for everybody else who's out there trying to figure out what daily is, he just answered it.
Speaker A:For every person in the entire universe, that answer is acknowledged by everybody, including Scripture.
Speaker A:We're supposed to pray daily.
Speaker A:Give us this day of our daily bread.
Speaker A:See?
Speaker A:Very good.
Speaker A:Very good answer.
Speaker A:That'll rank at the top tier with all the other brilliant answers you've given on this show.
Speaker A:Thank you, David.
Speaker A:That was a tough one there.
Speaker A:That was a tough one.
Speaker A:I know.
Speaker A:And I didn't mean to put you on the spot, but you came through with flying colors.
Speaker A:Nice job.
Speaker A:So D stands for draw closer to the Lord daily.
Speaker A:N stands for never be ashamed of Jesus or His words.
Speaker A:When should you be ashamed of Jesus?
Speaker A:Never.
Speaker A:Do you want him to be ashamed of you when he comes?
Speaker A:I don't.
Speaker A:In fact, I'm reading in First John 4, 7, 17.
Speaker A:I want to have confidence when he comes.
Speaker A:Oh, I've done a ton of things wrong, but I can still have confidence knowing that I am leaning into and leaning on and living for my king.
Speaker A:And so instead of being.
Speaker A:I want to be absolutely standing firm.
Speaker A:If people don't like it, tough.
Speaker A:I mean, we're just speaking the truth.
Speaker A:Whose truth?
Speaker A:God's truth.
Speaker A:Man's truth is often based on a lie anyway.
Speaker A:And Satan's truth is always based on a lie.
Speaker A:But God's truth is the only truth that never changes, by the way.
Speaker A:Cultures change, politicians change, governments change, world leaders change, it all changes.
Speaker A:But the truth never changes.
Speaker A:It's more sure than the foundation of the earth.
Speaker A:The earth that you stand on every day is not as solid as God's truth because this earth will pass away.
Speaker A:But God's truth won't.
Speaker A:Never be ashamed of Jesus or his words ever.
Speaker A:That's the N of DNA.
Speaker A:And then A.
Speaker A:Always be ready to serve.
Speaker A:Ready to serve.
Speaker A:Ready.
Speaker A:Just think about what Joanne was sharing, how she went and she went into the pharmacy and the pharmacy's person was really helpful and she's just like, hey, how can I pray for you?
Speaker A:It's like, it's not.
Speaker A:People don't get offended when you say that.
Speaker A:If they don't want you to pray for you, they just say, you can't.
Speaker A:Okay, you don't have to make a big deal, fine.
Speaker A:The majority of people will go, I need help.
Speaker A:Because most people need prayer.
Speaker A:Most people need help even if things are going swishingly great, even if it's going phenomenal.
Speaker A:Sometimes you just need some help in some areas.
Speaker A:Might not even be for the person themselves, might be somebody they know, hey, how can I pray for you?
Speaker A:And then the big thing to me now, this is just my personal thing and I think everybody should buy into this.
Speaker A:This is just my approach on this is if you make that commitment to pray, pray, in other words, before you are exited from the situation, while you're exiting, whenever and immediately pray, don't forget, and then think about it six years later.
Speaker A:Pray about it right then and there.
Speaker A:If you can't pray with them, pray with them as you're walking away.
Speaker A:Nothing wrong with that.
Speaker A:But you wanna be ready, you wanna be alert, you wanna be tuned in.
Speaker A:You don't wanna be spiritually tone deaf to what the Lord may be doing so you want to be ready.
Speaker A:Ears open to the Lord, eyes open for the Lord, Heart and mouth ready for the Lord.
Speaker A:Every part of you for the Lord.
Speaker A:Seek first the kingdom of God.
Speaker A:That means to set your mind on it.
Speaker A:Lord, what do you want of me in this situation?
Speaker A:Is there anything I need to do?
Speaker A:I'm right here.
Speaker A:Here am I.
Speaker A:Send me.
Speaker A:Always be ready to serve as the a so d Draw closer to the Lord daily N Never be ashamed of Jesus or his words.
Speaker A:A Always be ready to serve.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:Your trivia question, I think we've said it before, is the book of Euphrates in the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Speaker A:Both or neither.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A:So if you call, you might be just fine.
Speaker A:I want to go back to what Abraham said to the king of Sodom, because I want you to catch this point.
Speaker A:I want you to pick up on this.
Speaker A:This is really.
Speaker A:It's quite fascinating.
Speaker A:So I've been involved.
Speaker A:One of the reasons I have a terrible time asking people for money is I was involved in investments for a couple of years, and it went.
Speaker A:One or two of them went really good, and five or six of them went really south.
Speaker A:And I hated it.
Speaker A:Just hated it.
Speaker A:And so what you learned, though, in that procedure is not all money is good money.
Speaker A:Not all givings are good givings, even to the church.
Speaker A:It's not always good when people give and they give more than they normally do.
Speaker A:And I'm saying this in Mass, and I've said this last week, too, so I just.
Speaker A:Just listen to the shows.
Speaker A:You'll know.
Speaker A:People are like, when somebody will give, like if it's a $5,000 gift or something like that, I'm just showing they think, well, now I have right to kind of direct the ministry.
Speaker A:It's like, that's absurd.
Speaker A:And so the idea behind that is what is going on right here?
Speaker A:That happens with Abraham.
Speaker A:Listen to what happens.
Speaker A:Okay, it says, Abraham gave Melchizedek a tenth of all the goods that he recovered.
Speaker A:We talked about that last week.
Speaker A:The king of Sodom told him, give me back my people who were captured, but you may keep for yourself all the goods you have recovered.
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker A:Abraham replied, I have solemnly promised the Lord God most High, Creator of Heaven and Earth, that I will not take so much as A single thread or sandal thong from you.
Speaker A:Otherwise you might say, I am the one who made Abraham rich.
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker A:I want you to get into this.
Speaker A:This is like, wow.
Speaker A:Abraham was generous, was desirous to give his money, but when the king of Sodom tried to insert himself and to show what kind of great character he was, because that's what he was doing.
Speaker A:He was trying to show off his.
Speaker A:His, like a sense of righteousness.
Speaker A:Oh, you can keep it all.
Speaker A:You can keep it all.
Speaker A:Just give me the people, he said.
Speaker A:You know what he said?
Speaker A:Just, you give me back the people, you keep all the rest for yourself.
Speaker A:And it sounds like a great deal until you understand the reply that Abraham gives first.
Speaker A:He made a commitment to the Lord and he was not going to change that.
Speaker A:So his commitment to the Lord was, I don't need anything, just help us win.
Speaker A:That's it.
Speaker A:So.
Speaker A:So that's the first thing.
Speaker A:He's not going to change that.
Speaker A:He won't even take a single thread or a sandal strap from the king of Sodom.
Speaker A:He won't even take a shoe.
Speaker A:Because then it would be used against Abraham, saying that the king of Sodom made him rich.
Speaker A:And the king of Sodom would have said, well, I helped make Abraham rich.
Speaker A:You see how that works?
Speaker A:And people do those kind of.
Speaker A:Oh, it just sounds so wonderful that the king would do that.
Speaker A:He was angling.
Speaker A:He was angling.
Speaker A:That's just like, wow.
Speaker A:I mean, I thank God that this is in scripture because it shows you how some people operate in these things.
Speaker A:They might have this outward appearance of it looks really good, but what's really going on, that's why we want to be led by the spirit.
Speaker A:And so it wasn't that Abraham was not willing to give.
Speaker A:That's exactly the exact opposite.
Speaker A:The first thing he does is he gives to Melchizedek because he gives to God first, because we should always be giving to God first.
Speaker A:But he does say this in verse 24, Abraham said, All I want is that except these young men what they've already eaten, so you can't charge me for food that we needed to do the journey.
Speaker A:And then he says this, but give a share of the goods to my allies, Einar, Eskhal, Amemre.
Speaker A:So he didn't want to keep anything for himself, but he's going to give some to the people around him.
Speaker A:What I want you to see is this attitude of sharing.
Speaker A:He doesn't mind the sharing part.
Speaker A:He's just got to give it in the right place.
Speaker A:At the right time and in the right way.
Speaker A:And some people try to get involved in that.
Speaker A:Just think of.
Speaker A:All you got to do is real quickly think of Ananias and Sapphire.
Speaker A:It wasn't like they didn't give.
Speaker A:They just lied about it.
Speaker A:And how was God's response to that in the New Testament?
Speaker A:He killed them.
Speaker A:Peter didn't.
Speaker A:God killed Ananias and Sapphira.
Speaker A:Bam.
Speaker A:New Testament, New Covenant, New Church.
Speaker A:No way.
Speaker A:Not allowed.
Speaker A:You can't be lying.
Speaker A:Not like that.
Speaker A:That's not going to work.
Speaker A:Think of how powerful that is.
Speaker A:What a statement, right?
Speaker A:Bible says that people were afraid to attach themselves.
Speaker A:Like, this is serious.
Speaker A:And Abraham is like, yeah, I'm not giving.
Speaker A:I'm not taking one thing from you, King of Sodom, not even a thread.
Speaker A:I want you to give it to my allies.
Speaker A:I want to give it to God.
Speaker A:And that's it.
Speaker A:That is a man that has the right spirit.
Speaker A:That's why he was a friend of God.
Speaker A:All right, back to the trivia question, and then we'll take our break.
Speaker A:Is the book of Euphrates in the Old Testament?
Speaker A:New Testament, both or neither?
Speaker A:And the answer, I think, is pretty obvious for most people.
Speaker A:Neither.
Speaker A:Euphrates is a river in Mesopotamia.
Speaker A:So, yeah, not a book.
Speaker A:Right, Right.
Speaker A:All right, we'll take a short break and then come back.
Speaker A:You're listening to the David Spoon Experience right here on Kaam 770, the truth station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Don't go anywhere.
Speaker A:What is the David Spoon experience?
Speaker A:So you know what David did?
Speaker A:He asked God again.
Speaker A:And how did God answer?
Speaker A:He answered him.
Speaker A:God didn't go, you asked me twice, strike you with lightning.
Speaker A:Strike you with lightning.
Speaker A:It's like, that's not how this works.
Speaker A:So the scripture says in 1st Samuel 23:4, go check out your Bible.
Speaker A:Once again, David inquired of the Lord and the Lord answered him.
Speaker A:It's like, go, go, go, go.
Speaker A:Do your thing.
Speaker A:Go, go, go, go.
Speaker A:It's okay to inquire more than once, even if there's an answer that you've got.
Speaker A:Because sometimes we look for reassurance and clarity and for comfort and from eliminating hearing mistakes.
Speaker A:We're not trying to irritate God.
Speaker A:We're not trying to fight against his will.
Speaker A:We're not trying to be disobedient.
Speaker A:The lo.
Speaker A:See, I think what happens is we'll do something.
Speaker A:It'll be sincere action.
Speaker A:Then somebody else may hear about it, or you mention somebody and the way they interpret it is different than the way God interprets it.
Speaker A:When I Come before the Lord and he says, go do this.
Speaker A:And I come before the Lord again and do one of those are you sure?
Speaker A:You know, kind of thing.
Speaker A:That's not me trying to be bad.
Speaker A:And this is the same kind of thing that happens when you get into the people that.
Speaker A:You know, one group in Christianity is like, you know, you can't.
Speaker A:You can't ask for signs and ask for signs at all because it shows that you either have no faith or you don't believe Jesus is Messiah.
Speaker A:Well, first of all, that's not true because God gave signs all the way from Genesis to Revelation.
Speaker A:So that's just silly.
Speaker A:The other part of that is people asking for signs like Gideon were just like going, okay, I'm just trying not to mess this up, right?
Speaker A:What Jesus rebuked was the people asking for a sign to prove he was the Messiah.
Speaker A:That's substantially different than asking God.
Speaker A:I just need to know I'm not doing this dumb, right?
Speaker A:I mean, that's why what we do is we kind of pour into these rules and these reasonings and it's like, you know what?
Speaker A:Don't do that.
Speaker A:Come before the Lord.
Speaker A:Be yourself.
Speaker A:You know, you don't have to posture before God.
Speaker A:He already knows.
Speaker A:It's like, you know, I just want you to know I'm not going to look up right now.
Speaker A:Now, if you really feel that way, that's fair.
Speaker A:But don't do that because you're trying to impress God, because he know you're trying to impress Him.
Speaker A:So then don't do that.
Speaker A:Just tell him what's going on.
Speaker A:Share your heart, share your feelings.
Speaker A:One of the things that I see about prayer, and this is a true statement, some people say, well, people pray to get things changed.
Speaker A:It's maybe better to say that we pray so that God changes us.
Speaker A:That might be more accurate, so that we get into a surrender or a yielded position.
Speaker A:It's not that you can't have faith, not you can't pray, but what I'm talking about is coming and yielding and going.
Speaker A:I'm just trying to get the clarity.
Speaker A:I want to know what I'm doing is what you want to do.
Speaker A:I think it's a very important element for people who are seeking wisdom just to be as earnest and honest as possible.
Speaker A:If the Lord grants you a sign.
Speaker A:The bigger problem about that is most of the time, like for Israel, they didn't believe it anyway.
Speaker A:Welcome back to the David Spoon experience.
Speaker A:Thank you for joining us here at Kaam 770, the truth station.
Speaker A:Here in Texas, that's K double amen.
Speaker A:770, the truth station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Next trivia question going to be bumping it up just a little.
Speaker A:Who, according to 1 Timothy, chapter 3, verse 8.
Speaker A:According to 1 Timothy 3.
Speaker A:8.
Speaker A:Who must be grave, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre.
Speaker A:Who must be grave, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre.
Speaker A:Is it which of these four groups, Lovers of the Lord, apostles, deacons, or tax collectors?
Speaker A:Who must be grave, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre?
Speaker A:Is it the lovers of the Lord, the apostles, the deacons, or the tax collectors?
Speaker A:If you think you know the answer, you are welcome to reach out to us.
Speaker A:Your reference first Timothy 3.
Speaker A:8.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Or you can send an email davidemustincrease.org who must be grave, not double tongued, not giving him much wine, not greedy, a filthy lucre, obviously.
Speaker A:King James Version Is it the lovers of the Lord, the apostles, the deacons, or the tax collectors?
Speaker A:That, my friends, is your question.
Speaker A:In the meantime, we're going to jump a little bit sooner into his toe re.
Speaker A:Let's go live.
Speaker A:Faith in the past.
Speaker A:Let's go live.
Speaker A:All right, so I'm doing this one for my wife's sake, because you have to understand how my life is.
Speaker A:It revolves around her and the human plane.
Speaker A:And so today is National Tortilla Chip Day.
Speaker A:That's a good one.
Speaker A:You know what I mean?
Speaker A:You just can't.
Speaker A:You don't understand.
Speaker A:Okay, so what she'll say to me is ready?
Speaker A:Is like, what do you want pizza?
Speaker A:Ready to read?
Speaker A:Because that's the she said.
Speaker A:I mean, it's the same thing.
Speaker A:So I say to her, what do you want tortillas?
Speaker A:What do you want, tacos?
Speaker A:What do you want?
Speaker A:Burritos?
Speaker A:Because she just loves maximum.
Speaker A:She loves it.
Speaker A:It's so funny.
Speaker A:So National Tortilla Chip Day.
Speaker A:We always have a bag of tortilla chips in our house.
Speaker A:Always.
Speaker A:Always.
Speaker A:Oh, I mean, you can't go wrong with that.
Speaker A:And some queso.
Speaker A:That.
Speaker A:Yeah, right.
Speaker A:Queso.
Speaker A:She does homemade guac.
Speaker A:She does salsa.
Speaker A:She does homemade salsa, she buys salsa.
Speaker A:It's all of it.
Speaker A:Just whatever.
Speaker A:Just whatever's floating her boat that's what that was.
Speaker A:It's just too funny to believe.
Speaker A:It's also for those that used to be into this, this was many years ago.
Speaker A:Many people were into this, but not quite as much.
Speaker A:Now it's National Trading Card Day.
Speaker A:Back in the day, I had some really, really cool cards way, way, way back in the day.
Speaker A:And actually had somebody that attended my church that made their living selling trading cards, like trading shows and stuff like that.
Speaker A:They made a decent living.
Speaker A:I was like, wow.
Speaker A:I mean, who would have known?
Speaker A:I never would have grown up.
Speaker A:That's what I think.
Speaker A:Were you a big car collector of sports, sports cards or anything like that?
Speaker A:I did for a while.
Speaker A:I did for a while, but I never was never good.
Speaker A:Like I was never wise about it.
Speaker A:I was never learned of the whole situation.
Speaker A:So, I mean, I guess there's things you can really do to really make a difference.
Speaker A:I didn't know.
Speaker A:I just bought whatever was the pack.
Speaker A:I wanted the gum and then I wanted the cards.
Speaker A:Then we used to throw the cards.
Speaker A:We used to take the cards, put them in between our two fingers and throw them like little, like little weapons.
Speaker A:That's besides the point.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:Additionally, for those that do not know, I thought this was rather interesting.
Speaker A:1946, Juan Peron is elected president of Argentina.
Speaker A:Now, why that's important is one of my first college papers was Juan Peron.
Speaker A:This is the title of my first.
Speaker A:One of my first college papers, Juan Peron Starring in Oyve Argentina.
Speaker A:I got an A.
Speaker A:That's what I was going to ask.
Speaker A:The question is, did you get a good grade for it?
Speaker A:Yeah, I got a great grade.
Speaker A:Got a great grade.
Speaker A:I did the whole thing.
Speaker A:From that tongue in cheek point of view, it was pretty funny.
Speaker A: f what I believe, and that is: Speaker A:But see, the problem with NPR is it stands for not professional radio.
Speaker A:So I don't really care.
Speaker A:Okay, see, we're not professional, but neither are they.
Speaker A:That's a good one.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:Who must be grave, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre.
Speaker A:Is it lovers of the Lord, the apostles, the deacons, or the tax collectors?
Speaker A:First Timothy 3, 8 is your reference point.
Speaker A:I want to go back to Abraham and just key on this one point.
Speaker A:I'm not trying to say any of this for any reason.
Speaker A:People are like, well, you're doing this because you guys are having some trouble with the rent or whatever.
Speaker A:It's like, no, this is the next thing that's in line in the teaching.
Speaker A:I don't do any of it that way.
Speaker A:I'm teaching just what's next.
Speaker A:And here's the thing I want to say about Abraham.
Speaker A:Abraham was very, very aware that his resource was God.
Speaker A:Now I try to operate in that a large part.
Speaker A:I know it sounds funny, but, I mean, I try to remember it.
Speaker A:But there are times where, you know, I struggle just like everybody else.
Speaker A:When you have payments and you have things you got to take care of, it makes it hard.
Speaker A:There's times where it's hard.
Speaker A:But Abraham was just.
Speaker A:He just had it so focused.
Speaker A:He gets this bounty.
Speaker A:And it's like the first thing he does before anything else is he gives to God.
Speaker A:Now, it doesn't have to be this ministry, but you do have to be a giver.
Speaker A:You have to be a Christian who's a giver.
Speaker A:And the reason you do is because of things like John 3:16.
Speaker A:For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
Speaker A:Sometimes the giving is a demonstration manifestation of that love.
Speaker A:Now, what I love about what Abraham did is you cannot argue that he could have kept it for himself, but he would have been going back on his commitment he made to the Lord.
Speaker A:So he wasn't going to.
Speaker A:He's way too into the Lord to do this at right?
Speaker A:It's like, nah, I'm not doing that right.
Speaker A:But he was aware that other people.
Speaker A:God had used other people in his life to get to that level of victory.
Speaker A:Because there's 318 people taking down an army.
Speaker A:That's pretty good.
Speaker A:I mean, they were definitely outnumbered and he had other people helping.
Speaker A:But he recognized God is the first point of help.
Speaker A:God is your source and your resource.
Speaker A:If he gives you your breath, everything else you have is based on the fact that he gave you breath.
Speaker A:So you owe him no matter what.
Speaker A:And you'll always owe God.
Speaker A:You'll never beat.
Speaker A:You'll never beat God given no matter how.
Speaker A:How hard you try.
Speaker A:You'll never beat God given He's always going to outgive you.
Speaker A:That's who he is.
Speaker A:And then Abraham, he does this.
Speaker A:He switches this thing over where he goes, you know what I do want my allies to get stuff.
Speaker A:So Aner, Eshcol and Mamrie, they all got stuff.
Speaker A:And Abraham wanted them to get stuff.
Speaker A:And what I think was really cool about that from a Christian point of view is he shares with God first and he shares with those around him.
Speaker A:He wants the People who helped him to share in the benefits and the glory.
Speaker A:But this is how every one of us should be.
Speaker A:Every one of us should have that spirit that says, I want other people to be blessed.
Speaker A:In this, they help.
Speaker A:They should be blessed too.
Speaker A:Don't you like that?
Speaker A:I love that attitude, that spirit.
Speaker A:It's nothing.
Speaker A:Legalism.
Speaker A:Not trying to.
Speaker A:We talked about tithes last week.
Speaker A:Give you my position on that.
Speaker A:If you don't remember, go back and listen to the show.
Speaker A:What I'm talking about is here.
Speaker A:Abraham, he didn't have to give anything to his friends.
Speaker A:They were probably just good friends.
Speaker A:Abraham's like, no, I want them to get stuff.
Speaker A:That's the right spirit.
Speaker A:That's the right heart.
Speaker A:He wants others to be blessed too.
Speaker A:Do you think it's in holy writ for no reason?
Speaker A:It's in holy writ.
Speaker A:It will forever be.
Speaker A:It will never ever disappear.
Speaker A:Abraham's generosity to his very own companions will never disappear.
Speaker A:It's in holy writ.
Speaker A:It's there forever, for all eternity.
Speaker A:That's how God wants you and I to be.
Speaker A:Have that kind of attitude, that kind of spirit.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:If you give it away before the Lord and do it with the right spirit, you really think you're going to outgive God?
Speaker A:It's never going to happen.
Speaker A:All right, who must be grave?
Speaker A:Not double tongued, not given in much wine, not greedy or filthy lucre.
Speaker A:Is it lovers of the Lord, apostles, deacons or tax collectors?
Speaker A:And the answer is deacons.
Speaker A:Deacons are supposed to be not double tongued and not given to much wine because they.
Speaker A:That's not a good thing, is it?
Speaker A:Okay, we'll take a short break and then come back.
Speaker A:You're listening to the David Spoon Experience right here on Kaam 770, the truth station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Short break, don't go anywhere.
Speaker A:You may be from a Baptist background, a Pentecostal background, a non denominational background.
Speaker A:David Spoon has that too.
Speaker A:You may be from the Church of Christ, Presbyterian Methodist Church of God or some other denomination.
Speaker A:But if you're looking for a show that's Bible based, spirit led and a bit nutty, then give David a listen for a while.
Speaker A:If you like it, great.
Speaker A:If not, no worries.
Speaker A:The David Spoon Experience.
Speaker A:What is the David Spoon Experience?
Speaker A:Knock knock.
Speaker A:This is Dave.
Speaker A:Who am I talking to?
Speaker A:Hi, David.
Speaker A:This is Deborah.
Speaker A:Hi, Deborah.
Speaker A:How are you?
Speaker A:I'm wonderful.
Speaker A:I have a praise report.
Speaker A:All right, fire away.
Speaker A:What a great way to start my comeback.
Speaker A:Come on, tell me what's going on.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:Well, I guess I'll Explain.
Speaker A:I was in stage four kidney disease and I thought I was going to have to go on dialysis because of my uncontrolled diabetes.
Speaker A:And I got my test back yesterday and the nephrologist told me that my kidneys are good.
Speaker A:They're normal.
Speaker A:What?
Speaker A:How did.
Speaker A:What?
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker A:What?
Speaker A:You were.
Speaker A:Wait, wait, wait, back up.
Speaker A:You were at State.
Speaker A:What?
Speaker A:Wait.
Speaker A:Go through that again.
Speaker A:Stage four kidney disease.
Speaker A:And then you were praying.
Speaker A:I know you got prayer from other places because you need to get a prayer as many prayers as many places you did.
Speaker A:But I know we did pray for you, too.
Speaker A:And it's like we're a part of that.
Speaker A:And you're rejoicing in the Lord.
Speaker A:That is so cool, Deborah.
Speaker A:I am so blessed.
Speaker A:Oh, me too.
Speaker A:And I want to thank everybody for their prayers.
Speaker A:And I'm always praying for everybody, too.
Speaker A:That is so, so good.
Speaker A:I'm so.
Speaker A:I'm telling you that there is joy in my heart because the Lord has touched you.
Speaker A:I am just blessed beyond measure.
Speaker A:That is so awesome.
Speaker A:Oh, I know.
Speaker A:I thought I was going to have to go on dialysis and now I don't have to.
Speaker A:Praise the Lord God Almighty.
Speaker A:Let me just give thanks while you're with me on the phone.
Speaker A:Just real quickly, if you don't mind.
Speaker A:Let me just say a prayer for thanksgiving.
Speaker A:Father, we just thank you for our sister.
Speaker A:We thank you for this praise report.
Speaker A:We just ask you to fill her heart with joy.
Speaker A:Continue to let her share and testify like she just did.
Speaker A:And let it be a blessing to other people.
Speaker A:Like, it's just been a blessing to me.
Speaker A:We thank you for it.
Speaker A:We know you did it.
Speaker A:We praise you for it.
Speaker A:We just acknowledge you for it.
Speaker A:And we just.
Speaker A:So thankful for our sister and pray continue.
Speaker A:Blessings in her life.
Speaker A:In Jesus name, amen and amen.
Speaker A:Amen.
Speaker A:Thank you, David.
Speaker A:Oh, amen.
Speaker A:I'm so happy.
Speaker A:God bless you all.
Speaker A:God bless you as well.
Speaker A:How fantastic.
Speaker A:I mean, there's nothing I can say now.
Speaker A:What am I supposed to say?
Speaker A:Good job, Deborah.
Speaker A:Good job.
Speaker A:Okay, thank you.
Speaker A:Bye bye.
Speaker A:Bye bye.
Speaker A:That is so, so great.
Speaker A:Welcome back to that David Spoon experience.
Speaker A:Thank you for joining us here at Kaam 7, the Truth Station here in Texas.
Speaker A:That's K double Amen 770, the Truth Station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Getting ready for our next trivia question and many other things going on.
Speaker A:By the way, I will not be texting everybody till a little bit after five.
Speaker A:I gotta do.
Speaker A:I have an appointment that I gotta get to.
Speaker A:If you do get it early that means I just had a small window, but I would plan it after five for most of my responses.
Speaker A:Here is your next question.
Speaker A:From Galatians From Galatians, what did I say?
Speaker A: , verse: Speaker A:Is it 1, 50, 100 or 430?
Speaker A:From Galatians the law came how many years later after Abraham 1:50, 100 or 430?
Speaker A:Galatians 3:16 18 is going to be your reference point.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Again from Galatians Galatians 3, 16, 18 the law came how many years after Abraham 1, 50, 100 or 430.
Speaker A:In the meantime, I'm going to send you up to the website.
Speaker A:So I want to say something for those of you that have given and that have given beyond the giving.
Speaker A:We are blessed because we have people that give consistently and then sometimes they give beyond that giving.
Speaker A:I deeply appreciate this, but I am asking people who don't normally give to really pray about giving to the ministry.
Speaker A:Because we have radio rent to on Friday.
Speaker A:We don't have it yet.
Speaker A:I believe we will have it and I'm asking for people to step up.
Speaker A:Do not feel bad if you cannot give.
Speaker A:I do not.
Speaker A:Not looking for that at all in any way, shape or form.
Speaker A:What I'm looking for is people that have been thinking about and praying about it come before the Lord, see if the Lord gives you that approval and then give.
Speaker A:The rest of you that have given are giving from the past.
Speaker A:Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Speaker A:And let's stand in faith together for what needs to take place.
Speaker A:That's all.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:We live by the donations, what everybody shares.
Speaker A:That's how we do it.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:Just keeping it easy.
Speaker A:Check out on our website that plus a few other pretty cool things is all I'm gonna say.
Speaker A:Check out the website hemustincrease.org prayer request he mustincrease.org praise report looking to give to this ministry.
Speaker A:Confused by what's happening right now?
Speaker A:Hemustincrease.org hemustincrease.org you can't have a pie without Coolwhip.
Speaker A:Cool Whip.
Speaker A:Cool Whip?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:You mean Cool Whip?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Cool Whip.
Speaker A:Cool Whip.
Speaker A:Cool Whip.
Speaker B:Cool Whip.
Speaker A:Cool Whip.
Speaker A:You're saying it weird.
Speaker A:Why are you putting so much emphasis on the H?
Speaker A:What are you talking about?
Speaker A:I'm just saying it.
Speaker A:Cool Whip.
Speaker A:If people only knew.
Speaker A:That's all I can say.
Speaker A:I can't say anything else.
Speaker A:Uh, yes, I think that's funny.
Speaker A:People are like, why do you think that's funny?
Speaker A:Because I'm weird.
Speaker A:Why do you listen to the show?
Speaker A:Because you're weird.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:From Galatians, the law came how many years later after Abraham?
Speaker A:150.
Speaker A:100 or 430 years later, according to Galatians, chapter 3, verse 16, 18.
Speaker A:Before we do anything else, we are gonna do something that I haven't done for a while.
Speaker A:I wanna do some jokes.
Speaker A:They're not one liners.
Speaker A:They're just two jokes.
Speaker A:They're not very long, but they're funny.
Speaker A:At least this one is funny.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:All right, here we go.
Speaker A:Ready?
Speaker A:You ready for this?
Speaker A:Okay, here's your first one.
Speaker A:The second one's a little better.
Speaker A:Here's the first one.
Speaker A:A man at an airline counter tells the woman behind the desk, I'd like to see this bag.
Speaker A:Let's see that.
Speaker A:This bag goes to London.
Speaker A:I'd like this bag to go to London and this one to Seattle, and this other bag to Quebec.
Speaker A:So I want bag one to go to London, bag two to go to Seattle, and bag three to go to Quebec.
Speaker A:I'm sorry, sir, we can't do that.
Speaker A:She replied, I'm sure you can.
Speaker A:He answered, because that's what you did the last time I flew with you.
Speaker A:You're killing me, Smalls.
Speaker A:Okay, all right.
Speaker A:Hold on.
Speaker A:Okay, a little redeeming.
Speaker A:One comes here.
Speaker A:Kim said to her friend, I just don't understand the attraction golf holds for men.
Speaker A:I know.
Speaker A:Rachel responded.
Speaker A:I went golfing with Roger one time, and he told me I asked too many questions.
Speaker A:Well, I'm sure you were just trying to understand the game.
Speaker A:What questions did you ask him?
Speaker A:Oh, just little things, like why did you hit the ball into the lake?
Speaker A:That's a good one, right?
Speaker A:I thought it was funny.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:People are like, man, you guys need help?
Speaker A:Yes, we do.
Speaker A:Galatians.
Speaker A:From Galatians, the law came how many years later after Abraham?
Speaker A:150, 100 or 430 years?
Speaker A:That's the question.
Speaker A:Then we go to the text.
Speaker A:We are in Genesis 15.
Speaker A:Nice job.
Speaker A:We finished all the way through 14, and there's only 50 chapters, so okay, so here we go.
Speaker A:Chapter 15, verse one.
Speaker A:I just love these things.
Speaker A:These are the things when I read the Bible, I just stop and then I highlight it and then I make little notes around it and all this other stuff afterwards.
Speaker A:The Lord spoke to Abraham in a vision and said to him, okay, just stop.
Speaker A:I think it's cool that God spoke to Abraham in a vision.
Speaker A:And you think, well, what is a vision?
Speaker A:Well, technically, I mean, technically a dream is when the Lord will speak to you when you're sleeping.
Speaker A:But a vision will take place more often when a person's wake.
Speaker A:It's like a daydream that's thrust upon you.
Speaker A:That's a little bit more like what a vision is.
Speaker A:I've only had one vision in my whole life.
Speaker A:It was actually two.
Speaker A:And the one was a safety issue that a person was able to be rescued with.
Speaker A:So I thought that was pretty pertinent.
Speaker A:But I'm not real good at that.
Speaker A:I don't understand it.
Speaker A:I don't understand it the way that, that, like, let's say Abraham would understand it or something like that.
Speaker A:So he speaks to Abraham in a vision.
Speaker A:Okay, now remember, Abraham doesn't have a Bible.
Speaker A:I don't know if you guys know that or not.
Speaker A:Abraham, no Bible.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:Still close to God, right?
Speaker A:I'm just pointing that out.
Speaker A:We have such advantage.
Speaker A:We have God's written word, plus we can pray the same way that Abraham did.
Speaker A:That's pretty cool.
Speaker A:All right, so afterwards, the Lord spoke to Abraham in a vision and said to him, first thing, ready?
Speaker A:Do not be afraid.
Speaker A:This to me, is one of the pivotal messages in Scripture.
Speaker A:No, it does not say fear not 365 times in the Bible.
Speaker A:That is incorrect.
Speaker A:In fact, all of the scriptures combined for fear and not being afraid are like 560 some odds.
Speaker A:So that's just goofy.
Speaker A:Here's what it is.
Speaker A:Here's what the message is, though.
Speaker A:It's a prominent message from God to his people, don't be afraid.
Speaker A:When Jesus shows up, people get afraid, right?
Speaker A:On the water.
Speaker A:They thought he was a ghost, right?
Speaker A:People get fearful and people get fearful in situations.
Speaker A:And the first thing the Lord says in many of those situations, through prophet, through apostle, through evangelists, through pastors, through teachers, through children, through everything, he says, don't be afraid.
Speaker A:Do not be that way.
Speaker A:And I always mention this, it's like you have a choice when it says do not be afraid, it is without any way to pull it back.
Speaker A:The implication is you do not have to be afraid.
Speaker A:So if we are afraid, then we are making the decision to give in and be afraid.
Speaker A:Do you understand that?
Speaker A:When we are facing something and we don't understand it, therein lies a great amount of tendency for fear to creep in because we don't control it.
Speaker A:We don't know what it's doing.
Speaker A:We don't know how it operates.
Speaker A:But now we have to make a decision between trust and fear.
Speaker A:And yes, you have to make a conscious decision to trust the Lord.
Speaker A:And yes, you have to make a conscious decision with a little more feelings inputted to be afraid, but you still choose.
Speaker A:The war between heaven and hell takes place on Earth, but a lot of that war also takes place between your left and right ear in that space you call your mind or your brain, whatever you want to call it.
Speaker A:And the enemy is constantly barraging you to be afraid, to have an impending doom, something that sits on your shoulder like a dark cloud.
Speaker A:And the Lord's there saying, don't do that.
Speaker A:I am here.
Speaker A:I've got you covered.
Speaker A:So he's doing this vision with Abram, and Abram still feeling, Remember?
Speaker A:So we're talking about abram from Genesis 12, 13, 14.
Speaker A:So now we're at 15.
Speaker A:It's not the fullness of the relationship at this point.
Speaker A:I think the fullness of the relationship comes when he offers up Isaac.
Speaker A:That's where he's really got to the maturity.
Speaker A:But he's still in that earlier stage.
Speaker A:And God is telling him, don't be afraid, man.
Speaker A:I am with you.
Speaker A:And some of us give way.
Speaker A:That's why I said in the very beginning of the show, some of you need to just stand firm, just make the decision.
Speaker A:You know what?
Speaker A:I'm not going to be afraid.
Speaker A:God's going to get me through this.
Speaker A:That's the position.
Speaker A:And what I want to communicate to you as a brother, as a fellow person on the journey with you, as a family member, is there are times where we give into fear and it wrecks us and takes us off on this weird journey.
Speaker A:And we need to listen to what God says.
Speaker A:Do not be afraid.
Speaker A:But I don't.
Speaker A:Do not be afraid.
Speaker A:And if you have a but, in other words, your response is but.
Speaker A:And then whatever you want to fill in, that's just telling you you're making that conscious decision to go that direction.
Speaker A:Because we should just be saying, yes, Lord.
Speaker A:Right?
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:From Galatians, the law came how many years later, after Abraham was at 150, 100 or 430?
Speaker A:The answer is 430 years later.
Speaker A:According to Galatians 3, 16, 18.
Speaker A:The law came after 400 years later.
Speaker A:Wow, That's a long time, right?
Speaker A:Yep.
Speaker A:All right, take a short break, then come back.
Speaker A:You're listening to the David Spoon Experience right here on Kaam 770, the true station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Don't go anywhere.
Speaker A:What is the David Spoon Experience?
Speaker A:Ladies and gentlemen, it's been my privilege in my past.
Speaker A:I've been a Christian for a short time, only about 40 years.
Speaker A:But when I was in my first year, I had a chance to meet James Robeson, who had a chance to pray for my brother and myself.
Speaker A:Very helpful at a very needful time as we were fighting our way out of a Christian cult.
Speaker A:And he prayed for clarity.
Speaker A:And it was just a pastor's gathering in Phoenix, Arizona.
Speaker A:And I have the privilege again of interviewing one of what I consider to be one of the great men of God who are still with us on this planet.
Speaker A:And I just want to give a wholehearted welcome, open door and open heart to James Robeson.
Speaker A:Thank you, sir, for being a part of our show and a part of our audience.
Speaker B:David, it's a pleasure to join with you, and I'm grateful that praying together was meaningful to you, a very important part and part point in your life.
Speaker B:So just joy to be with you and your listeners.
Speaker B:Now, David, can I just download what I believe is the heart of our heavenly Father to your listeners for a few minutes?
Speaker A:Yes, please.
Speaker A:By all means.
Speaker B:When I spoke to the leaders before the election and I talked about the need, this is in Washington.
Speaker B:There were nearly 2,000 pastors and church leaders there.
Speaker B:And I said, I'm telling you, there are people right now who are being captivated by the Jesus they see in some of our lives.
Speaker B:Now, Sid, listen to me.
Speaker B:We have a fatherless nation desperately in need of a father.
Speaker B:If we as believers, as Christians, who have the perfect father, if we would show people clearly what the family of the perfect father looks like, I believe the fatherless would run to the father and the father's house.
Speaker B:And I believe that I said that to the President of the United States.
Speaker B:I said, sir, your children say you're a good father.
Speaker B:Eric Trump happened to be sitting by me when I first said that.
Speaker B:Eric said, he's a great father.
Speaker B:I said, well, he may be, but that doesn't mean he's flawless.
Speaker B:I do believe that we need a father, and I believe we can pray and God can raise up people that have a father's heart.
Speaker B:And so I began to emphasize the church, revealing what the Father's like Now listen to me.
Speaker B:We as believers comprise the body of Christ.
Speaker B:Christ, the body of born again, baptized into Christ.
Speaker B:Believers who are born from above.
Speaker B:We have a perfect heavenly father who reveals his will.
Speaker B:He's not willing that any should perish.
Speaker B:He said, you call on me and I'll heal your land.
Speaker B:Now listen to me, Christian believers.
Speaker B:We're not looking for a champion.
Speaker B:We've got one.
Speaker B:He's the only one that rides the white horse.
Speaker B:We're not looking for a king.
Speaker B:We have a king.
Speaker B:The King of kings, the Lord of lords.
Speaker B:That's Jesus.
Speaker B:He holds kings in his hand.
Speaker B:Our King, our shepherd.
Speaker B:Our Father said, come to me as my family and you ask me to heal your land.
Speaker B:In desperate need of healing.
Speaker B:You come in humility.
Speaker B:You come knowing I'm the only one that can heal and I can use imperfect vessels to accomplish my perfect will.
Speaker B:I always have.
Speaker B:I always will.
Speaker A:If Jesus was like welcome back to the David Spoon experience.
Speaker A:Thank you for joining us here at Kaam 770, the truce station here in Texas.
Speaker A:That's Ka Men 770, the truth station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Your last trivia question.
Speaker A:We do need to be on it.
Speaker A:What does James 7 state is an unruly evil and full of deadly poison.
Speaker A:This is from James 3.
Speaker A:8.
Speaker A:What does James state is an unruly evil and full of deadly poison?
Speaker A:Is it an unholy wife?
Speaker A:Is it lustfulness?
Speaker A:Is it the tongue?
Speaker A:Or is it vengeance?
Speaker A:What does James state is an unruly evil, full of poison, an unholy wife, lustfulness, the tongue or vengeance according to James 3.
Speaker A:8.
Speaker A:If you think you know, reach out to us.
Speaker A:Your time is tight.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Here's why.
Speaker A:For I will protect you and your reward will be great.
Speaker A:Come on.
Speaker A:How cool is this?
Speaker A:For I will protect you and your reward will be great.
Speaker A:They are put together here.
Speaker A:Both of these are essentials.
Speaker A:The first is that God promises to protect us.
Speaker A:And it's easy to forget this assurance.
Speaker A:But it doesn't mean we won't face trials or difficulties.
Speaker A:Instead, it means that God's protection will present regardless of the challenges.
Speaker A:God's protection will be there.
Speaker A:For us, it'll be active.
Speaker A:For us, he will protect us.
Speaker A:Doesn't mean you won't go through hard things.
Speaker A:It's just saying, the Lord's saying, I'm going to protect you.
Speaker A:The second element is the affirmation of God's commitment to reward Abraham.
Speaker A:This is not about gaining recognition like a plaque on a wall, but about obtaining eternal riches and treasures from the heavenly journey.
Speaker A:There is no greater blessing than receiving rewards from the Lord that lasts forever.
Speaker A:I mean, just think about this.
Speaker A:I mean, I was talking to somebody about this on Saturday.
Speaker A:It's like, listen, 100 years here.
Speaker A:Let's just use 100 million years that you're going to be dealing with in heaven.
Speaker A:How could you put those on the same plane?
Speaker A:How could you put that on the same scale?
Speaker A:100 years here, 100 million years there.
Speaker A:Would you rather have $100 or $100 million?
Speaker A:Okay, that's the difference.
Speaker A:Only it's in years.
Speaker A:And so he's like, look, I am with you.
Speaker A:I'm going to protect you.
Speaker A:I'm going to take care of you.
Speaker A:I'm going to watch over you.
Speaker A:I'm going to make sure no matter what you go through, I'm there for you.
Speaker A:I'm your protector.
Speaker A:You don't have to be afraid.
Speaker A:I'm going to protect you, and I'm going to reward you.
Speaker A:Lord, I sure hope all this stuff is paying off.
Speaker A:I sure hope all this stuff will pay off.
Speaker A:That's where trust comes in that God is true to his word.
Speaker A:You withheld.
Speaker A:You didn't take what you could have.
Speaker A:You gave to others.
Speaker A:You did all these different things.
Speaker A:Every one of those things noted by him who knows everything.
Speaker A:Now that is cool.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:We do have somebody ready to answer a trivia question.
Speaker A:That'll probably be pretty fast.
Speaker A:Let's send them on through.
Speaker A:Knock, knock.
Speaker A:This is David.
Speaker A:Who am I talking to?
Speaker A:Donald.
Speaker A:Hi.
Speaker A:Hello.
Speaker A:How are you?
Speaker A:Fine.
Speaker A:I think the answer would be tongue.
Speaker A:That is correct.
Speaker A:Emmanuel, you are so right.
Speaker A:Excellent job.
Speaker A:Excellent.
Speaker A:We like your program.
Speaker A:I appreciate that very, very much.
Speaker A:I do.
Speaker A:Thank you for that, and great job on that answer.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:God bless.
Speaker A:Bye bye.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:Excellent, excellent, excellent.
Speaker A:Always fun, right?
Speaker A:Come on, it's fun.
Speaker A:All right, so now just look at this.
Speaker A:This is kind of like the coolest.
Speaker A:I love stuff like this.
Speaker A:This is kind of stuff that I sit there and I sit on, like Genesis 15:1.
Speaker A:And I just look at it and look at it and look at it afterwards.
Speaker A:The Lord spoke to Abraham in a vision wow.
Speaker A:Okay, that's cool.
Speaker A:He said, don't be afraid, Abraham, for I will protect you and your reward will be great.
Speaker A:Okay, don't be afraid.
Speaker A:God's got us covered.
Speaker A:And man, are we coming into stuff.
Speaker A:I mean, I know that sounds like people are like, well, you shouldn't do it for that reason.
Speaker A:Ridiculous.
Speaker A:God tells us, yes, you should.
Speaker A:You should do this.
Speaker A:When Jesus said lay up treasures in heaven, he wasn't kidding.
Speaker A:Oh, it's just a joke.
Speaker A:It's like, no, lay up treasures in heaven.
Speaker A:That's what you should do.
Speaker A:Why?
Speaker A:Because it gives you the longest return at the highest level for the longest time.
Speaker A:You don't have to be a brilliant investor on this planet.
Speaker A:You need to be a brilliant investor in the next.
Speaker A:That's what you need to do.
Speaker A:Well, I can turn a dollar into a million, but can you turn a dollar into kingdom glory that God will bestow upon you for all eternity?
Speaker A:Now we're getting to it.
Speaker A:So he makes this commitment to Abram.
Speaker A:He says, look, he goes, don't be afraid.
Speaker A:Just don't do it.
Speaker A:You don't have to.
Speaker A:I'm going to protect you.
Speaker A:And your reward is going to be so great.
Speaker A:Now I will point out.
Speaker A:And not only is Abraham doing phenomenal, right?
Speaker A:I mean, we already know that.
Speaker A:But you just get the sense that he's.
Speaker A:Well, I'll say it this way, but don't get mad at me.
Speaker A:I think in heaven he's loaded.
Speaker A:I mean, I think he's doing really, really well and his rewards are really, really awesome.
Speaker A:I mean, he even has a portion of paradise named after him in the bosom of Abraham.
Speaker A:It's pretty good.
Speaker A:It's pretty good.
Speaker A:Here's what I want to say.
Speaker A:God wants you to be close to him.
Speaker A:You don't have to be afraid.
Speaker A:He's going to protect you and he's going to bless you.
Speaker A:And if people say, well, it's got to be the bank account now, then you're short sighted and your faith is weak because we're talking about eternity and you're going in and hanging out with the king of the universe.
Speaker A:Good enough right there, right?
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:All right, folks, you've been listening to the David Spoon experience right here on Kaam 770, the truth station here in Texas, taking a 22 and a half hour break.
Speaker A:Then we'll come back, more insanity with Brunanity.
Speaker A:Talk to you then.
Speaker A:Who knows when a broken heart will man.
Speaker A:Views and opinions expressed in the preceding program are those of its participants and do not necessarily reflect those of kaam, DJRD Broadcasting or its sponsors.