The David Spoon Experience 3-21-24 part 1
A) We return to Jude, verse 4, where we’ve already learned that we need to defend the faith once and for all delivered to the Saints. The weapons of our warfare are not worldly, but mighty through God. They are spiritual weapons. Jude explains this warfare by informing us that certain men have infiltrated the church unnoticed, bringing with them harmful influences and evil teachings.
B) Astonishingly, these individuals have already been marked for condemnation. They are destined to face judgment for sowing seeds of discord, lies, and false teachings. In today’s age, it’s not hard to identify those who speak in the name of God, yet create discord, spread falsehoods, and propagate false teachings about Jesus. Such individuals are prevalent across various media platforms.
C) One of the primary false teachings propagated by these individuals is the misuse of God’s grace as a license for immorality. In simple terms, they devalue God’s grace. Their theory is that they can act as they please and then simply claim grace. This approach not only opens them up to a life of sin but also places them in complete denial of Jesus Christ. Such actions will not go unpunished. Are they saved? No.