The David Spoon Experience 5-30-23 Part 1
A) Into the wonderful world of Matthew, Chapter 11, we go. We first notice that after Jesus gives the disciples instructions, the scripture teaches us that He went off teaching and preaching throughout the country. Jesus didn’t just send the disciples. He also participated by doing it at the same time.
B) We come to a significantly important element between John the Baptist and Jesus. The loyal servant John has done an excellent job and fulfilled his ministry. He’s in prison, waiting to die. But he wants to know, are you the Messiah? Are you the one we’ve been looking for? Even John was waiting for Roman deliverance.
C) Jesus replies by demonstrating that the Kingdom of God has come unto the common people. The fulfillment of the Isaiah passage in 61 has been manifested in His ministry, and He is indeed the Messiah who was to come. Just not the Messiah that everybody was looking for or wanted. Not a military Messiah… in the flesh.
D) Here is one line that cannot be escaped. For people that are woke, pc, me too, reparations, mother earth folks, cradle-to-grave people, and secularists. And ALSO Christians who don’t want to take their eternity very seriously. Jesus said, blessed are those who are not offended by Me. Did Jesus offend people continually? YES! Jesus gives the clue to those who are His. It’s people who are not offended by Jesus or by the people of Jesus.