The David Spoon Experience 7-17-23 Part 2
1) We have finally reached the portion in the book of Job where there is a response after two fantastic chapters and 29 less fantastic chapters. So far in this story, we have encountered various characters: God, the devil, the angels, Job, his wife, his children, his laborers, and his three friends, who were, in fact, miserable comforters. Now, we are introduced to a new character named Elihu.
2) He is younger and therefore speaks from a different level of experience, but he is less bitter, so his speech carries a greater sense of purity. In the more accurate translations, it states that Job justified himself rather than God. This made Elihu angry, as well as the inability of Job's three friends to answer him, yet they still condemned Job. In a sense, they functioned in condemnation without proper verification.
3) I want to emphasize this point because the real sin in the situation was Job's attempt to evaluate why he had gone through everything he experienced. He claimed his righteousness as the reason he should not have suffered. Ironically, it was Job's righteousness that brought this upon him.
4) He remained faithful to the Lord, and the Lord intended to demonstrate and affirm that. In the end, God won the battle and shoved it into the enemy’s face because Job did not curse God. But he still has some explaining to do. Just like we do.