The David Spoon Experience 9-25-23 part 1
A) Paul continues his instructions to Timothy on how to approach ordaining someone for ministry. He advises Timothy not to lay hands on anyone too hastily or share in other people's sins but to keep himself pure. The haste element refers to ordaining someone before they have proven they are prepared for the position.
B) Paul pauses in his thoughts and advises Timothy to no longer drink only water, but to use a little wine for his frequent infirmities or stomach aches. Wine was considered medicinal, and Paul was not advising Timothy to drink wine to excess, but rather as a means of relieving stress and for its medicinal properties. An NO, it was not grape juice.
C) Paul returns to his original thought and notes that some men's sins are evident before anything goes forward, and those people should not be ordained. Other people's sins may manifest afterward, but ultimately, they will be revealed (just like Everyone’s sins will be revealed) because they cannot be hidden.
D) Paul then shifts Timothy's focus to the social elements, specifically the relationship between bondservants and their masters. This relationship is closer to that of employer-employee than it is to the American slavery problem. Paul advises Timothy to ensure that the bond servants' behavior towards their masters is honorable and respectful. If the master is a brother in the Lord, then the bondservant must go the extra mile to be a blessing, an encouragement, and a help to their brother.