The David Spoon Experience 7-17-23 Part 1
A) As we finish the qualifications in 1st Timothy, Chapter 3, we see that the deacons are declared as people who have a good standing in the faith and great boldness in the faith. The good standing has to do with their position amongst other believers in their fellowship. The boldness of their faith has to do with their willingness to share and to be a Christian witness outside of the fellowship. It’s an excellent way to say that a deacon represents Jesus Christ in and out of the church.
B) As Paul writes this letter, he desires to come and see Timothy shortly. But Paul is well aware that his plans are not always God’s plans Even as an exceptional Apostle. It just does not work that way. So, he lets Timothy know. I sure hope I can come and see you, but if I don’t, I’m writing to let you know how things should be in the church. It would do all of us well to heed Paul’s humility relating to where he’s going and what he’s going to be more in the Lord’s hands than in his.
C) And here comes one of the Great Foundational statements of the entire Bible. It is often missed, and it should not be. And for churches that have forgotten this, they should go back to this. Paul tells Timothy how they ought to conduct themselves in the House of God, which is the Church of the living God and the PILLAR and the GROUND of the TRUTH. It’s not the culture that tells us the truth. It’s not the government that tells us the truth. It’s not the educational systems that tell us the truth. It is the church, as declared by Jesus Christ through His Word that tells us the truth Everything else is a lie.