The David Spoon Experience 9-5-23 Part 2
1) In the book of Galatians, as we reflect on the teachings of Paul, I begin to understand why God made this the first book that I ever read, even when I wasn’t fully where I needed to be in His kingdom. Statements like Galatians, chapter three, verse 26 help me get a better grasp of faith and its power. Paul straightforwardly says, “You are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.” He does not say you are all children of God. He says you are children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. That’s the difference. That’s the justification part.
2) The very next verse is the sanctification part. It clearly states that everyone united with Christ in baptism has been made like Jesus. The whole process of being made like Jesus is the sanctification process. This is the part where God pronounces you righteous, and now he’s making you look righteous. Baptism is the entry point into that sanctification process because baptism is the death of us as the old man and the beginning of the new man. It is symbolic in the context that it connects us to Jesus, and it helps us let go of the past and move forward in God. That’s what the purpose of the baptism experience is. NEW.
3) However, we must take exceedingly high levels of exception to the idea of universal salvation when it says, “No, there is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave nor free, male nor female.” Some people use this passage to say that everyone is saved. That is absolutely a lie from the pit of Hell. It says we are all one, and there is no longer any difference if we are in Christ Jesus. Everyone who tries to claim that everyone is equal and the same without being in Christ Jesus is exactly what the Galatians were being …foolish and unintelligent about it.
4) But today, we get to end this on a happy note because, through our faith, we are heirs of all the promises that God made to Abraham. So how cool is this? By your faith in Jesus Christ, by my faith in Jesus Christ, we are all heirs of the promises that God made to Abraham. Those promises are ours; those promises are steadfast and sure as long as we maintain our faith. Amen.