02-20-2025 part 1: The Christian Response to Modern Trials and Tribulations
The salient point of our discussion centers on the imperative of maintaining faith in the Lord amidst the tumultuous uncertainties of life, particularly as we look toward the year 2025. We delve into the profound question: Do we possess the conviction necessary to thrive in challenging times? Our exploration invites listeners to reflect on their responses to Christ's inquiry of belief, fostering a dialogue about the significance of faith in overcoming life's adversities. Additionally, we address the myriad challenges faced by individuals within our community, emphasizing the importance of mutual support and prayer. Ultimately, this episode serves as a clarion call to anchor ourselves in the steadfastness of God's promises, urging us to confront and transcend our fears with unwavering faith.
The podcast episode provides an incisive examination of the challenges confronting modern-day Christians, particularly in the context of impending societal shifts anticipated in 2025. Dr. David Spoon initiates a thought-provoking conversation regarding the critical question of whether believers possess the faith necessary to navigate the complexities of contemporary life. The episode articulates a clear message: faith is not a passive sentiment but rather an active stance that requires conscious engagement and unwavering trust in the divine.
In the course of the discussion, Dr. Spoon underscores the significance of maintaining a focus on God's faithfulness, particularly in moments of adversity that may evoke fear and doubt. By invoking the biblical account of Peter walking on water, he vividly illustrates the necessity of fixing one's eyes on Jesus as a means of overcoming life's tumultuous storms. This metaphor serves as a powerful reminder that when individuals allow external circumstances to overshadow their faith, they risk spiritual sinking, much like Peter did when he took his gaze off Christ.
Moreover, the episode delves into the communal nature of faith, highlighting the importance of supporting one another through prayer and shared burdens. Dr. Spoon emphasizes the imperative for Christians to engage in mutual encouragement, thereby fostering a resilient faith community that can withstand the trials of life. As the episode concludes, listeners are left with an empowering exhortation to actively cultivate their faith, ensuring that they are well-prepared to thrive in an increasingly uncertain future.
- The podcast underscores the necessity of maintaining faith in God during tumultuous times, emphasizing that such faith is crucial for thriving in the future.
- Listeners are encouraged to engage actively in dialogue about their faith, fostering a sense of community and support among believers.
- The hosts discuss the importance of prayer as a means of connecting with God and addressing personal struggles, reinforcing the idea that prayer works.
- Ecclesiastes teaches that there is a season for everything, including laughter, which the hosts use to illustrate the balance of joy and seriousness in faith.
- The episode highlights the significance of carrying one another's burdens, as stated in Galatians, promoting the idea of loving and supporting one another in the faith community.
- It is asserted that the world is experiencing increasing spiritual warfare, necessitating vigilance and a strong focus on God's goodness to overcome challenges.
The following program contains views and opinions which are not necessarily those of kaam, DJRD Broadcasting or its sponsors.
Speaker B:Hello, everybody.
Speaker B:When it's cold outside, I've got my mother made.
Speaker B:Here's what's coming up on today's experience.
Speaker B:It's Dr.
Speaker B:Dave's devotional Diamonds of the Day, also known as DDDDDDDS, where my daily devotions become some of our spiritual reflections.
Speaker B:Sound effects placed throughout the show, which have nothing to do with life.
Speaker B:But the Bible teaches in Ecclesiastes 3, 4, there's a time to laugh.
Speaker B:That's what we try to help people to do.
Speaker B:The review of the Goofy news, which proves Jesus is coming back sooner than you think.
Speaker B:Doesn't take a scholar to look around and go, yep, it's getting a lot closer.
Speaker B:Life lessons for our faith that we could actually use probably won't if we sit on our blessed assurance humor that will force you to think, why does this guy have a radio show?
Speaker B:Because the Lord said, yet.
Speaker B:One more day, son.
Speaker B:And so we're doing it.
Speaker B:Also, Bible trivia for fake and yet somehow real cool prizes, your phone calls and more.
Speaker A:Oh.
Speaker B:Welcome to the David Spoon Experience.
Speaker B:Whoa.
Speaker B:Local, national and heavenly talk.
Speaker B:My name is Dr.
Speaker B:David Spoon.
Speaker B:I'll be your host for the next 5,400,000 milliseconds.
Speaker B:Get ready for one of the more bizarre experiences on live radio.
Speaker B:Here is the key to the show.
Speaker B:We don't know what we're doing.
Speaker B:We have no idea what's gonna happen and we don't care.
Speaker B:But for the next few minutes, I wanna talk truth with you.
Speaker B:So here we go.
Speaker B:We're asking questions about living life as a Christian.
Speaker B:That thingy right there.
Speaker B:We're going to ask you this question because it is a question that needs to be asked and answered.
Speaker B: aith in the Lord to thrive in: Speaker B:Do we have faith in the Lord?
Speaker B:Jesus said, do you believe that I'm able to do this?
Speaker B:How would you respond?
Speaker B:How would you respond?
Speaker B:Do you believe that I am able to do this?
Speaker B:How would you respond?
Speaker B:Are you ready to receive?
Speaker B:Has the situation overwhelmed you so much that you cannot get the focus on the faithfulness?
Speaker B:And so therefore, you're kind of not operating in faith?
Speaker B:And then fear and doubt start to take residency.
Speaker B:Can you make a decision, take a stand and go, you know what?
Speaker B:I'm not going to let that which I see overwhelm me.
Speaker B:I'm not going to let that which I see overcome me.
Speaker B: aith in the Lord to thrive in: Speaker B:Just reach out and give us a call.
Speaker B: -: Speaker B: -: Speaker B: -: Speaker B:Talking to Jam and Jacob.
Speaker B:That, my friends, is like spending time.
Speaker B:Now watch this.
Speaker B:Talking to Jam and Jacob is like spending time relaxing and chillaxing.
Speaker B:Hello.
Speaker B:That's what it's like.
Speaker B:Hello there, my friend.
Speaker B:How are you?
Speaker A:Hello.
Speaker B:Hello.
Speaker B:Happy Thursday, David.
Speaker B:Happy Thursday.
Speaker B:How was your Wednesday?
Speaker B:Was it just full of bustle and hustle and so much stuff to do?
Speaker B:There was stuff to do and it was just exciting and just a riveting time.
Speaker B:Oh, riveting time.
Speaker B:Rivet, rivet, rivet.
Speaker B:That's so good.
Speaker B:We're very happy, by the way, that you had an exciting time yesterday.
Speaker B:I will update people on our experience yesterday.
Speaker B:Noel and I had a wonderful day together right up until 3:15 and then I'll tell you what happened.
Speaker B:It involves water flows and flooding.
Speaker B:We'll deal with that in a little while.
Speaker B:Pretty funny though.
Speaker B: -: Speaker B:We do have somebody on the line.
Speaker B:We're gonna get to them in a second.
Speaker B:I do want you to also be aware that you can text.
Speaker B:It's safe to do.
Speaker B: -: Speaker B: That's: Speaker B:That is our ministry line.
Speaker B: -: Speaker B:You can also send an email davidemustincrease.org that's an email.
Speaker B:You know how it works by now, we hope, David, that's my name with the circle.
Speaker B:He must increase from john33.org, because we're a non profit entity.
Speaker B: -: Speaker B: -: Speaker B:Let's go ahead and send them on through.
Speaker B:Knock, knock.
Speaker B:This is David.
Speaker B:Who am I talking to?
Speaker C:Hey, good afternoon, David.
Speaker C:This Is Al.
Speaker C:How are you?
Speaker B:I'm doing all right, Al.
Speaker B:How you doing?
Speaker B:I just got your text.
Speaker B:How are you, brother?
Speaker C:Oh, I'm doing okay, sir.
Speaker C:I'm doing okay.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker C:I.
Speaker C:I would like for you to, you know, you pray for my sister.
Speaker C:She.
Speaker C:She went with my kids on the cruise, and her.
Speaker C:And another.
Speaker C:Her best friend went with her, and her best friend's been struggling for a year with health and different things like that, and they found her, passed away yesterday.
Speaker B:Oh, man.
Speaker C:So, yeah, it's been kind of tough on my sister.
Speaker C:And, you know, with all this.
Speaker C:They all got sick on this cruise, you know, with the flu and the crud, and so that's what I've been struggling with.
Speaker C:With, you know, Ryan, my son, that he.
Speaker C:He stays healthy.
Speaker C:And my wife and I.
Speaker C:And so just.
Speaker C:Just pray that you would.
Speaker B:That.
Speaker C:That the Lord would be with the family.
Speaker B:Family.
Speaker C:That.
Speaker C:My sister's best friend's family.
Speaker C:And just be with my sister.
Speaker B:All right, you wanna hang on or do you wanna hang on?
Speaker B:It's up to you.
Speaker B:You can do either way.
Speaker C:I can hang up.
Speaker B:Okay, let's do that.
Speaker B:And then I'll pray for you.
Speaker B:I'm also gonna pray for Angelina.
Speaker B:She's also in the hospital seeing a neurologist.
Speaker B:So we're gonna pray for both families, both groups is what I'm trying to say.
Speaker B:And let's bring it before the Lord in prayer.
Speaker B:Good request, Al.
Speaker B:And we love you.
Speaker B:And, you know, I'll never stop praying for you, so you just hang tough, right?
Speaker B:Yes, sir.
Speaker B:All right.
Speaker B:Love you, bro.
Speaker B:God bless.
Speaker B:All right, let's bring it to the Lord in prayer.
Speaker B:That's what we do for the show.
Speaker B:The idea behind that is to what?
Speaker B:Is to love one another, encourage one another, strengthen one another.
Speaker B:We love it when we get to rejoice, but we also appreciate it when we get to share with one another the burdens that we carry.
Speaker B:Because, look, you're going to have a burden, and it's nice to know that there are brothers and sisters who will care for you.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker B:And that's.
Speaker B:You just go to Galatians 6:2.
Speaker B:You don't have to go very far.
Speaker B:Carry one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ by loving each other, we demonstrate we've passed from death unto life.
Speaker B: command Jesus gave us in John: Speaker B:That's a whole nother level, folks.
Speaker B:And he said, by this shall all men know you're my disciples, by your love, one for another.
Speaker B:It's also evangelistical in its own way.
Speaker B:So we're going to pray for Al.
Speaker B:We're going to pray for Al and his wife.
Speaker B:We're going to pray for his sister.
Speaker B:We're going to pray for his sister's friend.
Speaker B:I mean, the whole thing is difficult.
Speaker B:We're also going to pray for Angelina.
Speaker B:They had an appointment with a neurologist.
Speaker B:They sent her straight to the hospital.
Speaker B:We want to pray along those lines.
Speaker B:There's a lot of going ons that are against the people of God.
Speaker B:And while some people might think this is great, everything's going great so far.
Speaker B:There's a lot more, I've noticed, spiritual warfare against the people of God than even happens in the last so many months.
Speaker B:So we need to be aware that the enemy is attacking from all levels.
Speaker B:The world is attacking from all levels.
Speaker B:And we want to believe and get our focus where it needs to be, having a confident faith in the goodness of God.
Speaker B:So before I even begin this prayer, I'm going to say the same thing that Jesus said to all of us.
Speaker B:Do you believe that I am able to do this?
Speaker B:Jesus said, well, do you believe that Jesus is able to help?
Speaker B:Do you believe that he's able to take care of these things?
Speaker B:Are any of these situations bigger than our God?
Speaker B:No.
Speaker B:No.
Speaker B:In all these things, we are more than conquerors.
Speaker B:So let's go to prayer.
Speaker B:Join me.
Speaker B:Take your faith and put it with mine.
Speaker B:Father, we come before you right now and we thank you and we praise you.
Speaker B:And the first thing that we know to do is to give you thanksgiving thanks in all things, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Speaker B:You told us that in your word.
Speaker B:It's not, Lord, that we're happy about the struggle that we go through, but what we're superbly blessed in is your participation and your deliverance and how you will make these events turn into another direction.
Speaker B:All much part of a greater plan than we ever see.
Speaker B:And so we face circumstances and it overwhelms us.
Speaker B:So let's start.
Speaker B:Lord, as we lift up Al to you right now, a dear brother in you, a dear brother in the faith, I pray you would comfort his heart.
Speaker B:He's struggling, so it's hard for him.
Speaker B:It's not just hard for him, for himself, but he's worried about his own family, his own sister, his own wife, his own child, everybody that he's got touched to it.
Speaker B:It's very difficult.
Speaker B:It creates frustration.
Speaker B:It creates a great deal of division, a great deal of struggle.
Speaker B:And we are asking you in the name of Jesus to surround his heart right now.
Speaker B:And we pray for his sister and the friend of this sister who, Lord, she passed.
Speaker B:Nobody thought that was going to happen.
Speaker B:Lord, we are asking for grace into that family and grace for Al's sister.
Speaker B:We're asking for grace for Al's wife and his son and the entire people connected.
Speaker B:Lord, you know everything about this situation.
Speaker B:We're asking you to be the doctor.
Speaker B:We're asking you to be the comforter.
Speaker B:We're asking you to be the king of the universe.
Speaker B:And that your peace, your grace, your presence would surround these people.
Speaker B:And then instead of being so focused on the feelings of it all and so focused on what they think is going on, that.
Speaker B:That there would be a confidence, a quiet confidence in your faithfulness.
Speaker B:We look to you for them.
Speaker B:We pray to you for them on their behalf.
Speaker B:We petition you.
Speaker B:We intercede on their behalf.
Speaker B:As our family and connected to our family members, we ask for your grace to abound.
Speaker B:We ask for that now in the name of Jesus and Lord, we pray for Angelina.
Speaker B:Straight up to the hospital.
Speaker B:Never good when that happens.
Speaker B:Always discomforting that Robert and Rosalind would not be overwhelmed by it, but that they would stand firm in their faith.
Speaker B:You've given us example after example after example in your word and in our lives that when we face a circumstance and we focus on you instead of the circumstance, great things come about.
Speaker B:We are asking that very thing for Rosalind, Robert and Angelina.
Speaker B:And Lord, we got people.
Speaker B:They're under attack.
Speaker B:Lord, there's warfare going on.
Speaker B:There's the result of sin, the result of the world, the result of the enemy taking place all over.
Speaker B:And we are asking for protection for the people of God.
Speaker B:A hedge like Job had a hedge about the people of God, that the enemy as last grasps and desperate plans come against the people of God.
Speaker B:The enemy does not get a foothold, does not get a victory.
Speaker B:But the people of God get the victory with a new song in our mouth and put our feet upon the rock and let us sing your praise.
Speaker B:God be God in these situations.
Speaker B:We pray what you told us to pray.
Speaker B:Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Speaker B:Help these that are ours and these that are yours.
Speaker B:Help them with a great spirit of comfort and peace, for you are a God of comfort.
Speaker B:We pray this in the name and authority and power of Jesus.
Speaker B:Christ our Lord and our Savior.
Speaker B:And every person who hears this says, yes and amen.
Speaker B:So be it.
Speaker B:Now, you might be listening, and maybe you're a new person and you think, what's going on here?
Speaker B:What's going on here is prayer works.
Speaker B:That's what's going on.
Speaker B:Prayer helps people.
Speaker B:Prayer changes situations because God enters the situation through faith.
Speaker B:We offer it before him.
Speaker B:He enters the situation and it changes.
Speaker B:And it only takes what for?
Speaker B:A miracle?
Speaker B:A moment.
Speaker B:Then the Lord does what he does.
Speaker B:And what do we know about God?
Speaker B:God is good.
Speaker B:That's what we know.
Speaker B:And we trust in the quality of God.
Speaker B:I want to say this.
Speaker B:I'm just going to go off script.
Speaker B:It doesn't, you know, there's nothing really more to be said about it.
Speaker B:But this is the thing I want us to be aware of.
Speaker B:Peter on that water.
Speaker B:Peter on that water.
Speaker B:Now, let us be honest.
Speaker B:He's in a boat.
Speaker B:There's this stuff going on.
Speaker B:It's like, yeah, okay, it's me, guys.
Speaker B:I'm out here.
Speaker B:Peter's like, yeah, if it's you, let me come out there and walk.
Speaker B:You don't know if it was almost sarcastic or you don't know if it was just genuine.
Speaker B:Probably genuine, but I'm just saying.
Speaker B:And then it's like Jesus says, come on.
Speaker B:And Peter gets out and the Bible says, he's walking on the water, right?
Speaker B:Then what happens?
Speaker B:He notices the waves and the effect of the wind.
Speaker B:And what happens?
Speaker B:He sinks.
Speaker B:When we take inventory and put that inventory at a higher level than the King of the universe, we sink.
Speaker B:Our faith sinks.
Speaker B:It eliminates, it dissipates.
Speaker B:But when the focus is on Jesus, when the focus is on the Lord, when we look to where our help comes from, our help comes from the Lord.
Speaker B:It is sustaining.
Speaker B:It is enabling.
Speaker B:It enables us to endure.
Speaker B:It enables us to push past, push through and overcome.
Speaker B:Think about how faithful God has been and stop wondering if he will yet be faithful again and believe that he will be faithful again.
Speaker B:That's what he looks for from his kids.
Speaker B:He is not some absentee father.
Speaker B:He is perfect in his parenting, and you are his child.
Speaker B:Turn your face, your heart, your mind to your heavenly Father.
Speaker B:Cast your care unto Him.
Speaker B:He will care for you.
Speaker B:Cast your burden unto Him.
Speaker B:He will carry it for you.
Speaker B:He wants to walk with you in partnership.
Speaker B:He wants you to know he loves you and he's for you.
Speaker B:And the struggles you go through are nothing compared to the faithfulness of our God.
Speaker B:You can't even put it on the same scale.
Speaker B:That's how good God is to you and I.
Speaker B:Wow.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker B:Yeah, that's pretty powerful.
Speaker B:Take a deep breath, not the open we thought it was going to be.
Speaker B:So what we want the Lord to do what he wants to do.
Speaker B:Let's see if you can tap into this.
Speaker B:I want you to fill in the blank on this very popular scriptural verse.
Speaker B:For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever should believe in him should not perish but have what?
Speaker B:What?
Speaker B:For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever should believeth in him should not perish but have.
Speaker B:That's right.
Speaker B:What John 3:16 what?
Speaker B:God so loved us, he sacrificed his son for us so that we could have what?
Speaker B:John 3:16 if you think you know the answer by the way, you can reach out and give us a call.
Speaker B: -: Speaker B: -: Speaker B:If you want to answer that question, you can.
Speaker B: -: Speaker B: -: Speaker B:Additionally, you can send an email davidemustincrease.org Think about it.
Speaker B:Think about it.
Speaker B:John 3:16 For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son.
Speaker B:God proved his love to the world by giving His Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have what?
Speaker B:That is the question.
Speaker B:In the meantime, I will send you up to the website.
Speaker B:I will tell you this about the website.
Speaker B:There are opportunities for you to put a prayer and a praise report or prayer request on the website.
Speaker B:Free.
Speaker B:Nothing weird, nothing bizarre.
Speaker B:We just take that and we pray over it.
Speaker B:Or if it's something you want us to share for you, we'll be glad to do it.
Speaker B:There's an opportunity for you to get books.
Speaker B:Audio books are usually the free.
Speaker B:If you want to print, you tell us.
Speaker B:We will get them for you.
Speaker B:Any of the five books that we have, we will be glad to get them for you and send them to you.
Speaker B:There's encouraging video, audio, there's messages, there's different things on the website, plus access to a lot of content.
Speaker B:And I'm telling you, if you go to the podcast page on the website and type in a subject, some of the subjects come up.
Speaker B:It works pretty cool.
Speaker B:Even though it's in the beta stage.
Speaker B:I'm just letting you know.
Speaker B:But here's what I want you to also be aware of.
Speaker B:Giving is an important part of our ministry for we exist by the donations of our listeners.
Speaker B:That's how it goes.
Speaker B:Check it out on the website.
Speaker B:Hemustincrease.org Prayer Request hemosincrease.org Praise Report hemosincrease.org Looking to give to this ministry.
Speaker B:Hemosincrease.org Confused by what's happening right now hemustincrease.org hemustincrease.org can't touch this.
Speaker B:You can't touch this.
Speaker B:My favorite.
Speaker B:I don't care.
Speaker B:It is my favorite and that's part of it.
Speaker B:And you think well why?
Speaker B:I mean you can't touch it.
Speaker B:It's just this.
Speaker B:See but I think of it is like divine.
Speaker B:I think it's like God going can't touch this.
Speaker B:That's how I look at it.
Speaker B:I know it's crazy, but that's the fun part of life.
Speaker B:Answer this question.
Speaker B:Fill in the rest of this verse.
Speaker B:For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish.
Speaker B:But have John 3:16 is your opportunity to respond again.
Speaker B:If you want to reach out to us, your time is tight but you can still pull it off.
Speaker B: -: Speaker B:But outside of that think about this.
Speaker B:Who is most interested in you sinking?
Speaker B:Who is most interested in you not prevailing?
Speaker B:Who is most interested in you losing?
Speaker B:Who is most interested in you for you to abandon your faith and quit?
Speaker B:Is it God?
Speaker B:No.
Speaker B:Is it genuine Bible believers?
Speaker B:No.
Speaker B:Is it the worldly?
Speaker B:Sometimes.
Speaker B:Is it your flesh?
Speaker B:Sometimes?
Speaker B:Is it Satan?
Speaker B:All the time?
Speaker B:There is never a time.
Speaker B:For he was a murderer from the beginning and he is a thief and he is a liar.
Speaker B:So he's a murderer, he's a thief and he's a liar and what he wants to do is bring doubt into your existence for your situation.
Speaker B:What did he say to Eve?
Speaker B:Yea hath God said that's what he comes to us with.
Speaker B:Did God really promise that?
Speaker B:How do you know?
Speaker B:And to Jesus if you're the Son of God, and to us, if you're a child of God, then why do you say this, do this, think this, or better yet, God, he's not going to save you in this situation.
Speaker B:Just trying to introduce doubt to what, to what God has said.
Speaker B:Ironically, the word of God is more sure than the foundation of the earth.
Speaker B:Have you considered that if you didn't have the earth to stand upon, you'd be dead?
Speaker B:And yet God's word in God's favor is more steadfast than the actual earth?
Speaker B:That seems to me like it deserves a little bit of credit that instead of sitting there and buying what the enemy has to say, I think we need to take a different position.
Speaker B:Get behind me.
Speaker B:Satan is what Jesus said.
Speaker B:Do you know what that means, by the way?
Speaker B:Get behind me.
Speaker B:It really means get out of my view, get out of my way.
Speaker B:Step aside, pal, I'm not interested.
Speaker B:That's what Jesus said.
Speaker B:He didn't want to see him.
Speaker B:Get behind me.
Speaker B:I'm not looking at you.
Speaker B:We shouldn't be looking, we shouldn't be listening.
Speaker B:And we shouldn't be heeding the voice of the enemy.
Speaker B:But we should be listening to, hanging onto and standing firm in the voice of our king.
Speaker B:Can you say Amen?
Speaker B:Because if you don't say Amen, you're probably saying oh me.
Speaker B:Right here it is.
Speaker B:For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have eternal life, everlasting life.
Speaker B:Praise God for his gifts.
Speaker B:Take a short break, then come back.
Speaker B:You're listening to the David Scoon Experience right here on Kaam 770, the truth station here in Texas.
Speaker B:Don't go anywhere.
Speaker A:The Christian faith is being attacked.
Speaker A:50 years ago people would disagree with Christianity, but with a sense of respect, those days are over.
Speaker A:The rage, the flesh, the enemy and the atmosphere of sin is growing and growing.
Speaker A:Jesus said in Matthew 24, the love of many will grow cold.
Speaker A:And if it's not the end now, it's certainly a lot closer than it was yesterday.
Speaker A:You may be from a Baptist background, David Spoon has that.
Speaker A:You may have a Pentecostal background.
Speaker A:He has that too.
Speaker A:You may have a non denominational background.
Speaker A:Yep, he's got that as well.
Speaker A:You may be from the Church of Christ Presbyterian Methodist Church of God or some other denomination, but if you're looking for a show that's Bible based, speed, spirit led and a bit nutty, give David a listen for a while.
Speaker A:If you like it, Great.
Speaker A:If not, no worries.
Speaker A:The David Spoon Experience.
Speaker D:What is the David Spoon Experience?
Speaker D:You say.
Speaker D:I'll put it to you like this.
Speaker D:Do you love a good joke?
Speaker D:That's pretty bad.
Speaker B:What do you call an animal that doesn't practice what it preaches?
Speaker B:A hippocritopotamus.
Speaker B:Come on.
Speaker D:Do you love being able to ask questions, comments, or having someone to pray for you?
Speaker B:Do you have an opinion, a comment, a thought or a question?
Speaker B:We don't want it to die of loneliness.
Speaker B:We want it to have a chance.
Speaker D:And last but not least, do you love some trivia?
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker B:We got our trivia question.
Speaker B:Who made clothes out of leaves that were sewed together?
Speaker B:Somebody want to answer the trivia question?
Speaker B:Okay, hold on, hold on.
Speaker B:Here I go.
Speaker B:This is David.
Speaker B:Who am I talking to?
Speaker B:We're talking to Mary.
Speaker B:This is Al.
Speaker B:This is brother Ace.
Speaker A:This is Eric.
Speaker B:This is Deborah.
Speaker D:Now if that doesn't make you curious, maybe you should tune in and check it out for yourself.
Speaker B:Think of me as the big brother that won't go away.
Speaker B:That's me.
Speaker D:Tune in to the David Spoon experience weekdays at 1:30pm on 7.70K double AM.
Speaker A:What is the David Spoon Experience Is.
Speaker B:Because heaven is not some statue esque place where people go there and then freeze.
Speaker B:Wait, I'm in heaven.
Speaker B:I'm standing.
Speaker B:Nope, I can't sit.
Speaker B:Wait, no, I'm in heaven.
Speaker B:I'm sitting.
Speaker B:No, wait, I can't stand.
Speaker B:Where does that kind of concept of heaven come from?
Speaker B:Well, is he standing or is he sitting?
Speaker B:I'm going to go with.
Speaker B:He's doing both.
Speaker B:He's standing on this one.
Speaker B:He's sitting on this one over there.
Speaker B:He could be doing a Scooby Doo act.
Speaker B:I don't know what he's doing.
Speaker B:All I know is that heaven is not about frozen people that don't move.
Speaker B:And if we don't get a better handle on what heaven is, we're gonna lose our communication of our hope to a hope that's based on 72 virgins, which guarantees you after 73 times.
Speaker B:It's not the fun it was the 72 times.
Speaker B:It's so ridiculous.
Speaker B:And that's the hope we're not winning on.
Speaker B:You have got to be kidding me.
Speaker A:The David Spoon Experience.