The David Spoon Experience 7-27-23 Part 2
1) In the book of Acts, we reach a significant moment where Paul delivers a pivotal speech about the proclamation of the gospel. He emphasizes that the God they worship is not a deity crafted by human hands nor a product of imagination formed from wood, stone, nature, or any other material. In fact, he passionately defends the notion that God is the giver of life and of breath to all things.
2) This particular juncture calls for a stern correction for those who perceive themselves as entitled. It is crucial to understand that no person on this planet is entitled to anything. The only individual who ever possessed entitlement was Jesus, owing to his sinless nature. Consequently, justice was rightfully due to him. However, beyond this truth, no one can claim entitlement. Every breath, past, present, and future, is a gracious gift from God, not a deserved reciprocation. Individuals who adopt an entitlement mentality or adhere to entitled or woke ideologies are entirely adrift from biblical and godly truth.
3) Another astounding truth that Paul highlights is that God is the ultimate satisfier of every genuine need for mankind. These needs do not encompass worldly, fleshly, or satanic desires but rather righteous necessities. God, as the Creator, provides everything essential for His creation. However, if the creation rejects their Creator, they will face the consequences.
4) Paul does not stop there; he continues his declaration, ensuring that everyone comprehends that it is God who establishes boundaries. Despite popular belief that these boundaries are determined by humanity, political systems, personal wisdom, and wars, the truth remains that God is the ultimate authority who delineates the positioning of every nation—past, present, and future. He does so with HIS clear purpose in mind.
5) The purpose is to draw people towards Him, encouraging them to seek Him and reach out to Him. God extends His hand to all of humanity, and He is not distant from any of us. He bestows His grace so that mankind will pursue a relationship with Him. When individuals reject Him, they ultimately insult their Creator in the gravest manner.