The David Spoon Experience 2-7-24 part 2
1) Hey, crime stoppers! We're at the beginning of the year, and it's time to raise our level of expectation for what this new year will bring. What God will do with us, for us, and to us, all because He loves us. We need to move our expectations from a six to a nine so we can see the works of God in our lives.
2) There is nothing new or old about this message. What that means is that it applies to our past, our present, and our future. The first thing that we are going to talk about is understanding that God has a new land for you and me in 2024. There is something new and special that God has designed for us this year. The question is: can we believe it?
3) We don't know exactly what the future will bring, but we can know exactly HIM who brings the future. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He makes us a promise that our future has good in store for us. The new things the Lord might bring us could be new locations and faces, new professions, a closer walk with Him, divine appointments, kingdom work, the realization of hopes, finding purpose, greater financial opportunities, or even greater periods of quiet and rest. But all of these, under the hand of God, are good things. So we can expect good things, And if we believe, then great things are coming.
4) We know that there will be obstacles in our walk. There always have been, and there always will be, until the fullness of redemption, the glorification process of our salvation. We need to make a decision as to how we're going to handle the disappointments that come our way until we reach our goals. We will offer up two substantial keys to standing fast in the Lord while we await the fullness of victory. One of these keys will be answering a significant question. The other key will be functioning in a significant principle. By these, we shall prevail in the Lord.