The David Spoon Experience 7-28-23 Part 1
A) The passage in Hebrews talks about God being the Judge. Let's understand why this is exceedingly important. It's not that you and I can never make any form of judgment. That's not accurate or even close to the teachings of Jesus. But we can't make hypocritical judgments. We certainly are not permitted to give a final eternal judgment. The reason is simple: Only God knows all the facts regarding somebody who faces eternity. Only God knows the actual truth as to whether somebody at some point said yes, even without anybody else knowing. That's why the final judgment is left up to God and God alone.
B) To the spirits of righteous people made perfect.
Catch this; righteous people are righteous, but they are not perfect. Only God is perfect. Even the most righteous person is not perfect. Because from Jesus Christ, perfection is imputed unto us. The truth is that as righteous as somebody is, they will never be perfect. There will always be some form of stain. The difference is that only God can make the stain disappear. Nobody else can.
C) To Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.
This is the key to the entire book of Hebrews. Jesus is the mediator of the New Covenant. There is an Old Covenant, and there is a New Covenant. And the NEW is through Jesus Christ, and only through Jesus Christ, and nobody and nowhere else. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man comes to the Father but through me.”
D) A classic portion of scripture: to the blood of Jesus, which speaks something better than the blood of Abel. The blood of Jesus speaks forgiveness; the blood of Abel speaks justice. The irony is that we are told in the scriptures that it is the blood of Jesus that speaks something better than the blood of Abel. Forgiveness is better than justice. Tell that to Mr. Sharpton and the other crazy culture kids!