02-20-2025 part 2: Citizens of Heaven: Embracing Our True Identity in Christ
Our citizenship is in heaven, as articulated in the Book of Colossians, which serves as the pivotal theme of this discussion. In this episode, we delve into the profound implications of being raised with Christ and the necessity of seeking the things above, where Christ resides at the right hand of God. The apostle underscores that our focus must reside not on earthly matters but on heavenly realities, reminding us that our true allegiance lies beyond the temporal realm. We explore the significance of the term "therefore," which connects our present responsibilities to our past transformation in Christ. Through this lens, we are encouraged to cultivate a mindset oriented toward divine pursuits, thereby aligning our lives with the eternal values of God's Kingdom.
An exploration into the concept of citizenship as articulated in the Book of Colossians reveals a profound theological implication for believers. The discussion pivots around the assertion that our citizenship is not grounded in earthly realms but is firmly established in heaven. This episode delves into the scriptural premise that followers of Christ are called to 'set their minds on things above' (Colossians 3:2), a directive that necessitates a deliberate shift in focus from the temporal to the eternal. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the term 'therefore,' which connects the present exhortation to the preceding theological arguments, thus enriching our comprehension of Christian identity and purpose. The narrative further elucidates how this heavenly perspective shapes our values, priorities, and ultimately, our actions in a world often filled with distractions and discontent. As listeners navigate these themes, they are encouraged to reflect on their own lives and to consider the implications of aligning their thoughts and actions with their heavenly citizenship, fostering a deeper engagement with their faith journey.
- The apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of understanding our citizenship in heaven, which fundamentally alters our perspective on earthly matters.
- We are called to seek and strive for the things above, as this aligns our focus with Christ, who is seated at the right hand of God.
- The word 'therefore' serves as a critical connection in Scripture, urging us to consider the context of our beliefs and actions as believers.
- Setting our minds on heavenly things is not merely a suggestion but a profound necessity for living a life that honors God.
- Focusing on earthly matters not only detracts from our spiritual journey but can also lead us into fleshly and demonic influences.
- Our identity as new creations in Christ compels us to pursue a lifestyle that reflects our heavenly citizenship rather than earthly affiliations.
And now for something completely different.
Speaker A:Here's what's coming up this hour on Today's Experience.
Speaker A:It's Expository Thursday.
Speaker A:Expository Thursday.
Speaker A:As we work together to know the letter better into the narrative of the Book of Colossians, we travel to understand what things the Lord requires of us as we learn to apply God's timeless truths in our lives.
Speaker A:First, we open the Book of Colossians again, starting with chapter three, verse one.
Speaker A:And the key word is therefore.
Speaker A:Yeah, whenever you see a therefore in the Bible, it means it's connected to what was previously said.
Speaker A:It's how we maintain context.
Speaker A:The entire argument presented by the apostle is tied to the reality that we have been raised with Christ.
Speaker A:And we're about to discover just how much of a citizenship swap we have made.
Speaker A:Next, the scripture goes on to say that we should strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Speaker A:The word strive is also translated seek, indicating that it should be seek the things above as a reference point.
Speaker A:This is the exact same Greek word mentioned in Matthew, chapter 6, verse 33, where it says seek first the kingdom of God.
Speaker A:And finally, verse two tells us how to engage in seeking.
Speaker A:We're to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Speaker A:The argument cannot be stronger.
Speaker A:Our focus should be more heavenly minded and less earthly focused.
Speaker A:It comes down to a simple formula.
Speaker A:Our citizenship is not on earth.
Speaker A:Sorry, it's in heaven.
Speaker A:And we are to set our minds on heavenly things, not earthly ones.
Speaker A:In fact, focusing on earthly things is not only fleshly, but also strongly connected to demonic influences.
Speaker B:David Spoon's life has been an experience.
Speaker B:While growing up in a Jewish family, he made a wrong turn towards drug abuse.
Speaker B:Then David Spoon found Jesus Christ and his life completely changed.
Speaker B:The more he studied the Gospel, the more he wanted to share his experiences with others.
Speaker B:After 35 years of ministry, David discovered a new path of service.
Speaker B:He joined KAAM and this radio program began.
Speaker B:You're about to hear the David Spoon Experience.
Speaker A:Welcome to the David Spoon Experience.
Speaker A:Local, national and heavenly talk.
Speaker A:Here's what else we're looking at during the show.
Speaker A:Lessons for surviving living and prevailing politics, entertainment and current events, personal revelations, spiritual observations, my life's insanities which will apply today.
Speaker A:And oy vey, so much more.
Speaker A:Now remember, it's not professional radio.
Speaker A:It's just radio.
Speaker A:That's all it is.
Speaker A:It's just fellowship through the radio.
Speaker A:That's what it is.
Speaker A:And we're asking you, what do you think?
Speaker A:How you doing?
Speaker A:What can we do to.
Speaker A:Bless you.
Speaker A:What's happening now?
Speaker A:You can email us during the show.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Talking to Jam and Jacob is the same feeling you get when you're being appreciated.
Speaker A:Aw.
Speaker C:Thank you, David.
Speaker C:Happy Thursday.
Speaker A:Happy Thursday to you, my friend.
Speaker A:Not a lot of button pushing on that last one, huh?
Speaker A:Last 30 minutes.
Speaker A:Not a lot to go to, was there?
Speaker C:No, not a lot.
Speaker C:Just sat back and listened.
Speaker A:Anyway, how are you doing, by the way?
Speaker A:Are you doing good?
Speaker C:I'm doing well.
Speaker C:How are you doing?
Speaker A:I'm doing good.
Speaker A:Are you gonna watch the game tonight?
Speaker A:Just out of curiosity?
Speaker A:There is a hockey game.
Speaker A:The United States versus Canada.
Speaker A:I don't know if you're watching that or not.
Speaker A:Are you watching that?
Speaker C:I probably will.
Speaker C:I probably will end up watching that game.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:I have a very good friend of mine who's a big, big, big basketball fan.
Speaker A:One of my best friends, actually.
Speaker A:His name is Rob Laffler.
Speaker A:You guys heard me talk about him.
Speaker A:By the way, Cindy passed all of her tests, so thank everybody.
Speaker A:She had other tests, and she wasn't supposed to get licensed on these tests for three to eight weeks, and it took four hours.
Speaker A:So I guess the Lord had other plans.
Speaker A:Three to eight weeks, four hours later.
Speaker A:And anyway, I just find that to be hilarious.
Speaker A:He is a huge NBA fan and wrote to me this chilling text how he's going to have to watch hockey tonight because he just can't watch the NBA anymore.
Speaker C:You know, so far, this NBA season is the least I've ever watched an NBA season growing up.
Speaker C:Just my whole life, I've watched the NBA, every team, all the time.
Speaker C:And yeah, I just.
Speaker C:It's just the.
Speaker C:The product has really taken a nosedive to me.
Speaker A:I mean, where's Magic Johnson and Larry Bird?
Speaker A:Where's Michael Jordan?
Speaker A:That's where those guys were.
Speaker A:They made it so much fun.
Speaker A:And it's just like, yeah, that's not fun.
Speaker A:Anyway.
Speaker A:And if you watch, we'll talk about the game a little bit tomorrow.
Speaker A:See how that, how that pans out.
Speaker A:So they did say that, of course, if Canada loses, it could be an actual Canadian National Cross crisis.
Speaker A:So I feel bad for them that that could happen over a hockey game.
Speaker A:Anyway, just leave that there.
Speaker A:I can't touch that.
Speaker A:That's just too funny.
Speaker C:It's serious.
Speaker C:This game's serious, David.
Speaker A:It's a serious game for several people.
Speaker A:Not for most of us, just for several people.
Speaker A:All right, so here's the bottom line.
Speaker A:Why would you text us?
Speaker A:Why would you send an email?
Speaker A:Why would you, in fact, call us?
Speaker A:That could be for appraised report.
Speaker A:Something the Lord has done and you know he's done it.
Speaker A:And you know what, you know, you should share it.
Speaker A:Okay, well, here's an opportunity.
Speaker A:You think?
Speaker A:I know, but I'm afraid how I might sound.
Speaker A:So what?
Speaker A:How does that matter?
Speaker A:Isn't it better to give honor to the king than to worry about how some other person is going to think about it?
Speaker A:Worrying about how people think about things is what led to a lot of disasters in the Old and New Testament.
Speaker A:Let's get away from that.
Speaker A:Let's do it because the Lord wants us to.
Speaker A:Let's live for the author and not the audience.
Speaker A:Let's do that.
Speaker A:So if you've got a praise report, bring it.
Speaker A:If you got a prayer request, bring it.
Speaker A:Why?
Speaker A:Because prayer works.
Speaker A:And, yes, I get mystified and upset, Dave.
Speaker A:You get upset?
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker A:From leaders and influencers who do not understand the power of prayer and then make a joke about it and they don't recognize they're insulting Jesus in the process.
Speaker A:Amazing, right?
Speaker A:Just amazing.
Speaker A:And so, yeah, bring the prayer request.
Speaker A:Let's petition the Lord.
Speaker A:That's what we want.
Speaker A:Maybe you got something that the Lord just blessed you with, showed you.
Speaker A:You just got this insight.
Speaker A:It's like, oh, this is really cool.
Speaker A:Awesome, then share it.
Speaker A:That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about.
Speaker A:Maybe you've got an answer to this trivia question from the book of Genesis, which we talked about earlier in the week.
Speaker A:Melchizedek was the king of what city?
Speaker A: Genesis: Speaker A:Melchizedek was the king and priest of what city?
Speaker A:What city was that?
Speaker A:Genesis, chapter 14, verse 18.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Or send an email david@hemustincrease.org Please don't forget about Feb Buddies.
Speaker A:So we spend some time praying for Al and his wife and his son and his sister and the family of the friend that departed for.
Speaker A:Also for Rosalind and Robert and for Angelina and for different people that we know have burdens.
Speaker A:We want you to carry their burdens.
Speaker A:Connect to that.
Speaker A:You could even be praying for Jacob.
Speaker A:I'm not kidding.
Speaker A:That's what I'm saying.
Speaker A:Anybody that the Lord puts on your heart, don't forget FEB buddies.
Speaker A:That is a big deal because it's what the Lord wants of us, right?
Speaker A:All right, so we do have this question.
Speaker A:It's a pretty interesting question actually.
Speaker A:From the book of Genesis, Melchizedek was the king of what city?
Speaker A: Genesis: Speaker A:We have somebody on the line who wants to answer the trivia question.
Speaker A:Let's go ahead and send them on through.
Speaker A:Knock, knock.
Speaker A:This is David.
Speaker A:Who am I talking to?
Speaker D:Yes, sir, Dr.
Speaker D:David.
Speaker D:David, will Rogers.
Speaker A:Hey, Will Rogers.
Speaker A:How are you, brother?
Speaker D:I'm doing okay, thank you, sir.
Speaker A:It's great to hear your voice, Will.
Speaker A:I love it.
Speaker A:I love hearing your voice.
Speaker A:Great, great, great.
Speaker D:I do.
Speaker D:I haven't been here in a while.
Speaker A:I know, but it's good.
Speaker A:Lord, Will, the Lord's got you so covered.
Speaker A:And you know, we've been praying for you and I know you're praying for us and we just love you and just want you to know that you are greatly appreciated as a brother in Christ.
Speaker D:Y'all are too.
Speaker A:Alright, my friend, I'll set you up.
Speaker A:Ready?
Speaker A:Here we go.
Speaker A:From the book of Genesis, Melchizedek was the king of what city?
Speaker D:He was the king of Salem.
Speaker A:That is correct.
Speaker A:A little.
Speaker A:You have to love it because what does Satan Salem mean?
Speaker A:And that is what?
Speaker D:I believe it's tied to the word shalom, which means peace.
Speaker A:That is correct again.
Speaker A:You're on a roll.
Speaker A:And what a connection to our very own Lord Jesus Christ, who is the prince of peace.
Speaker A:Like, yeah, okay, there's something going on here.
Speaker A:And there's a tie in all the way through.
Speaker A:And it is undeniable.
Speaker D:That's right.
Speaker D:I don't speak a very good Hebrew, but I try.
Speaker A:Yeah, you did a great job.
Speaker A:And just so you can know, I took Hebrew for years and years and years and I've had many people tell me you don't know how to talk.
Speaker A:That's all right.
Speaker A:I say oy vey.
Speaker A:That I get.
Speaker A:But that's Yiddish.
Speaker A:We'll just move on from there.
Speaker A:Excellent job, my brother.
Speaker A:How are things in prayer for anything or are you good?
Speaker A:How we at?
Speaker A:Where are we at?
Speaker D:I'm good.
Speaker D:And I wish a good shalom to you, sir.
Speaker A:Thank you, sir.
Speaker A:I appreciate it.
Speaker A:Love you in the Lord.
Speaker A:God bless you.
Speaker A:Excellent phone call, by the way.
Speaker D:Bye bye.
Speaker A:All right, bye bye.
Speaker A:Phenomenal.
Speaker A:It's just great to hear from Will.
Speaker A:Awesome, awesome, awesome.
Speaker A:All right, here we go.
Speaker A:DNA.
Speaker A:DNA.
Speaker A:D stands for Draw closer to the Lord daily.
Speaker A:Daily.
Speaker A:I'll tell you when you know you're getting not in the zone, but I'm going to encourage you.
Speaker A:I'm going to actually say something to you and you're going to.
Speaker A:I don't want you to get weird on me.
Speaker A:Nothing like that.
Speaker A:But if you could spend time with the Lord.
Speaker A:Okay, let's say you do.
Speaker A:And some people do this.
Speaker A:They, okay, I spent about 10 minutes or about 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever that is.
Speaker A:If you could just spend time with the Lord.
Speaker A:And then you're like, I'm gonna go for like 15, 20 minutes.
Speaker A:And then you're done.
Speaker A:And you find out it's longer.
Speaker A:You're getting closer to the zone.
Speaker A:Because sometimes when you spend time with the Lord, time doesn't have the same impact because you're just hanging out with the King of the universe and you just love it.
Speaker A:Sometimes that's true.
Speaker A:Even in the Word.
Speaker A:So you'll be reading the words, like, I'm going to read X amount of chapters.
Speaker A:And by the time you're done, you're like, wow, that was so much more than I thought.
Speaker A:Like, I got into so much more than I thought.
Speaker A:I think that's the Lord's grace in our relationship.
Speaker A:A lot of people don't talk about it.
Speaker A:I just think it's something that happens from time to time.
Speaker A:It doesn't happen every time.
Speaker A:But if you're spending time with the Lord in prayer, in the Word or something, and you just get into it and it's just like you are almost like you get oblivious to the time.
Speaker A:It's like, that's a good thing, not a bad thing.
Speaker A:If you're not used to spending time with the Lord like that, ask him to help you.
Speaker A:Say, I want to spend quality time just with you and me.
Speaker A:I promise you, of all the prayers besides yes or I surrender, of all the prayers, you will know that one's going to be a big fat yes from your king.
Speaker A:Okay?
Speaker A:Draw closer to the Lord daily.
Speaker A:D and never be ashamed of Jesus or his words.
Speaker A:I get this sense.
Speaker A:I'm not saying it's prophetic, although I'm not saying it's not, but that there's going to be a much bigger ferocious war against people who are in the word of God.
Speaker A:Does that mean that's going to be the great tribulation?
Speaker A:Does that mean there's going to be a rapture before.
Speaker A:I'm not saying any of that.
Speaker A:Not addressing any of that.
Speaker A:I'm addressing this.
Speaker A:I think the warfare for people who believe in the word of God has not come to its fruition.
Speaker A:That's what I believe.
Speaker A:That just means you need to stand firm in the word of God.
Speaker A:Here's a simple question and you could just answer it yourself.
Speaker A:Did God create the universe?
Speaker A:Well, then can he write a book?
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:Never be ashamed of what Jesus had to say.
Speaker A:Never be ashamed of Jesus.
Speaker A:D Draw closer to the Lord daily and never be ashamed of Jesus or his words.
Speaker A:A Always be ready.
Speaker C:To serve.
Speaker A:Just ready, man.
Speaker A:Ready, ready.
Speaker A:Right?
Speaker A:If the Lord.
Speaker A:Oh, somebody asked this question and it's really tough in a Bible study.
Speaker A:I'm sure many of you have been asked this question, but if you knew the Lord was coming back in one week from right now, how, not what, but how much would you do differently?
Speaker A:The Lord's coming back in one week.
Speaker A:What would you then do?
Speaker A:What would your mindset be?
Speaker A:What would the shift be?
Speaker A:And then recognize that Jesus can come back at any time.
Speaker A:I know people go, no, this has to happen.
Speaker A:There's a, oh, stop.
Speaker A:He can come back for anybody individually or he can come back corporately.
Speaker A:And it might not fit the model.
Speaker A:Oh, oh, what are we going to do?
Speaker A:Nothing.
Speaker A:It didn't fit the model the first time.
Speaker A:Wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't fit the model the second time.
Speaker A:Why is that weird?
Speaker A:You still need to be ready.
Speaker A:What would you do different if he was coming back in a week?
Speaker A:D Draw closer to the Lord daily and never be ashamed of Jesus or his words.
Speaker A:A Always be ready to serve.
Speaker A:We'll take a short break and then we'll come back.
Speaker A:You're listening to the David Spoon Experience right Here, here on KAAM 770, the Truth Station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Short break.
Speaker A:Don't go back.
Speaker B:The David Spoon Experience.
Speaker A:This first teaching, I'm going to do it anyway.
Speaker A:But this is so good.
Speaker A:Now just listen.
Speaker A:I know and I know it take a long time and I know I do a lot of blabbing.
Speaker A:So what?
Speaker A:Here we go.
Speaker A:And if it gets boring, then, you know, change the channel.
Speaker A:I guess that what I did, what I tell people here in Romans, we are in chapter seven.
Speaker A:We're in verse 14.
Speaker A:And this is so good because so few people will own this.
Speaker A:This is what Paul says, the law is good then, okay, we already got that.
Speaker A:Remember, he just got done personifying sin.
Speaker A:Remember, we had this whole thing.
Speaker A:That sin, it seeks to take advantage of us.
Speaker A:God said to Cain, it desires to have you.
Speaker A:It desires to have you.
Speaker A:Like, it has a desire, it has a hunger.
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker A:And so Paul is like going, you know, it's not the law's fault that the law is pointing out I'm having sin problems.
Speaker A:So he says this in verse 14, the law is good.
Speaker A:Then the trouble is not with the law, but with me.
Speaker A:You think, how is that profound?
Speaker A:Well, it's exceedingly profound because it's exceedingly different than Adam and Eve who had dealt with sin.
Speaker A:And you're thinking, what do you mean?
Speaker A:Well, when Adam got confronted on his sin, what did he do?
Speaker A:It's her fault.
Speaker A:And when Eve got confronted on her sin, what did she do?
Speaker A:It's the snake's fault.
Speaker A:Because it's a telltale sign that when we don't own it and we are trying to put it on somebody else or somewhere else, that we're in trouble.
Speaker A:Because the thing the Lord wants from you and I is, is when we're going through things and we do something wrong.
Speaker A:And I'm not just talking about the most dramatic things, but even the dumb things, even the complaining or the whining or any of the other stuff, Remember, the Lord says, you have wearied me with my words.
Speaker A:So if you're able to not do anything in your words, you're phenomenal.
Speaker A:I'm just pointing this out that Paul's like going, it's my fault.
Speaker A:He's not going to try and do anything else.
Speaker A:See, the law is good.
Speaker A:And the trouble's not with the law.
Speaker A:Paul says with me.
Speaker A:And I don't know how many times we've all, as a radio family, have discussed this, and I promise you it won't be enough.
Speaker A:Every one of us, the most seasoned among us, fall into this trap.
Speaker A:You know what that trap is?
Speaker A:We justify ourselves.
Speaker A:Everybody does it.
Speaker A:Job did it.
Speaker A:And just to be honest, you probably weren't.
Speaker A:You're probably not as righteous as Job.
Speaker A:I'm just saying.
Speaker A:I mean, apart from Christ, definitely not.
Speaker A:Not.
Speaker A:Let's just leave it there.
Speaker A:I mean, this is a guy that was diligent.
Speaker A:His kids were partying, he was praying while they were partying for their well being.
Speaker A:Pretty good, right?
Speaker A:We justify ourselves.
Speaker A:We don't justify God.
Speaker A:And that was the foolishness of Job.
Speaker A:Because in all those things, he thought it was all about him, and it wasn't the way that he thought.
Speaker A:You here When I need you the most When I need you the most.
Speaker A:Oh.
Speaker A:Welcome back to the David Spoon Experience.
Speaker A:Thank you for joining us here at Kaam 770, the Truth Station here in Texas.
Speaker A:This Ka Amen 770, the Truth Station here in Texas, where I exited just recently by saying this.
Speaker A:This tells you why it's not a professional radio show.
Speaker A:I'm just telling you right now.
Speaker A:I said the very end of what I was exiting in this last break.
Speaker A:Don't go back.
Speaker A:We'll be right back.
Speaker A:I said, don't go back.
Speaker A:I'm just gonna lean off of that and use it and say, don't go backwards in your faith.
Speaker A:That's what I went.
Speaker A:That's not what I meant.
Speaker A:I said the wrong thing, but I gotta do something with it.
Speaker C:There you go.
Speaker C:Great, great save, David.
Speaker A:Don't go back.
Speaker C:That gave me a good laugh when we were going to break, saying that was funny.
Speaker A:It's like, where did that come from?
Speaker A:I have no idea.
Speaker A:Go.
Speaker A:That is professional radio at its finest.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:Anyway.
Speaker A:All right, what do we got going on?
Speaker A:Everything good?
Speaker C:We have a prayer request.
Speaker A:Sure, Absolutely.
Speaker A:What do we got?
Speaker C:So we have Shirley, who injured her ankle and is in a walking boot currently.
Speaker C:And in about a week on the 28th, she goes back for a visit.
Speaker C:So she said just to pray for her ankle injury and that everything goes well.
Speaker A:So good, let's do it.
Speaker A:Let's bring it before the Lord in prayer, because that's what the Lord designed us to do.
Speaker A:So let's do it.
Speaker A:Father, we come before you right now and we thank you for Shirley.
Speaker A:We thank you for her life.
Speaker A:We thank you for the graces you've given her, the blessings, the favor, the kindness.
Speaker A:Lord, she had something take place.
Speaker A:We don't know the origin.
Speaker A:We don't need to know the origin, because you, Lord, are the origin of everything.
Speaker A:And so in that, we just pray right now for Shirley.
Speaker A:She's just got a little bit of time left.
Speaker A:You're going to check it out in the next seven, eight days.
Speaker A:We're going to get that looked at.
Speaker A:Lord, give her grace in that situation.
Speaker A:Let that ankle, that boot, let it be well, let it be healed, let it be fixed.
Speaker A:Let it be not just better, but fully better.
Speaker A:Just like, not, oh, it's okay.
Speaker A:Let it be great.
Speaker A:Let that be the testimony.
Speaker A:Not, oh, it's okay.
Speaker A:Let it be great.
Speaker A:Let it be better than good, let it be great, because you are as good as you are, Lord.
Speaker A:You are great.
Speaker A:And we are asking you to put that greatness into her body and let her find that healing in that redemptive spot and let her testify to it and bless her in it and let her share it with those connected to her and bring that healing.
Speaker A:And Lord, let it be to your glory and your glory alone.
Speaker A:We ask you to heal surely in this situation, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen and amen.
Speaker A:Okay, Doki, like praying?
Speaker A:Praying is good for us.
Speaker A:All right, Here we go.
Speaker A:2nd Corinthians 5:17.
Speaker A:Now just listen.
Speaker A:2nd Corinthians 5:17 focuses on what our blessings, our being a new creature, grace or church attendance.
Speaker A:2 Corinthians 5:17 focuses on what our blessings being a new creature, our grace or church attendance.
Speaker A:Your reference would obviously be, wait, get ready.
Speaker A:2nd Corinthians 5:17.
Speaker A:Because that's what we're basing it on.
Speaker A:All right, nice job by Joann and Cordelia on that.
Speaker A:If you think you know the answer, let me get to the where's our phone number?
Speaker A:Here it is.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Or send an email davidemustincrease.org Basically, 2 Corinthians 5:17 focuses on what blessings, new creation, grace or church attendance.
Speaker A:There you go.
Speaker A:Just answer that question and you'll be in the radio of the radio.
Speaker A:As we go into the book of Colossians, we are at chapter three and we open this up and it is important to understand that what we open up with is a very, very, very important word.
Speaker A:What is that word?
Speaker A:Therefore.
Speaker A:Therefore.
Speaker A:And so I bring that to you because I want you to follow when you're reading in Scripture.
Speaker A:This isn't me.
Speaker A:It's got nothing to do with.
Speaker A:This is how the authors wrote.
Speaker A:And this is also, by the way, happens in the Old Testament.
Speaker A:It does happen more in the New Testament I have seen than others, especially in Paulinian writings.
Speaker A:But it's a conclusionary process.
Speaker A:So whenever you see therefore, just stop.
Speaker A:Just stop.
Speaker A:Don't stop before you read the rest of it.
Speaker A:Then go backwards and look therefore, what?
Speaker A:What are we talking about?
Speaker A:And so look back at what was being discussed and don't look back one verse or two verse.
Speaker A:Look, look back as much as you need To.
Speaker A:It might only be one verse that he's pulling it off of or the person's pulling it off of.
Speaker A:But it could be 10 verses, 20 verses.
Speaker A:It could be two chapters in one spot.
Speaker A:Paul does three chapters on a.
Speaker A:Therefore, three chapters.
Speaker A:It's like, wait, you want me to recall all three chapters?
Speaker A:Well, basically, yeah.
Speaker A:And see, that's important.
Speaker A:And so when you have therefore in the Bible, it's connected to what's said.
Speaker A:And what's important about that is context.
Speaker A:So we have a couple of things that people.
Speaker A:Oh, it drives some people nuts.
Speaker A:I find it funny that things bother people as much as it does in this.
Speaker A:This is us just being Christians, trying to get into the Word, find the Word and process through.
Speaker A:Okay?
Speaker A:That's all this is.
Speaker A:And so sometimes you'll be reading a scripture.
Speaker A:Had this happen to me today, I'll just tell you.
Speaker A:And in the Scripture, you read it, and in its context, you know, it's got a very specific context.
Speaker A:It's connected to something.
Speaker A:But every once in a while, it seems like the Lord does what we call the dynamic application principle, the dap.
Speaker A:And it's like something leaps off even in the verse.
Speaker A:And it's not necessarily connected to the content, but it's almost like the context.
Speaker A:But it's almost like the Lord is going, hey, I want you to see these two words for you and your situation.
Speaker A:Sometimes it can be something as simple as have faith, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and you start reading all that.
Speaker A:But then somehow the phrase or the two words, have faith kind of jump off the page, and they speak directly to you and they say, yeah, that's what you need for this situation that you're struggling with.
Speaker A:And in your brain, your mind, your spirit, you're going, yeah, that's what I need.
Speaker A:And you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Speaker A:That's that dynamic application.
Speaker A:There's an application to it.
Speaker A:Does that mean that's as sure as the written word of God?
Speaker A:No, it is the word of God.
Speaker A:But the Lord sometimes highlights things so that you can hold hold on to them, much like he does in many other things, like answered prayers and things of that nature.
Speaker A:So be aware of that.
Speaker A:Context is king.
Speaker A:Let me say that again now.
Speaker A:Not king, king, but context rules.
Speaker A:It's what's before, it's what's after.
Speaker A:It's what connects everything.
Speaker A:But there are times where the other part comes in and you go, oh, look at that.
Speaker A:That's so cool.
Speaker A:Oh, I needed that.
Speaker A:That was really good.
Speaker A:I was reading this and this one thing popped out.
Speaker A:No, it was really helpful.
Speaker A:There's nothing bad about that.
Speaker A:If it's drawing you closer to the Lord, any other thing not good.
Speaker A:But if it's drawing you closer to the Lord, that's the key.
Speaker A:And so we're going to find out as we go through this, going past this word, therefore, that Paul is going to make a statement that makes anybody who's nationalistic, it makes them tremble.
Speaker A:But here's my response.
Speaker A:Tough, because as much as I love America and how much do I love America, I've been to other countries.
Speaker A:I don't really feel like ever going to them again.
Speaker A:That's how much I love America.
Speaker A:Now, that's not to say anything against missionaries because we already have our brother who's a missionary.
Speaker A:Listen to the show.
Speaker A:People love that and I know they love that and I appreciate that.
Speaker A:I just really love, love, love America.
Speaker A:I think it's an awesome country.
Speaker A:I've always thought it's an awesome country, even when the leadership's goofy.
Speaker A:And I still think it's a phenomenal country.
Speaker A:That's just me, right?
Speaker A:I don't think it's the wealthiest country ever because I don't think we're at the point where stones.
Speaker A:Right, stones in our country, like it was for Solomon, that silver was considered like rocks and stones.
Speaker A:That's pretty good.
Speaker A:That's pretty wealthy.
Speaker A:I just want to say that.
Speaker A:But I think it's a phenomenal country.
Speaker A:But it is not where our citizenship is.
Speaker A:And it's like people absolutely freak out.
Speaker A:What do you mean?
Speaker A:Well, your citizenship is in a different locale.
Speaker A:And if it's not, then that's displeasing to God.
Speaker A:Oh, Dave, so heavenly minded.
Speaker A:You're of no earthly good.
Speaker A:I wish that that accusation would be true and stick with me since that's the command of Jesus and that's where this therefore is going to lead us into.
Speaker A:All of this stuff is coming back based on the fact that we died and in that death we lost citizenship to the earth.
Speaker A:In reality, in that approach, we've lost that citizenship, but now we have a new one and that's where therefore is going to lead us.
Speaker A:Isn't that fascinating?
Speaker A:Like really for one word?
Speaker A:Yeah, that's kind of cool.
Speaker A:2 Corinthians 5:17 focuses on what is it?
Speaker A:On our blessings, new creation, grace or church attendance.
Speaker A:And the answer is new creation.
Speaker A:2 Corinthians 5:17.
Speaker A:If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature, he is a new creation.
Speaker A:Old things are past all Things are new.
Speaker A:The only argument that really could be said there is sometimes we wake up and act like we're not in Christ.
Speaker A:And that's probably why the old us seems to pop back up.
Speaker A:We'll take a short break and then come back if I can speak with regular English to get us out of here.
Speaker A:You're listening to the David Spoon experience right here on Kaam 770, the truth station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Don't go anywhere.
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Speaker A:When you go to cowpunchsites.com dad, that's cowpunchsites.com dadS, that's me.
Speaker A:Oh, did I mention that it's $57 a month?
Speaker A:Cow punch sites.
Speaker A:$57 a month and that's no bull.
Speaker D:Um, Dave, this is a nice radio station.
Speaker A:Oops, sorry.
Speaker A:That's Cowpunch Sites.
Speaker A:$57 a month and that's no buny.
Speaker A:There, that's better.
Speaker A:Cowpunchsites.com dad, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Speaker A:Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Speaker A:Do you know how you keep going?
Speaker A:Do you know how you keep putting one foot in front of the other?
Speaker A:Do you know how you don't give up?
Speaker A:Do you know how you don't quit even though you want to quit?
Speaker A:You fix your eyes on Jesus.
Speaker A:You see with God, when Peter went out of that boat and stepped on that water, there is no natural principle in the world, in any normal universe, that would allow Peter to walk on water.
Speaker A:But he did one thing well.
Speaker A:He looked at Jesus.
Speaker A:And as he was looking at Jesus, the Bible says he walked on the water.
Speaker A:He looked at his situation, just focusing at Jesus then he took his eyes off of Jesus and he saw the winds and the waves and he sank.
Speaker A:He lost the correct attitude when he stopped seeing with Jesus in the picture.
Speaker A:Whatever you see, whatever you face, whatever you encounter, do not see it or face it in the natural.
Speaker A:For we walk by faith and not by sight.
Speaker A:So everything you see, you, you must insert the picture of Jesus.
Speaker A:The David Spoon Experience welcome back to the David Spoon Experience.
Speaker A:Thank you for joining us here at Kaam 770, the Truth Station here in Texas.
Speaker A:That's Ka Amen 770, the Truth Station here in Texas.
Speaker A:Texas.
Speaker A:If you caught that at all that Phil, I mean, Deb caught, Aunt Deb caught.
Speaker A:That was exactly, exactly what we talked about after we prayed in the first 30 minutes.
Speaker A:Identical.
Speaker A:In the mouth of two or three witnesses.
Speaker A:Let every word be established.
Speaker A:God has spoken once, yea, twice have I heard.
Speaker A:That's what that is.
Speaker A:That's so cool.
Speaker A:See, that's a blessing for me because I just feel like the Lord's going and I love that because I need.
Speaker A:Just like everybody else does.
Speaker A:It's just cool.
Speaker A:That's just awesome.
Speaker A:Good catch, Deb.
Speaker A:All right, here we go.
Speaker A:Listen to this trivia question.
Speaker A:Remember when these ones we always do.
Speaker A:A little tougher.
Speaker A:Just as Moses lifted up in the desert, so the Son of man must be lifted up so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
Speaker A:Now here's the fill in opportunities by the way.
Speaker A:And just in case you're wondering where it is, it's John 3, 14, 15.
Speaker A:That's the one that's before 16.
Speaker A:Here it is.
Speaker A:Good redemption Al Good redemption.
Speaker A:Just as Moses has lifted up the ready, the staff, the serpent, the flocks or his eyes.
Speaker A:Just as Moses lifted up the staff, the serpent, his flock, his eyes in the desert, so the Son of man must be lifted up that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker A:What's the answer to that one?
Speaker A:And your reference John chapter three, verse 14 through 15.
Speaker A:If you think you know and that's a good one.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A: -: Speaker A:Is that blank.
Speaker A:Moses lifted up the staff the serpent, his flock or his eyes.
Speaker A:John 3, 14, 15.
Speaker A:And in the meantime, we will do what?
Speaker A:Send you to the website.
Speaker A:Here it is.
Speaker A:We need your help.
Speaker A:Please help.
Speaker A:That'll be that simple.
Speaker A:We need you to help maintain the ministry.
Speaker A:We've got radio rank coming up a week from tomorrow and we need your help to get there.
Speaker A:Okay?
Speaker A:We exist off of the donations of our listeners.
Speaker A:If you can, give awesomesauce.
Speaker A:If you can't awesomesauce, keep praying for us.
Speaker A:We'd appreciate it.
Speaker A:Check it out on the website.
Speaker A:Hemustincrease.org Prayer request.
Speaker A:Hemostincrease.org Praise report.
Speaker A:He mustincrease.org Looking to give to this ministry.
Speaker A:He mustincrease.org Confused by what's happening right now.
Speaker A:He must increase.org hemustincrease.org Mr.
Speaker A:Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie pump?
Speaker A:A good question.
Speaker A:Let's find out.
Speaker A:1, 2, 3, 3.
Speaker A:See, that's the answer.
Speaker A:See, we need to amend that.
Speaker A:We need to have an amendment to our own fill because it doesn't give the rest of the things.
Speaker A:1, 2, 3, 3.
Speaker A:That's how it goes.
Speaker A:I'm just finishing it for everybody.
Speaker A:All right, thank you very much.
Speaker A:Okay, so listen, I know that translations are a little different.
Speaker A:Just answer it based on the things I'm giving you and make it much easier.
Speaker A:Joseph, just as Moses lifted up the staff serpent.
Speaker A:Okay, flock or his eyes.
Speaker A:Okay, which one is going to fit into there?
Speaker A:That's all you got to know.
Speaker A:All right, if you know, reach out to us.
Speaker A:What is our number?
Speaker A:I keep forgetting.
Speaker A:9, 7, 2, 4, 4, 5, 0, 7, 7, 0.
Speaker A:You know, you'd think I'd know this number.
Speaker A:I've only said it, let's see, 5, 6, 7, 8 times.
Speaker A: What,: Speaker A:So I've said it over 10,000 times.
Speaker A:You just think I'd know it.
Speaker A: -: Speaker A:We'll do a history after this, but I gotta get into the word here from.
Speaker A:I've only taught one word on this, by the way.
Speaker A:Therefore, that's all I taught.
Speaker A:All right, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Speaker A:That word strive in the Greek.
Speaker A:Okay, I want to make sure we all kind of get together on there is the exact Same word as seek in every other Greek usage.
Speaker A:It's Nikea, Nicaea.
Speaker A:I don't know why I have a hard time saying that.
Speaker A:That's funny that I shouldn't really have that difficult time saying that.
Speaker A:Anyway, nicaea.
Speaker A:And yes, if you're wondering, it is semi connected to Nike, which means something similar to that.
Speaker A:But it's understood that in Matthew 6:33, when Jesus said, seek first the kingdom of God, it's the exact same word as this word strive in certain translations, or seek.
Speaker A:And what we are told to do is seek for the things above.
Speaker A:It's a direct correlation to Matthew 6:33, where Jesus says, seek first the kingdom of God.
Speaker A:Because in this, Paul's text, he's saying, since you've been raised with Christ, remember, Therefore, since you've been raised with Christ, pulling it back in context of the fact that we are dead to the world and become back alive through Jesus, seek, strive, pursue the things above.
Speaker A:Where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Speaker A:It's exceedingly important for us to understand, exceedingly, that we are supposed to strive for things above, not on the things on earth.
Speaker A:As good as you can make the journey and as fun as we can have doing it.
Speaker A:We are not here to produce a phenomenal history so we can build a monument to ourselves.
Speaker A:We are here for the glory of God.
Speaker A:And this earth contains so much little glory, it's going to be removed and replaced with a new one.
Speaker A:So everybody that's like, well, you know, we just got to leave a legacy, do this, have the history, have the monuments.
Speaker A:You know what we got to do?
Speaker A:We got to set our minds on things above.
Speaker A:We need to seek the things above because those are the only things that are going to last.
Speaker A:Every monument made to man on this earth which is old will not endure.
Speaker A:Think about that.
Speaker A:Everyone, Dave, Everyone.
Speaker A:There's only one history that will go in the new heavens and the new earth.
Speaker A:Jesus.
Speaker A:I mean, you just got to just like get.
Speaker A:That's not very nationalistic.
Speaker A:Tell Jesus he's not very nationalistic.
Speaker A:Don't get mad at me.
Speaker A:He's the one who's saying, seek the things above.
Speaker A:And all you got to do is read Hebrews 11, 13, 16 to find out our citizenship is in heaven.
Speaker A:Okay?
Speaker A:Everybody gets mad.
Speaker A:Jesus made it clear.
Speaker A:The Holy Spirit made it clear using other authors.
Speaker A:The Old Testament makes it clear there's a new heavens and new earth.
Speaker A:It's not very complex.
Speaker A:We are his and it is about his kingdom.
Speaker A:Right?
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:We do have somebody who Wants to answer the trivia question.
Speaker A:Is that correct?
Speaker A:Let's send them on through.
Speaker A:Knock, knock.
Speaker A:This is David.
Speaker A:Who am I talking to?
Speaker D:Brother Roger again.
Speaker A:Hey, Brother Roger again.
Speaker A:On a Thursday.
Speaker A:How are you?
Speaker A:Back to the Thursday run, huh?
Speaker D:Yeah, well, I'm one day closer and one step closer.
Speaker A:Amen, brother.
Speaker A:Ain't we all right?
Speaker A:Ain't we all?
Speaker A:All right, Let me set you up.
Speaker A:Are you ready for the triv question?
Speaker D:Yeah, I'm ready.
Speaker A:All right, let me set it up for you and then you can answer.
Speaker A:Let me lay out the whole thing and then you can answer.
Speaker A:Just as Moses lifted up the blank in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
Speaker A:Was it his staff, the serpent, his flock, or his eyes?
Speaker D:I don't like none of them answers, but I'll say staff.
Speaker A:Okay, here's what I want to help you with.
Speaker A:What animal is connected to the medical industry that has two of them surrounding a heart?
Speaker A:Do you know what reptile is there?
Speaker D:You lost me, brother.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:It's the serpent.
Speaker A:The bronze serpent.
Speaker D:Just tell me I was wrong and give me the right answer.
Speaker A:Yes, sir.
Speaker A:It's the bronze serpent.
Speaker A:Moses.
Speaker A:Bronze serpent.
Speaker A:So what happened is they were bit by the serpent, but then Moses took that serpent and put it on.
Speaker A:He lifted it up so everybody can see it, and everybody who lifted it got healed.
Speaker A:And when that happened.
Speaker A:So then the comparison in John is to the serpent that was lifted up by Moses and people saw it and then they got healed.
Speaker A:That's the comparison made to Jesus.
Speaker A:That's also part of the symbol of the medical industry is they have those two snakes around a heart.
Speaker A:So that's why I'm saying.
Speaker D:There you go.
Speaker A:There you go.
Speaker D:I was wrong.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:But you were right in pursuing.
Speaker D:I was wrong in being wrong.
Speaker A:Yeah, me neither.
Speaker A:If you marry my wife, you find out how often I'm wrong.
Speaker A:Often.
Speaker A:Trust me.
Speaker A:Talk to me, my friend.
Speaker D:I had, you know, when I was first.
Speaker D:You had something on today about being too spiritually minded to be any earthly good.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker D:Well, go ahead and give me some of your spirituality then, because I.
Speaker D:I want a little bit more.
Speaker D:I don't.
Speaker D:I don't feel like I'm.
Speaker D:I'm where I'm supposed to be anyway, spiritually.
Speaker D:So I want to be as spiritually minded as I can be.
Speaker A:Amen.
Speaker D:I'm not worried about the.
Speaker D:How earthly good I am.
Speaker D:I want to be as earth.
Speaker D:I want to be as spiritual minded as I can be.
Speaker D:I Want to be as close to God as it takes.
Speaker D:I mean, my goodness, I used to say that phrase.
Speaker D:It's a.
Speaker D:What I call Christianese.
Speaker A:Yes, yes, it is.
Speaker A:That's exactly right.
Speaker D:You know, but now I decided that, no, I'm.
Speaker D:I'm just going to keep striving for the Lord, keep my spiritual mind going because I got to have the mind of Christ.
Speaker D:And then I don't want to dwell on the things of this world.
Speaker D:I want to dwell on the things what God has to offer down the road, you know?
Speaker A:Yes, that's exactly.
Speaker A:But that's exactly the point, isn't it?
Speaker A:Is that people are.
Speaker A:We get so caught up in trying to either leave a legacy, leave a monument, do whatever.
Speaker A:And it's like God's like going, there's going to be a new Earth.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:You know, we're not, we're not, we're not keeping this one.
Speaker A:I'm just letting everybody.
Speaker D:Let me get ready for the next one.
Speaker A:I'm not exactly right.
Speaker D:I mean, I'm already doing this one, so let me get ready for the next one.
Speaker D:Maybe I'll do better.
Speaker A:Exactly, exactly right, though.
Speaker A:That's your 100%.
Speaker A:And to be so, so spiritually minded means to be in fellowship with the Lord.
Speaker A:It's like, well, that's what I want.
Speaker D:Yeah, I got to get closer to God every day.
Speaker D:I mean, you know, and trust me, what we've been through here, but I've been.
Speaker D:You know what, David?
Speaker D:When I really think about it, going through stuff just, just develops you, makes you grow stronger.
Speaker D:You don't see it at the time, but after, after the test is kind of over, you kind of say, hey, you know, that I understand what's going on.
Speaker D:I see what you're up to.
Speaker D:God, you know, his.
Speaker D:And I said it the other day, his ways are above my way.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker D:I can't.
Speaker D:I cannot begin to fathom why God does the things the way he does it.
Speaker D:But in the end, it's out for those that love the Lord.
Speaker D:It works out for our good.
Speaker A:Amen.
Speaker D:And it always does work out for our good.
Speaker A:Always.
Speaker A:It always does.
Speaker A:It's guided.
Speaker A:See, the thing is, it's based on God's.
Speaker A:He knows we don't know.
Speaker A:And that's the thing is, like, we don't.
Speaker A:We're clueless.
Speaker A:And it's just like he knows.
Speaker A:That's why he does what he does.
Speaker D:But it's taken me 40 some years to figure, hey, you know what?
Speaker D:I'm still learning.
Speaker D:I'm still developing I'm still in training, you know, and he knows how much I can handle.
Speaker D:And, you know, I don't.
Speaker D:I don't always.
Speaker D:Hey, I always say I can't handle anymore.
Speaker D:Well, he gives me more to handle.
Speaker A:That's funny.
Speaker A:Don't say that then.
Speaker D:No, I.
Speaker D:No, I quit.
Speaker D:Yeah, I quit asking for patience, and I quit asking for strength.
Speaker D:Strength, you know, patience you need brings more trials and true relations and strength.
Speaker D:Strength that just.
Speaker D:That's just another one that, you know, you need more grace than strength.
Speaker A:That's very true, brother.
Speaker A:Very.
Speaker D:I need more grace.
Speaker D:I just need a bunch of grace.
Speaker A:I know.
Speaker A:I love it.
Speaker A:We're supposed to grow in grace.
Speaker A:That means we need more.
Speaker A:That's what it means.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker A:Amen, brother.
Speaker D:Challenges.
Speaker D:That's the word I was looking for.
Speaker D:When.
Speaker D:When you're asking for strength, God brings more challenges your way.
Speaker D:Yeah, challenges.
Speaker D:The word I'm looking for was challenges.
Speaker D:You know, he challenges us to.
Speaker D:To keep the faith, to trust in him, to the right in the Lord, you know, to find the delight in the Lord.
Speaker D:It's a curious thing, but when you meditate on the Lord, you can find the delight in it.
Speaker D:It's delightful to love the Lord.
Speaker D:It is really delightful.
Speaker D:It's not a chore.
Speaker D:No, it's just really a pleasant thing.
Speaker D:If you.
Speaker D:If you meditate and meditate on his Word, you can have delight in your life.
Speaker D:You don't have to.
Speaker D:Waller and misery.
Speaker D:You know, I've been in that boat where I wallowed in my misery.
Speaker D:And I turned myself around when I became a Christian and I started learning a new way of living.
Speaker D:I started living a divine life, a divine way of living, and.
Speaker D:Used to be a beggar, but now I'm a giver.
Speaker D:So I don't want to go back to the old way I was.
Speaker D:I want to stay in the development stage of my life and keep seeking God with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my strength, you know?
Speaker A:Amen.
Speaker D:And that's.
Speaker D:That's what I'm going to do.
Speaker A:Good.
Speaker A:That's a good word, brother.
Speaker A:Good job.
Speaker D:All right.
Speaker D:I love you guys.
Speaker D:Thanks for your prayers.
Speaker D:Thanks for being patient with me during my two weeks of rest and relaxation and, you know, morning.
Speaker D:Having a morning moment.
Speaker D:Morning.
Speaker D:My.
Speaker D:The lost my daughter.
Speaker D:It was very necessary that I took the two weeks off.
Speaker A:Amen.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker D:I had to do it.
Speaker A:Understood.
Speaker D:I'm good now.
Speaker D:I'm back on the ministry road.
Speaker D:I want to.
Speaker D:I want.
Speaker D:Maybe a bad way to say it, but I want to Drag as many people with me as I can.
Speaker A:That's a good way to say it.
Speaker A:Nice job, brother.
Speaker A:Very, very good.
Speaker A:We love you, man.
Speaker D:All right, we'll see you later.
Speaker A:All right, my brother.
Speaker A:God bless you.
Speaker D:Bye bye.
Speaker A:Bye bye.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:All right, let's finish up on this one little text because we only have a little bit of time.
Speaker A:I can't believe how fast this show goes sometimes.
Speaker A:I'm serious.
Speaker A:It's like, how could it be this almost over?
Speaker A:It's like five minutes.
Speaker A:All right, here we go.
Speaker A:All right, so we just did this.
Speaker A:Colossians 3:1.
Speaker A:Therefore, since you've been raised with Christ, seek, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Speaker A:Verse 2.
Speaker A:Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.
Speaker A:And then again, remember that.
Speaker A:Therefore, verse 3 says, for you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
Speaker A:So Paul gives the practicality.
Speaker A:And I've always loved this part about Colossians.
Speaker A:I happen to like the Colossians in the Greek the most.
Speaker A:Although I like the Berean Standard Bible.
Speaker A:It's become my favorite new translation.
Speaker A:But this Colossians three one, two, this whole thing is here.
Speaker A:Seek the things that are above.
Speaker A:Cool.
Speaker A:How do you do that?
Speaker A:Verse two, you set your mind on it, and like, there's no argument here.
Speaker A:There's nothing really can be said.
Speaker A:The way that you seek something is you set your mind to it.
Speaker A:So a hide and seek.
Speaker A:So somebody hides.
Speaker A:You what?
Speaker A:Seek.
Speaker A:You look for them, you pursue them.
Speaker A:It's like what's in your purview?
Speaker A:It's like, what?
Speaker A:Not your purview.
Speaker A:It's like what's in your front view.
Speaker A:And so Paul is saying you want to seek the things above.
Speaker A:In order to do that, you set your mind to them.
Speaker A:And how you can tell where you're at in this process.
Speaker A:I hate to say this, but I love you to say it, but I say it.
Speaker A:How you can tell where you're at in this process is by doing a quick inventory on what you let your thoughts dwell on.
Speaker A:It's true if your thoughts are on loss or discouragement or disparagement or if it's on finances, whatever.
Speaker A:You can really tell your diet and what's going on inside of you by what you're allowing to go between your left and right ear.
Speaker A:I mean, it is ultimately a whole nother Armageddon, since there's a war between the good and the evil that takes place between your left and right ear.
Speaker A:That's just a Reality all through Scripture.
Speaker A:But I want you to get this.
Speaker A:Our citizenship is not on Earth.
Speaker A:It's in heaven.
Speaker A:And so we're supposed to set our minds on heavenly things, not earthly ones.
Speaker A:And the reason we really have to be careful there is because if we set our mind on earthly things, you have to remember that the flesh contributes to the worldly things and the world system contributes to the worldly things.
Speaker A:And Satan contributes to the worldly things, which is why we have such leadership in a multitude of countries.
Speaker A:That is just whack a doodle.
Speaker A:You just look at it and go, what is wrong?
Speaker A:This isn't even close to godliness.
Speaker A:Right?
Speaker A:And that should tell you, listen, we will do what we can here now, between now and the trumpet blowing.
Speaker A:But we are not focusing on the earth and a bandaged or a repackaged earth.
Speaker A:We are looking for a new one.
Speaker A:I know that some of the people that are like, into the, you know, Earth Firsters, they are nuts.
Speaker A:It ain't going to matter.
Speaker A:They are wrong.
Speaker A:They don't believe God is real.
Speaker A:They are worshiping the creation more than the Creator.
Speaker A:It is going to turn out ugly and it is not going to matter.
Speaker A:Because Earth right now, from God's perspective, is his footstool.
Speaker A:The new one will be different.
Speaker A:The new heavens and the new Earth will be phenomenal.
Speaker A:So in order to seek it, we set our minds to it.
Speaker A:We give it that amount of mind time.
Speaker A:We're not talking about positive thinking.
Speaker A:We're talking about evaluating how much thinking is going on to things that do not connect to the kingdom and making sure that we're not so we're not diluting our kingdom thinking.
Speaker A:Don't dilute your kingdom thinking.
Speaker A:Get that?
Speaker A:Set your mind on things above.
Speaker A:Seek the things above where Christ is.
Speaker A:That's what he wants from us.
Speaker A:Like that seems like a good idea.
Speaker A:I don't know.
Speaker A:All right, we're not going to do history.
Speaker A:But the only good thing about history today was it was cherry pie day.
Speaker A:I'm just letting you know that was good.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:Hi, folks.
Speaker A:You've been listening to the David Spoon Experience right here on KWAM 770, the truth station here in Texas.
Speaker A:22 and a half hour break.
Speaker A:Then we'll come back, more insanity with Spoon Anity talk to you.
Speaker A:Then.
Speaker B:Just as I am, you reach down and seek me purchase my freedom.
Speaker B:Views and opinions expressed in the preceding program are those of its participants and do not necessarily reflect those of kaam, DJRD Broadcasting or its sponsors.