The David Spoon Experience 4-13-23 Part 2
1) As we go through Chapter 14 in the book of acts, we find Paul and Barnabas in Lystra and in Derbe. Become upon a man who is crippled in his feet. The tragedy is that this man has been this way from birth. So, if you consider this context, this man has never walked. But one thing he was able to do, and that was to listen. He listened intensely as Paul preached. What do we know about Paul preaching? We know it was about Jesus.
2) Now, here is an angle on ministry that we don’t often hear about. As Paul was preaching and teaching, He noticed something. He noticed the person who was crippled. He also realized that he had faith to be healed. Was this a natural gift? Most likely not. This is Paul operating in ministry and realizing that a person that’s listening to him has opened their hearts to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for the glory of God, the Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
3) And then the scripture says Paul whispered. Just kidding. And then the scripture says that Paul called to him with a loud voice. And the man jumped and the man started walking. These are two things that this man had never done before. And when the people around them saw what was happening, They started shouting and screaming. What a moment to witness. But…