The David Spoon Experience 3-2-23 Part 2
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1) Then John Mark left them. Uh oh. This is the same guy who was related to Barnabas. Barnabas is the guy that went to the mat for Saul, who will become Paul. John Mark was a part of the team. Remember Acts 12:25, which states, “Taking John Mark with them.” Now, only less than 12 months later, John Mark is jumping ship. This is a key event for the future of the church. Not for any other reason but that John Mark and the Apostle Peter connect. God does things without telling His Apostles about it, just like it happens to you and me.
2) Brothers, if you have a word of encouragement. Certainly, Saul preached a fiery message. He was all about fire and brimstone. But only when the occasion called for it. And NO, it is not ALWAYS called for. YES, there are times to let the fire burn. But wisdom is the key. And Jesus’s teachings range from “You will burn forever in Hell” to “God so loved the world in this way that He gave His only Son for their salvation.” The type of message has a great deal to do with being led by the Holy Spirit (example).
3) Then, the history of Israel comes into play. Saul does a masterful job of connecting with his audience. His audience is the people of Israel, the Jews and the Gentiles who fear God. God loves Israel. And He hates those who hate Israel (Gen. 12:3). There is NO middle ground. A person is either on God’s side or not!