The David Spoon Experience (1000) 2-10-23 Part 2
1000 SHOWS
1) Let’s make sure that we are on the same page. Numbers are numbers. They are not racist. Neither is the alphabet or snow that falls from the sky. But numbers can be used to twist the truth. How? By people who are liars, lying about numbers. Remember Mark Twain’s “'There are three kinds of lies: lies, darn lies, and statistics.” So let’s not falsely use numbers. Instead, let’s review the actual numbers that are in the Bible. Perhaps they can give us some insight.
2) There are so many signs that Jesus did. What the Gospels do is amazing in that they share so many stories from four different authors with such outstanding consistency. The idea that four people could see a two-hour movie and come up with the same conclusions and reviews is meniscal. The idea that four people could share the events of the Messiah, over three and a half years, and have ANY continuity, is miraculous. But what was written was written for Humanity. And what was recorded can help people find true life in Jesus.
3) Loving God first is still first. By this, I mean that the idea of loving God is evident in the first three of the ten commandments and the two summation commandments from Jesus. Denial, denial, love Me, love Me, and love Me. But there is one “secret sauce” inside this terrific story. And when we see it, we rejoice.