The David Spoon Experience 2-8-24 part 1
A) In 2 Corinthians chapter 13:1, Paul points out that he has brought up this issue multiple times to the church of Corinth. He then quotes Deuteronomy chapter 19, verse 15, which states that every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. This means that one eyewitness is not enough, and two or three witnesses are preferred to establish a matter. This is another reason why Jesus sent them out two by two.
B) Here is Paul at his harshest when he tells the church at Corinth, “I warned you twice before. So now I'm going to have to deal with those who have sinned directly. I don't want you to be fooled. Everybody who is involved in these forms of sin is going to get called out.” It's worth noting that nobody does anything or says anything, or thinks anything that escapes God's notice.
C) The apostle then goes on to say, "Since you are demanding that Christ is speaking through me, I'm telling you now. He is not weak in dealing with you but powerful.” Because Jesus loves us, he won't let us get away with the things that we think we should get away with. Too many Christians think that because they're following the Lord, they should get a pass on some of the other things they do that are contrary to Jesus. Guess who disagrees with that? Jesus.
D) The point is made that Jesus was crucified in weakness. But after that crucifixion, he ascended to the greatest authority and power of all. And Paul makes a comparison: while the servants of God are weak in and of themselves, in God himself, there is plenty of power. And lest anybody miss the point, the power that we have from God is not designed to cut people down, but, in fact, it is to serve people.