The David Spoon Experience 2-9-23 Part 2
1) Chapter 13 of the Book of Acts is a shift of focus towards Saul, who becomes Paul. A destroyer of the church becomes one of the most potent builders of the church. Five people are identified as profits and teachers. No, a prophet and a teacher are not the same. They are distinct positions when we review Ephesians Chapter 4, verse 11. These five are not the only influential people in the church, as they are identified as coming out of the Church of Antioch.
2) After a time of worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said. OK, here’s a massive key for all of us who want to hear the voice of the Lord. Of course, the definitive voice of the Lord comes from the word of the Lord. The BIBLE is the book. It is the standard and the plum line. But to think that the Holy Spirit doesn’t speak to people is simply foolishness. The wisdom here is to see how they heard the voice of the Holy Spirit. After worship and fasting. Hint, hint.
3) It turns out that there was a special work for Paul and Barnabas to do. We see that revealed as we journey through the remainder of the Book of Acts. Specifically, Paul is in focus. Keep in mind that Luke is the author. But what is impressive is what they did AFTER being told there was something to do. It was followed by more fasting and prayer—hint, hint, hint, hint.