The David Spoon Experience 4-20-23 Part 2
1) We are merely human beings like yourselves. Wow. Don’t you wish that all of the people in front of the ministry, the ones on stage, would sit this a little more often? Pastor Kurt, from Stillwater, does a great job of this. But not many live in the humble. I would tend to listen and review with much greater intensity if the people speaking would remember that the division of true excellence is between Heaven and earth and by thirty or forty feet from the pulpit to the pew.
2) He never left Himself without a witness. Again, wow. We must remember that God will give everybody a fair shake to respond to his witness. Not every witness is the same. That is because not every person is not the same. But God knows what each person needs. And He will never fail to witness to His truth. A person under a lamb is a sign of righteousness in a godless nation. And the leading atheist has asked why God is so hard to find. That is because it takes faith to see.
3) And here is how flakey people are. In one moment, the people can hardly restrain themselves from offering sacrifices to Paul and Barnabas. They thought of the two messengers and ministers as God walking amongst them. After a few well-placed lies and deceptions, the people turned from believing that these two were gods to believing that they were goons. From gods to goons in the blink of a lie.