The David Spoon Experience Part 2 6-16-2022
TOP SHOW...This 60-minutes is all about: 1) It’s a new day, new dawn, and a new chapter in the book of Acts. As we slide into chapter eight, we meet the early villain of the church. He will not stay a villain. In truth, he is almost the opposite of Judas. Judas appeared fine but proved to be the greatest traitor of all. Saul starts cruel but becomes one of the greatest encouragers of all. 2) A wave is how the Bible describes the persecution that launches against the church. It was dramatic and relentless. I used to bodyboard in La Cachina, California. As a novice. I would go out, where the waves were 8 feet, and try to catch a ride. I often missed them. And one big wave after another would come smacking down hard upon me. Sometimes, I was pushed way under the water. Imagine if persecution was like that. It was like that for the early church. Do we still want to be like the early church? 3) Back to Saul, the monster. He was focused on destroying the church. Not by eliminating prayer in school. But by arresting believers and throwing them in jail because they were believers. Biblical perecution is not inconvineint, in devestating. It’s not just immoral; it’s life-threatening. So they were dragged out of their houses and were locked away in jail. Tough stuff. But this is what led to “The Spread.”