The David Spoon Experience 3-20-24 part 2
1) As you may know, I have a fondness for revisiting older sermons, defining "older" as anything beyond 12 months. My perspective is simple: Jesus often preached on the same subject multiple times, and there is no better example to emulate. Today's message will focus on the promises of God. We will define what a promise is from both academic and biblical perspectives, and then explore the different types of promises, some of which are conditional, while others are not.
2) It's crucial to understand that we encounter God's promises in our lives. For those who doubt this, they likely haven't read the Bible. The promises God made to everyone, from Adam to Zechariah (or from A to Z), are exactly what they seem. God makes a promise to a person, and that person has the opportunity to see that promise fulfilled. But a promise “can be” connected to whether a person walks in faith and obedience. Sometimes, God makes a personal promise to us, which is different from the promises God has made in the Bible. However, the Bible is absolutely correct, but our ability to discern God's voice can sometimes be challenging.
3) The key to remembering promises from God is understanding that they are not fickle. God doesn't make a promise and then change His mind. He doesn't say, "I'm going to do this for you," and then decide otherwise the next day because He had a bad sleep. The promises of God are steadfast and reliable. We need to find comfort in these promises because both biblical and personal promises are powerful assurances and commitments of God's goodness, mercy, and grace.
4) When God's promises are unconditional, it means they cannot be changed. There is nothing that can alter what God has committed to in any capacity, anywhere, at any time. We must remember God's reliability to understand the reliability of His promises. I'll say it plainly because I care for everyone and want to be honest with myself: when God makes a promise, He isn't fickle about it, unlike us.