The David Spoon Experience 2-15-24 part 2
1) I must admit I appreciate that Paul argued with the Lord. It's not right to argue with God, but it's more common than we admit. When Jesus gave a command, Paul responded with "But Lord," which is a polite way of expressing a differing opinion. However, Jesus' word always prevails. This is a recounting of a past experience by Paul, leaving no room for misinterpretation.
2) I find joy in revisiting scripture that resonates with me, so I'd like to revisit our discussion from last week on Acts 22:19. I must admit I appreciate that Paul argued with the Lord. It's not right to argue with God, but it's more common than we admit. When Jesus gave a command, Paul responded with "But Lord," which is a polite way of expressing a differing opinion. However, Jesus' word always prevails. This is a recounting of a past experience by Paul, leaving no room for misinterpretation.
3) In his recounting, Paul mentions that Jesus said, "I'm sending you to the Gentiles." In our society, certain words can trigger strong reactions, and this was true even 2000 years ago. The crowd reacted strongly upon hearing the word "Gentiles." It's worth noting that it was Jesus who used this word, proving that even He used words that would trigger people.
4) Finally, when questioned, Paul confirmed his citizenship by birth, while the commander admitted that his citizenship had come at a high cost. This reflects the biblical principle that citizenship is not an earned right for those outside the country, a point reiterated multiple times in the Word of God. Citizenship in every land is costly for foreigners. Think about those who aren’t citizens of Heaven. Good point, Dave.