The David Spoon Experience 3-17-23 Part 2
1) This DDD is about pushing through the yuck that is either all around us or even within us. It’s not worth playing theological games at this point It’s about living in the top more than on the bottom. There is a personal Armageddon as well as the massive upcoming Armageddon. Both battles involve territory. However, one of them is personal.
2) Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Why do the birds go on singing? Why do the stars glow above? Yes…these are lyrics from an old song. But there is a reason for things happening, even if they are difficult to understand or heartbreaking. God also develops happenings that are positive and a blessing, that have their basis in His love. But there is an effective approach to finding out the reason. We examine.
3) Did you ever play Monopoly? If you pass “GO,” you collect $200.00. Get past the GO and get the reward. Yep. That’s similar to the Lord saying to His followers, “Therefore go…” in Matthew 28:19. Whenever we GO for the Lord, we may not have all the plans prior, but we know that the Lord travels with us. We don’t know what’s around the corner, but we can know WHO is around the corner.