The David Spoon Experience 4-13-23 Part 1
A) The truth is that there is Good News for us to rejoice in. The trouble is that those who cannot, will not, or do not receive the Good News will be perishing. The Gospel cannot be seen by those heading in the wrong eternal direction. They “can” turn to God and find eternal life. But as it sits, those who don’t get it (or want to get it) can’t see it.
B) What? Is there a god of this world? Not on the same par as the Lord God. Here, the term means a “mini-god” or a lesser being. Those who worship satan will find out soon enough. The minds of those who WON’T believe are blinded so that they do not have the vision. Two big things here: The Gospel is seen as Light. The blinding by the enemy is pictured as darkness. This is spiritual warfare.
C) The second big thingy is that the glory of Jesus Christ is the image of God. Stop trying to lessen or reduce Jesus. Hebrews 1:3 states, The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His nature, upholding all things by His powerful word.
D) This Gospel is not about how great we are. It is not about how great our lives are. It’s not about the fun and whimsy of the Christian journey. It’s all about the glory of Jesus Christ.