The David Spoon Experience Part 2 6-17-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) After we have done everything we have done. After we have done our best, prayed that it’s blessed, and tossed it up to Jesus to take care of the rest. After the prayers, tears, and fighting the fears. After our hearts and minds have emptied every ounce, we have. After the noise, after the silence, and after the extended worship moment between God and us. After all is said and done. The time has finally arrived to do the one last thing that must be done. It is the hardest thing to do. But we must do it. We must…WAIT! 2) As Christians, we point to the one distinguishing truth that separates us from all the other faiths, whether they are secular or pseudo-spiritual. We stand alone in the world with our reality, as every other spiritual quest fails to promise what we have been promised. It is THE resurrection. It is not A resurrection. It is THE resurrection. Many “A” resurrections have happened. In truth, this happened in both the Old and the New Testaments. But THE resurrection is the one with Jesus. We examine why it’s different for Him. And why is it different for us too?