The David Spoon Experience 9-22-23 part 2
1) Hold on my good friends…how is it acceptable for us to understand that EVERYTHING is already set for God’s Purpose, without us understanding what is taking place? It’s simpler than we are willing to admit. God knows everything. And in the Garden of Eden, the sinners (Adam and Eve) tried to find equality. Even though they ate for the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they did not eat from the Tree of Omniscience. So, take heed.
2) We all have heard: “Birds of a feather, flock together.” When the Bible teaches us to not associate with others, it doesn’t mean that you can’t say …HI! It means that you can’t plant yourself in their soil. Let’s try to understand what this means: Connecting with unbelievers is great. Communion is something altogether different.
3) Others: Oh no! Does this mean that we should be careful how OUR FREEDOM or “anything else” affects other people, specifically other believers? YES, Yes, yes. But does this mean that we should be careful around others who don’t know us? YES, Yes, and yes. Look, nobody in front of you is condemning you. But that does not mean you can sue your liberty to “stretch” someone else. Don’t dump your okey dokey on someone else. That’s fair enough.
4) This is a daily prayer. Every day I ask God for help in this specific arena. That my “THOUGHTS” would be acceptable to HIM. I love the KJV in this text. And I pray for it EVERY day. Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. Look, I know that my desire is to think Godly, but only by His grace can I ever hope to do so. Amen.