The David Spoon Experience 9-6-23 Part 2
1) More than 25 years ago, our forefathers, whoops, wrong thing. More than 25 years ago, I had the privilege of preaching this message. I want to share it with you. There’s nothing revelatory or illuminating in it. It is a strong reminder for us to get it together from the divine perspective. Here's the truth of the matter. When we look at things, we look at things from our point of view. That’s cute, but hardly ever right. What we need to do is have a change of mind, a repentance of sorts, in order to see it the right way.
2) We examine four different stories that will help us understand that when we see things, we need t use the right coordinates, or we will be off track and off the path. It’s very simple. Go up to an elephant from the north. Go up to an elephant from the South. Go up to an elephant from the east. Go up to an elephant from the West. Three out of the four will be entirely out of whack with the others.
3) What we’re going to examine is how you and I reach the divine perspective. How do we walk in what it is that God is seeing versus what it is that we see? How do we switch our mindset so that we can see it more from heaven’s point of view? The answer will completely surprise you primarily because it has less to do with us than we think.
4) As we close this message out, I have to say that this might be one of the most important points for Christians to understand. Many people will say I got saved, I guess those first so many years were a complete waste of time. That is incorrect. It took those prior years to get you to the place where you could be saved.