The David Spoon Experience 5-25-23 Part 2
1) As we are at the midpoint of the big meeting of the Church of Jerusalem, regarding how things go in the church at large. We come to an interesting statement in verse 19. James says. We should stop troubling the Gentiles who turn to God. I wish the denominations would emblazon this on the front of all their material. What this means is to stop adding to different believers, the things that believers themselves are personalizing in their walk unless it’s a non-negotiable. James states, “We don’t need to drop anything more on their heads.” Yes, that’s my paraphrase.
2) In order to verify everything is as they say it is, they’re going to send a letter. The letter is coming from the apostles, the elders, and the whole church in Jerusalem. I think that’s important to note that everybody was involved. It wasn’t just the apostles. It wasn’t just the elders. It was everybody in the church. Everybody together looked at this and recognized, Wow, God has granted salvation to the Gentiles. Let’s not try and make this any harder than it already is.
3) The letter concludes with two very significant points. This decision has been unanimous. Unanimously agreed upon. If anybody has been in church for more than two weeks, you know that any unanimously agreed upon decision is semi-miraculous. The other element he points out is that the official representatives carry this letter. In the negative sense, that shows that people who are not official representatives often come. That’s what scripture warns against. So we need to all be aware.