The David Spoon Experience 2-29-24 part 1
A) As we conclude Second Corinthians, we pick it up at verse 10. Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed that the New Testament writers often explain why they write what they do. Their purpose is to ensure that even when they are absent, the truth remains clear. Paul conveys this message to the church in Corinth.
B) The apostle Paul then carefully explains why God has granted him authority in the Word and in the truth. His purpose is straightforward: to build people up rather than tear them down. Throughout my 45 years of Christianity, I’ve witnessed countless instances where the Word of God was preached either to uplift or to harm. The principle is simple: if someone teaches with laughter and mockery, they lack true Christian worth. However, those who weep while teaching are more aligned with the spirit of Jesus.
C) The conclusion in Second Corinthians is one of rejoicing. First and foremost, we are called to rejoice. And Paul emphasizes it again: rejoice. While perfection may remain elusive, we should strive for it. Encourage one another, maintain unity, and live in peace. These are God’s desires, and if we pursue them, He promises to be with us.
D) Concluding this letter, we encounter a powerful text regarding the Holy Spirit. We begin with the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which represents unmerited favor. Next, we acknowledge the love of God the Father, surpassing our worthiness. Finally, we recognize the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Scripture commands us to fellowship with the Holy Spirit, even though some may fear it. Don’t fear the Counselor.