The David Spoon Experience 2-28-23 Part 2
Outstanding Show (:
1) I like gifts. Sorry. I know that I am not supposed to admit it, but I do. Now, the truth must be told. I don’t like ALL gifts. I like gifts that I think are cool or awesome. I love gifts that fill a need I have. God is a gift.
2) No compromise by Keith Green was (and is) one of my favorite songs. One of the lines in it states, “I want more than Sundays and Wednesday nights. Because if you can’t come to me every day, then don’t bother coming at all.” I know that sounds brutal. But only to humans who have no serious connection to Jesus. The premise of the so should be our anthem for Christian living. When we bargain in our faith, instead of standing firm in our faith, we show that we are loving Jesus a little bit less at that moment.
3) Once we are firm in the faith, with no compromise to satan, secular, sin or self, we are free to engage in theologies. There has been a difference of opinion regarding the theology of free will and predestination for a bazillion years. OK, not a bazillion, but for a long time. At this point, it demonstrates more of a pride issue as opposed to how great both of these theologies are. We pick a side, and we stick with it. And we are right, no matter what anybody else says. Even God. That’s how arrogant people can be. But the Lord is patient with us. And instead of trying to win the argument, perhaps we can expand our insights into the Lord.