The David Spoon Experience 5-15-23 Part 2
1) As we head towards the end of the Job Kvetch-Fest, I just want to say how proud I am of everybody for enduring with me as we’ve gone through This. Here we are in Chapter 24, nailing down a pretty amazing principle. This is the principle of challenging God’s wisdom (which most Christians do on a regular basis) without calling it challenging God’s wisdom. We often speak as if we could do better or do it differently than God.
2) I want to take a moment in this section to talk about spiritual warfare because it is a classic statement from Job about evil people moving the boundary markers. That is exactly correct in the world and in the worldly, and in the flesh and in the fleshly, but even more so true in the demonic and with Satan himself. There’s a lot of stealing going on, a lot of lying, a lot of cheating and a lot of moving the boundaries. Even for what's now acceptable in society, it has Satanic origins.
3) If we take a gander back to the beginning of Genesis, we understand there’s a distinction between light and darkness. Light is. Light is good. Jesus is the light of the world. But mankind chose darkness because of the rebellious nature that is in us. As distinct as light and dark are, that distinction is being made by God (even now), between believers and unbelievers. That has always been the case, regarding those who are sanctified, holy, and set apart. It can be summed up as being distinctive from the rest. That’s what makes people God’s property. That’s you.