The David Spoon Experience 2-28-24 part 2
1) We begin with a return to the very first topic I addressed on the radio during my demo show before embarking on my radio career. This topic pertains to Christianity and poses a simple, straightforward question: "What is Christianity all about?" Many perceive it as a religion or a crutch, among other things. However, the real question that will determine people's eternities is their response to "What is Christianity all about?" and "Who is Jesus?"
2) Before we can appreciate any good news, we must first understand the bad news. The bad news is that we are all sinners. Our sins have separated us from God and brought death and disease into our lives and our planet. There is no escaping this bad news. The disobedience of Adam and Eve is ingrained in our nature because we all descend from Adam and Eve. Once they fell and rebelled, that rebellious DNA was passed on to us.
3) However, this bad news is accompanied by an incredible dose of good news. This good news is what Jesus Christ proclaimed as the good news of the Kingdom of God. The good news is that there is an answer to the bad news. Ironically, the Gospel is the answer to our self-destructive lives and the solution to reconcile us with God.
4) We will take a few minutes to review what Christianity is not. Contrary to what many people think, it's not a secret club with secret handshakes. Being a Christian currently puts a target on your back because there are more worldly people than followers of The Way. However, God's armies are with us, so we are in greater power and in numbers than them.
5) People need to understand that Christianity is not about following a series of rules and regulations, nor is it about wearing a special badge. It's about having the seal of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds, given to us through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ and granted to us by the love of the Father. This is about a living relationship with a living God. Anything else diminishes the value of Jesus Christ's sacrifice and His resurrection.