The David Spoon Experience 3-5-24 part 2
1) Romans 2:25 makes it clear that circumcision has a value “IF” there is a serious commitment to keep the Laws in an earnest attempt to honor God. HOWEVER, let’s be real. The sign of circumcision (which clearly illustrates too much flesh) is accessed by many, but useless to many as well. It’s the same as claiming that a person is a Christian but does not know Jesus. However, they visit one of His many houses, at least twice a year.
2) The reality in the framework off The Scripture is that if a person is keeping the Laws of God without being circumcised, they are more so faithful then those who are circumcised, but care nothing for God’s commands. They, even though being uncircumcised, are functioning truer to God then those who think the ceremony alone is sufficient.
3) Then the Apostle Paul drops a New Testament truth that shakes the Old Covenant people to their core. “You” referring to the audience in Rome of Jewish and Non-Jewish believers, are not an authentic or true Jew because your parents are born Jewish. The truth is that a person is not the faith of ANYTHING because their parents are born that way. Lineage does not guarantee perpetuation of faith or character.
4) A TRUE Jew is one who is defined as having their heart right with God. A TRUE Jew with a true circumcision is not bound to the male gender. True circumcision, in the eyes of God is one that the Holy Spirit performs on a faithful believer’s heart. BTW: The mother is not the key to pedigree. Ask the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.
5) And then the Apostle Paul pushes a new reality on the saints. Do we want to know if we are Spiritually Circumcised, whether we are male of female? The answer is simple. When we, as follows of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are genuine, we seek to please the Lord god Almighty and not people. Are we people pleasers? Don’t be.